Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Checking in on day 423 AF.

Hope you’re all doing well.


Day 186. Back at work today. Just doing 9_3. Not a bad day ahead. Christmas wasn’t as bad or hard as I thought not drinking. People were happy to have a designated taxi service :slight_smile:


I’ve reset myself this week to two days sober, I nursed a glass of sherry I know it was less than a unit of alcohol but I have to be honest with myself, otherwise I will rationalize having two or three units then I’ll be back to square one.


So what made you decide to have that glass Garry? You knew this before you had it right? Congrats on two days. One day at a time for all of us.


I don’t know what made me have it, I didn’t want it, I’m glad I nursed the drink so I didn’t feel the effect of it


You had it anyway. Might be helpful to reflect on that a bit. Some part of you wanted it. I guess it’s the addicted part of your brain that did. Sneaky lying bastard it is.


Good morning everyone! My daily check in. I’m at 50 hours sober. I have been at work all night. Most of the effects of my last my LAST binge are gone. I still want to peel my skin off and I still have some tongue sores but they are much better than 24 hours ago. I am hit with real tiredness however. I just want to sleep but I do work two jobs and my down time is coming after another 48 hours. I have not had a craving in the past 14 hours which is really leaving me on guard and very vigilant. It will come, I have been here way too many times to know it won’t. I am riding around with my journal at my side and taking good notes of the cravings what brought them on the triggers and what I’m doing to fight them. Guys I’m sober and I want to be sober. I want this more than anything. I do not want to look back and won’t. For some reason I feel enlightened in a very small way that I know somehow that I just relapsed the last time. There is something that is pulling me this time to know this is going to work and I really want it. That saying I am being so dang vigilant. At 50 hours I know my mind is weak, my body is tired and I’m vulnerable. I might very well be checking in again later today if I need to. I’m ready for another 24 hits of sobriety. Thanks everyone for the positive words yesterday. One minute at a time and taking life as it is with true serenity is my theme of the day.


Well done @Shatteredsoul you can do this Joshua!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 1,293 clean and sober I think? Lol I will have to wait for @Nordique to check in to make sure I have the right count :rofl:

Fell asleep in the recliner after I ate dinner and woke up around 10:30 pm. Went to bed and had horrible nightmares again but I’m ok. Today is my Friday and I am looking forward to going to the mountains tomorrow to take a much needed hike in the forest. Love that shit!

Proud of everyone here, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 52! Tis’ the season to argue with your family! Little fed up today with certain selfish behaviours of those closest. However I am still sober and still strong despite being a little upset. Wishing you all the best, hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!


Day 43. Good morning everyone. Yesterday work was good. Some of the units are getting nailed with covid and some of the house keeper girls had a bunch of room changes. I didn’t think twice to go up and help them out once I was done my stuff, we stayed about a hour over time. Which for them would of been way longer if I didn’t help, they were super grateful and said nobody else knows to just jump in like that. Them and the boss were really talking me up and saying man we really need to keep him he wants to go take his cna classes and it made me feel bad bc honestly I’m gonna be gone before that once the hospital calls me. Idk why I feel guilty for doing what’s best for me. I do like it here, but I’m sure I’ll like the hospital as well. When I got home yesterday I said I’ll just lay down and recoup for a little and ended up falling asleep. I woke up around 730 which sucked bc I felt wide awake it took me a little to get back to sleeping. So today after work I need to make sure I stay up bc I have some laundry and stuff to do. So yeah much love everyone I hope you all have wonderful days


Hey all, checking in on day 1291. I hope everybody has a good one!

lol @Rockstar24777 you got it right!! :joy:


Checking in on day 168.


Hahaha nice!!!


Love this! :clap::clap::clap:


Day 24
I saw a young guy puking on the street, his friend was a bit embarred standing next to him. Hoods pulled over their faces.
I told my son about it and said: glad I didn’t puke when I was drinking! He said: ehhh yea you did, when you went out with X. Jeez, I totally forgot that. Reality check…
Here’s to no more puking in 2024!


1968 days no drinking
Back to day 1 on gambling and weed.
I was given a large amount of money for xmas/wedding anniversary and i started back on my b.s. i really really cant afford to lose this money.
Happy Wednesday.


103 days and feeling fine.
No snow yet but I’ll walk for a bit in the cold bright sunshine today. :heart:





TW big 'ol load of negativity. I’ve gotta vent or I will never get back to sleep.

Since the 23rd our apartment wall near the toilet pipes has been vibrating and moaning intermittently with a slow trickle of water running intermittently as well. (Fill valve says Google.) So we’ve been turning the water off and then back on when we have to use the toilet in our only bathroom, which is often.

I had to nag my husband to put in a maintenance request. I have zero idea why, someone comes to your living space and fixes what is wrong BUT ONLY if you tell them.
There are at least 4 apps with the same name or I would download it myself. Which I will but can’t right now because I am ragey and not thinking rationally.

Maintenance came yesterday. Which was the first day they were back open since the Christmas break. Replaced the flapper and called it good. My husband picked me up after my 12 hour shift and we had one of those “whats wrong” “are you mad” annoying back and forth conversations that can only happen after someone (not me) has been drinking. I am still 600+ days alcohol free. My husband is not, as I’m reminded daily.

I’ve been awake on and off since 6 because well the toilet wall has still been moaning/vibrating intermittently because it is not fixed. I’m gearing up for the second of three 12 hour shifts and so far have 4? hours of sleep.

I very much understand that it could be worse. I couldn’t have water or a toilet or a home. I couldn’t have a bed or a job. I am fortunate and I am still pissed. Holding both equally like a true open mind. :woman_in_lotus_position:t2:

Fuuuuuuuuuck. Stay sober folks. I have 3 more hours to try to sleep.