Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Welcome Leroy, you have everything to look forward to. Try to stay positive, strength to you :heart:


Thank you so much, there is nothing I would want more than to stay sober. I’ve had 90 days build up when I messed up and it really hurt me deep from the inside. I’m now back on track knowing that is not the life I want to be living, and I’m also going to try to quit with cigarettes.


234 no alcohol
165 no vapes or ciggs
4.81 no form of Marijuana

Today i started the step 3 nic patch
Got a 2 week supply then im done

Wish me luck


Awesome, keep it going!


Ooh, I really like a n.a. beer or g&t sometimes when I don’t fancy a sweet drink. I never drank these in the before times, so I don’t feel tempted for the ‘real thing’.
I would never have n.a. wine though as it might be a trigger for me.


Welcome to the community @leroy :blush::people_hugging:


Hey guys checking in! 11 months sober on January 5th still at it and no relapsing at all! I just had surgery on my left hand and wrist on December 14th and even opted out of pain meds after surgery! I got to meet my daughter for the first time since she was born on the 12th and that led to my first at home visit with her on Christmas Eve! Life has been soooooo good to me… oh and did I mention after 19 years I’ve finally gotten my license back and for Christmas for myself and approaching my one year sobriety mark, I went and put a down payment on a new truck. I couldn’t be more happy right now with life. Such an amazing journey this first year of being sober and I’m so proud of myself for everything I’ve accomplished in that time and also maintaining my sanity and staying clean. Next year ( 2024) I have even bigger and better goals for myself and plan on smashing them out of the park one at a time! I hope you all are doing well and happy holidays to everyone! I just want to thank this platform and community of awesome people who have helped me get this far…. I have love for all of you. @JazzyS how are you doing ? Thank you for thinking of me and keeping me in your thoughts. These have been a very busy past few months and I apologize for not checking in… there’s no excuse, so here I am… alive and well! I’ve just been busting ass trying to keep everything moving forward and in motion. Here’s to another year and to new journeys and opportunities! Peace and love to you all.


Checking in on day 27 AF. Its only half past five but I’m crazy tired, so off to bed. Hopefully able to sleep. Later alligators :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:


Hey guys checking in day 108 SAF and 95 smoke free. Back to work at 5 this morning, these weekends fly and it just doesn’t seem fair. :grin:. Cold today, but it hit 52 in the NE yesterday so I pulled the bike out, washed, changed the oil, and got out on the road for about 2 hours.

maybe for the last time this winter :disappointed_relieved:depending on storms but hoping for an early spring. The cold dreary weather is no good for anyone’s psyche. Have a great Saturday guys :call_me_hand:


Checking in.
Have a lovely evening all x


Thank you. I can’t put into words how your post helped me whilst I was sat there thinking ‘surely just one will be ok.’
Woke up this morning with a fresh head, feeling great and very thankful for not caving in and for your words.
A million thanks


Day 189, second check in. Feeling a bit anxious at the moment. I know it will pass. Just need a good night’s sleep and hit Sunday refreshed. Listening to my partner I’ve realised my wine consumption was higher than I thought so I must have been drinking about 7_10 bottles aweek sometimes. What I have learnt tho is it affected my thinking more than I thought when I wasn’t drunk or drinking.


Ok so let me check in… 2 YEARS sober from alcohol. TWO 2 YEARS!!

To be honest I could never imagine my self where I am today with 2 years sober, I tougth I could not do it, it was to hard, too unbearable to think about and doing. I knew I had to stop and I wanted to.

But in the same time I did not want to let go because it made me feel better and my thoughts, anxiety and everything was kept with a lid on, I did not have to deal with it. It was my way to be abel to continue on. At least so I tougth. Today I know that was not rigth. I still struggle with my tougths, feelings and anxiety. But its different, and my mind is clear.

The road to get where I am was not easy, it was hard, terrible, scary and I wanted to give in more times then I will admitt, but I didnt, I kept pushing. I still do. Everyday Im greatfull to be sober. Some days are harder, but I feel confident in my self and my sobriety. But I will not put my gard down, I will work on my sobriety everyday.

I want to thank this forum and all of you guys; for being there, for your support, for listening and share your stories, give motivation, advice, cher on, comfort and lift up when needed.

When I look at my milestones on this app : first five minutes, hour, day. And today 2 years.


TWO full years Wakikki!!! So glad for you! What an awesome feat friend! Thanks for sharing your success and huge congrats!


What a wonderful achievement!!! You have put your heart and soul into your sobriety and gotten through some extremely challenging feelings and emotional distress. I applaud all of your hard work, because it is hard work and you’ve done it. You have also come here to get support when you need it, that’s really what it takes. We can’t do this alone. So happy for you!


Congratulations Wakikki! Inspirational :heart: X


Congratulations @Wakikki. Very happy for you. :tada::100:


@sunshineontheinside What a lovely way to celebrate your 1 week of sobriety – hope you had a wonderful time at your in person meeting today.
@thank you Zoe – sweet of you to say ! Grateful you were able to combat those cravings. Its all about the small changes and they become routine – keep going strong :muscle:
@acromouse sounds like a productive self care weekend. Enjoy all of it! :hugs:
@forrestkump Sounds like a lovely peaceful way of celebrating and bringing in the New Year! This site is always active so come in here if you feel lonely :hugs:
@Lotusflower how are you doing Des?
@soberwalker Thanks for sharing the pics Claudia. So excited for your bouldering experience – I do hope the sniffles /allergies do not ruin the experience. Sounds like a good adventure
@trixie1 I do enjoy some NA beers and Rose wines from time to time – I stay away from the NA reds as that was always a trigger for me to crave the real thing. Enjoy your celebration :heart:
@leroy Welcome to the community Leroy! So true – sobriety has so many benefits and being sober / clear minded opens up many doors. We got your back here – keep going strong :muscle: Check out the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) thread which may help you with ditching the smoking habit.
@billy85 So great to hear from you Billy and thrilled for all the positivity in your life. CONGRATS PAPA! You must be over the moon right now. Grateful that your surgery went well. Hope the recovery is not too painful. Really excited that we will be celebrating your 1 year of sobriety in just over a month :tada: I am doing well – still trudging along thanks to this amazing community.
@wakikki CONGRATS on your 2 years my friend – you are amazing! Grateful to see you finding healthier ways to deal with life’s struggles. I do hope that 2024 is a kinder year to you. So very proud of you :people_hugging:

Checking in on Saturday afternoon…
I have managed to have some one on one mom time, cleaned the house as we have my sis and bil visiting today and some friends coming over tomorrow. Told everyone that i am MIA as i just don’t have the energy to be social. Hoping to be in bed soon but glad i was able to catch up on TS.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 682. Working to end out the old year and working in the new year too. I like work, which is great because a NYE out on the town is the pits. :joy:
I have goals, I have plans and I have zero desire to go backward to my old life of hangovers and crippling depression. Feeling strong to welcome 2024.

@Wakikki 2 years is amazing!!! Well done. I’ll join you on that milestone in February, keep a seat warm and I’ll keep doing my work here.

@Billy85 I love to see your happy check ins. I’m so glad all is well. Enjoy that truck.

Sober gang rides on.


Day 1106,

Went to the gym this morning, over did it maybe a bit. Met a fellow there and had a little chat, among other things the fellowship. Not the one of the ring. Now on the couch, bit on Tinder starting a conversation. Don’t know what the heck I’m doing on there :grimacing:, but I will be mild for myself. Decided that tomorrow should be the last day of my cigs, will be getting a nicotine vaporizer tomorrow. It has to stop somewhere.

Have good day :pray::heart::pray: