Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Yesterday was meh :confused:

In the morning one of my favourite Christmas mugs fell out of the cupboard and broke.
We spent the afternoon shopping in Leeds and it was sooo busy and I got frustrated with so many people aound me :angry:

And l noticed so many people vaping everywhere. Vaping was never my thing, but its in the shops, in the lift, in the toiletsā€¦ its just like smoking not allowed in all those places, but I constantly got blown a cloud of strawberry, apple, toffee popcorn, bubblegum or even weed scented chemicals in my face. And honestlyā€¦ weed scented? WTF??? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Then the restaurant we wanted to eat in didnā€™t have a table free, so we gad to go somewhere else. It took ages for the mediocre nearly cold food to arrive with 30 minutes wait between starters and mains. Then we had to scoff it all down in a hurry to leave in time for the show :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

We arrived 5 minutes late for the show (Elf - the musical) and with seats booked in the middle of a row everyone had to get up for us and there was this awkward shuffling along the row, apologising for rubbing your bum in peoples faces etc etc :unamused:

The show was alright, but nothing more really. The jokes were flat and the songs not really catchy. Overall just meh and not worth the ticket price :confused:

Leaving the arena, stepping into the rain, my other half realised he left the (brand new) umbrella under the seat. With masses of people pushing out through the exits, he couldnā€™t be bothered to try and go back. So thatā€™s lost :frowning:

And then to top the night off: it took around half an hour to exit the gridlocked multi storey car park. Just to add to our one hour motorway journey home.

Meh meh meh meh meh

Sorry for the rant


Luna looks Very Concerned about you and ready to take very good care of you. Sheā€™s called for the specialists also so youā€™ll get better in triple the time.

Get well soon, please !!! :purple_heart::people_hugging::purple_heart::face_exhaling::sneezing_face:




Day 194. Almost 530am. About to clock out from work. Headed home to get ready for a long weekend. My anxiety has been going down Iā€™m happy to say. Ready to be sober today. Have a great day everybody.


Day 188. Working 8_5 today. Then itā€™s the weekend. Will have a quiet new year.

So thankful that I stopped drinking this June. Took me a whole amount of provarecation to get back on track but now I amā€¦ I guess thatā€™s one of the things which struck me on reflection. I was sober 2.5 years before covid and then its twin me 3 years roughly to get my sobriety back as of so many false starts and bu@@ self talk of itā€™s ok. I can drink normally. What the hell does that really mean? What is normal in a society where we have to drink to manage our lives?

This weekend I am looking for vinyl records as my wife got me a turntable for Christmas!!! So excited


She is Ok, but pain in her foot, and cant walk on it. So she have to rest for a while. Good thing I dont drink anymore and can be there for my kids.

Yeah, I cant wait either. Two years! :smile:


@Sunshineontheinside thanks for the post. I am short in mine and I learn a lot from those who explain things and describe situations. Congratulations going to a meeting and your 5 days.
I am 11 days clean. I am resting and taking my time. Tomorrow I come back to my work and I am a little afraid of stress


A another year is about ready to start,I am on day 73,a new year and a better one being sober,I have made some hard choices these last few weeks, but I think for me to get better,itā€™s less of them and more positivity,in my journey for sobriety,a new life .


Get well soon Mennoā€‹:pray: Luna will comfort you :smiling_face: Sheā€™s a beauty btw. :wink:


Day 454

Usually, at this time of the month and my cycle, Iā€™m a grumpy one. Grumpy, sad, irritated. But Iā€™m not! Iā€™m now almost 6 weeks into my anxiety medication and today I feel absolutely normal :smiley: I had a nice chat with a lady at the cashier in my local grocery shop (she bumped into one of those plastic separation things that started hanging between cashiers when Covid started). Usually I donā€™t do that, I donā€™t talk to strangers without dying inside haha.
I donā€™t wait at my door for the neighbors to vanish, I just go out and maybe have a chat with whoever I meet.
Although I could sleep long every day I donā€™t. I get up at 5 or 6 to take my medication. Iā€™ll try to take them at the same time every day. I get up, make my bed, have breakfast and then do whatever I like.
I think now the meds start to show their full potential. Next week Iā€™ll know if they do or not :wink:

The only thing that starts to upset me are my dreams. Iā€™m used to have strange dreams but this now is a whole new level haha. I should write them down and maybe write a book haha. Yes, theyā€™re that strange and good.

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart: :muscle:


Checking in on day 20. Still here. Still borrowing yā€™allā€™s strength while i scroll and read thru your accomplishments and struggles.
The world is such a small place. Life is funny. So live it as best you can.
Much love! One day at a time. :metal:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 1293. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 105
Watched ā€œMaestroā€ last night.
Loved it!


Day 208 AF.
Itā€™s those awkward days between Christmas and New Year and Iā€™m feeling at a loose end. Iā€™ve been sleeping well but Iā€™ve been finding it very hard to get out of bed and then feeling guilty about it. Iā€™m not feeling the anxiety anymore thanks to my medication and I feel far less depressed too, so those are positives. Iā€™m planning on taking my daughter on the ferris wheel in town today and then weā€™ll get some food out too as my son is away for a sleepover tonight. Iā€™ve been enjoying spending time with my kids. Last nightā€™s Christmas play was really good although we got caught in a heavy downpour on the way home.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Checking in this morning on day
233 no alcohol
164 no vape or ciggs
3.80 no thc, cbd, hemp or any form of pot

Always working. Here quite a few minutes early so i have time to take it easy be4 work. Cleaning outside unless it starts to rain. Warm here in Massachusetts usa. Snowed 2 different times but it was just like the littlest bit. Lots of rain. Im not complaining because if this rain was snow we would have a foot or so of snow on the ground.

Lets have a good day


Checking in:

Day 2


Day 1,295 clean and sober today. I spent almost the entire day yesterday sleeping and I wasnā€™t even sick! Not sure why I was so tired??? Anyway, I have a lot to do today and I need to stay out of my recliner :rofl: Have an amazing day everyone, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Youā€™ve got this. :muscle:t2:


Day two.

Just checking in all. My kittens are superb kittens.


Iā€™m checking in on day 170.


Checking in on this gloriously sunny morning with fresh white snow on the ground. Iā€™d better enjoy it, because the extended forecast with the El NiƱo effect we are experiencing this year says we wonā€™t have much if any precipitation this winter. But it will be milder and thatā€™s fine by me! I donā€™t mind not shoveling tons of snow. I do like the look of it, though. Sober mornings are a joy. Iā€™m continuing to improve in feeling healthy and am going to venture a walk with my dog this morning, bundled up of course, so I can enjoy a short stomp in the snowy meadow before it all melts later today. Stay well, friends. If unwell, my best wishes for your recovery. Itā€™s been a tough season for illness. :heartpulse: