Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Wow, look at those pretty numbers! Good catch! I’m sorry you had that experience at your Dad’s place. It’s a really tough feeling to feel alone in a house full of people, especially people you know well and who you want to connect with. Sending hugs. I’m glad you had some small joys over the holidays, it’s simply the best seeing little kiddos open presents! Hang in there, friend. :heartpulse:


Hey all, checking in on day 1292. I hope everybody has a good one!


14 cm high and 20 cm wide.
But I think they sell it in differend sizes.


Thank you i will be around i really want for this to be the time i make it i have a vary good mindset and trying to get my recoery plan together


Just read you aren’t feeling well just like me.
A lot of people are sick last days. Got a lot of customers last days walk in to ask for Covidtests (we do not sell them anymore). Hope the both of us feel better soon :sweat_smile:


That’s a great catch of gorgious numbers :star_struck:


Having a plan and checking in with your plan daily is so important! I’m glad you mentioned that. Stay strong and build that recovery toolbox!


Early check in today. I feel the need to be accountable today.
My friend is coming over to stay and we used to drink a lot together, she still does. I’m going through some difficult family stuff; we nearly got through the holidays unscathed, then, on our last day visiting my family, my daughter and mum got into an argument. My daughter lashes out when she feels cornered or accused, but doesn’t mean it. She is awaiting assessment for adhd and autism. My mum takes things very personally and is incredibly upset. My husband thinks she is just being naughty and has no sympathy. I am stuck in the middle. I know what she said was unkind and when she is in a more rational frame of mind, she will apologise. She is also grounded.
The way my mum is acting also brings up a lot of stuff about my childhood and the extreme levels guilt she used to make me feel about my behaviour because I was a very sullen, awkward teenager. I now know it was anxiety and depression (and quite probably autism) which was the main reason I started to self medicate with drink at 14.
I feel like the only one advocating for my daughter at the moment though. She is not in school as she can’t fit into a mainstream setting and no one in authority seems to care. The ongoing pressure of it all is just getting to me I guess and boy oh boy a night off in oblivion is sounding good.
I’m not going to do it though. It will all still be there tomorrow and I will just have upset my husband and daughter in the mix. I do think I will use other unhealthy coping mechanisms though.
Sorry this turned into a long rant, I just needed to vent I guess and I don’t feel like there is anyone in my corner I can talk to IRL at the moment.


Vent away, that’s what we are here for! I think it is most important to recognize what is triggering your emotional reactions and then express the words in writing or out loud that you will not drink to numb or cope. I find even saying it out loud to myself “I will not drink about this” can be powerful. Sending you some hugs, this will pass.


Day 207AF.
I started the day with an appointment at my local job centre. I found it really hard getting out of bed this morning. The appointment was the culmination of the paperwork I’ve been working my way through all month. It went as well as can be expected. The adviser congratulated me on my sober time which was nice. (I had put down that I was 18 months sober on the form as the blip 207 days ago was a one off)
I need to do a little grocery shopping this afternoon and this evening we’re going to the Christmas play at our local theatre, which we’re all looking forward to.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Day 72. Good morning! Or insert time od day where you live haha. Just finished my daily 6:30 AM mtg and feel great. Its a good waybto start the day. I liked having a couple days off but I’m glad to be back at work.

Make it an amazing day my friend’s!


232 no alcohol
163 no ciggs or vapes
2.76 no form of pot

I woke up feeling optimistic. Im hoping today is good. Work in a few.

Just checking in


104 days!
Nice day planned with outings and good food


Just checking in,

I’ve decided in 2024 to see a therapist either weekly or bi-weekly. Interesting thing: my wife asked if i want her to be involved. If i’m being honest, i have so much to unload, i really dont want my wife involved. But that’s also the problem: 2024, i have to be more transparent, this suffering in silence thing has to die, i have to be more open and just HONEST. Stop trying to save face, cover up your issues cause your acting out in other ways, i think it might actually be cathartic in some ways. I might opt for combined times and other times when i’m alone. So we’ll see.

Today i got to work and immediately starting journaling. It’s basically like this: if i dont practice mindfullness, i will instantly put on a lanyard that says, IMPULSE PASS. When my brain will just get me online, get me to youtube, to espn, to fantasy football, or whatever impulse comes to mind. Thats toxic for porn addict, who at his core is a DOPAMINE ADDICT. I have to come into everyday with scheduled times to do everything and dont let my default settings push me towards an impulse pass. This might sound crazy to folks but if you have my struggle, our brains kinda just work like that. So the goal is to control my impulses all day long. I have mental goals, i have to go through my wellness recovery action plan (WRAP) which i will do at lunch.


Well, checking in on day one.

We got our kittens today… And last night I spiralled into a melt down of panic, worry and anxiety that I wasn’t good enough to have them. Then I drank.

I’ll work on that.

Now we have kittens and they are delicious and curious and beautiful. I’ve promised to do my best to never drink now we have them in case they need me. I’m ready to go again.

Day one, but just one day.


Day 187 second check in. Looking forward to a sober 2024. I’m determined to stay focused in the new year.


So glad you’ve come straight back. Lots of love & strength to you :people_hugging:

You are absolutely good enough to have them :heart:

I hope these little guys will be a new source of motivation for you.

And… do we get to meet them….(asking for a friend :wink: ) ? :pray: X


I will get better pictures, they are quite shy…

Meet Bear and Blue :blue_heart:


Ahhh ! Lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll never tire of kitten / cat pictures :heart_eyes: X


Black cats are my favorite. I had a beloved black Tom cat that ruled the house and helped me train my two puppies. Enjoy!

Also, keep in mind developing a plan for how to deal with those panicky feelings next time, because you know there will be a next time. I had to do the same. You can do this.