Checking in daily to maintain focus #61


I did cancel gym this morning, I didn’t really feel in the mood for a packed out class. But I did do some quiet selfcare the past 48 hours. Finished a puzzle and a book. Cooked good food, had a super long bath and spent some quality family time watching Percy Jackson - the first of the original movies and a few episodes of the new series on Disney plus. Which one is better? Guess the jury is still out :wink:

So yesterday and today was a lot better than my annoying Thursday. Thanks @JazzyS and @CATMANCAM :smiley:
@Mno hope you feel better soon and get to start the new year fit and recovered :green_heart:
@leroy Welcome to the family :hugs:
@Wakikki Congratulations :confetti_ball:

Picture from my walk yesterday at Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire

Edit: I just realised I will hit 300 days tomorrow on New year’s eve, how cool is that? :upside_down_face:


None that help currently I should probably pick some excedrin migraine that’s probably my best bet. Have had some sinus stuff going on not quite a cold so I’ve taken medicine for that twice now and hoping that helps I’m sure that’s causing it too. Caffeine does help a little so I’m drinking some now. Going to go get my daith pierced in a few days too, my son’s hair stylist suggested it, it helped her. There’s a pressure point right there in the inner ear so :crossed_fingers:t2: that helps too


I’m really sorry you have to go through this pain. I know how bad migraines can get. Coffee helps me too :coffee: Also rest, quiet and dark places.
I really hope you will find something that will ease your pain some.
Whatever you do, don’t give up on your sobriety. If you listen to the addiction, you’ll have to go through this sick again another time. You made it this far. I’m rooting for you!


Congratulations on two whole years!! Amazing achievement!


Checking in. Another day sober, another day without a fag. Each day at a time at the minute. I don’t care if I eat like a horse or not quite manage my normal day to day, I just wanna be able to say them 2 phrases each night and I’ll be happy. I got the rest of my life to work on the rest! Love to all xx


Day 72.

I have my chip in my mouth. I’m going home tomorrow. This season has burned me out big time.


Congratulations on this amazing milestone @Wakikki and thank you so much for sharing it with us. :pray:


Love the round numbers :smiling_face:


Checking in on day 932. Back home from visiting family. Exhausted after traveling but good to be home. Going to bed early and sober tonight.





Checking in sober. I was off work all week, so feel a bit lost. New job starts Tuesday. I made myself clean out my closet and donate the clothes that don’t fit anymore. Which was most of it. That was hard. Bought a couple new pieces I can wear to work. After working from home for the last 3 years, I didn’t have much I could wear to an office. So that’s done.

I haven’t been sleeping well at all. My knee pain has really flared up. My eye is still bothering me. So mostly feel lousy. And now I’m feeling incredibly lonely. I was rewatching Schitts Creek, which I love, but feel like I’m never going to find a relationship like David and Patrick have. I feel like I’m going to be alone forever. I know that’s just the depression talking. But that doesn’t make me any less lonely. I don’t even feel all that close to anyone in my family. And no plans for NYE. It’ll be me and the cats.

I guess I’ll try to find something more distracting to watch onTV until it’s time to go to bed.



Checking in 641 days :fireworks:
I’ve been a bit MIA on socials lately. I don’t know why, but socials and sharing online just hasn’t felt comfortable for me in recent months.
But I wanted to make a final check in on for 2023 and wish you all the best for a sober new years.
I took my l daughter for a girls trip before Christmas, came back with Covid and we’re all pretty much recovered now. It was such a lovely holiday. Everyone was drinking so much at the resort, there was beer available everywhere but I was strong and really enjoyed the fresh fruits, coconuts, soda and being in the moment.
I’m back to work in the new year, looking forward to another sober year.
Bought myself a little bottle of non alc bubbles to bring in the new year. Taking the kids to see the fireworks.
Take care friends, much love to you all.


Hey Family. Just checking in on which has been the hardest day since my new life began.
I was tested today, I thought that people who claim to love you have your best interests but that is not always the case. I tried to be around my partner and children today and it was a complete failure. My partner knows exactly what I’m going through and I get to her house and she is smoking a big spliff and drinking my old favourite drink without a care in the world. And just tried to find any reason to pick a arguement with me, I was literally there for 20 mins before I had to leave in a hurry. In the 10 years we been together I have stopped smoking and drinking many times, but she hasn’t even attempted unless she got no money. I have been clean for months before and tried to encourage her to do the same but she says, just because you stopped doesn’t mean everyone should🤦🏿‍♂️. I just really can’t do this anymore with her and to leave my 5 kids with her to be alone is really scary but there are no more options, she really thinks that life is a joke and smoking weed and drinking is all there is. I am the one trying to help myself to be a better father and partner to everyone, but some people just will never see the bigger picture till it’s too late. The last 9 days I have gone to sleep knowing that my family will be waiting for me after this cold turk but tonight feels different. And for the first time in this 9 days I almost gave in to the temptation of numbing this pain with a substance but thank God that I didn’t because I would feel 10x worse.
Sorry for the essay but I just had to try and get this off my chest. Thank you all for the support throughout this journey, stay strong :v:t5::blue_heart:


Checking In
Day 685
Work was HECTIC! Thats even an understatement. Then my coworker who was to relieve me, came to work late, meaning I missed my bus. Had to take another route so that I wasnt waiting 30-45 min. I was sooo drained by the time i got home. Thankfully hubby had things done around the apartment so I didnt have to take on those tasks too. I made supper and am now relaxing with my son. Cant wait for a nice shower and some self care. Praying that tmrw is calmer at work. I do work with a different client tmrw so we shall see. Hope everyone is having a great night! :butterfly:


Have you ever talked to your doctor about your migraine headaches? I tried many medications until I found sumatriptan (Imitrex). It completely changed my life. Good luck!


Checking in on day 158.
A quiet day today. I had a bad flare up with my POTS and FND so have been pottering around the house and napping. I did manage to tackle my laundry pile though :muscle: whoop whoop!


Thought id get on here before I fall asleep. Day 24 here!!! 2 hours till I make it to day 25! I’ll hopefully be asleep by then… Proud of myself and how far I’ve come. Battled with urges to relapse even after a phenomenal day with my bestest friend. Struggled with flashes of gory images of stabbings and such. Had to cope with how triggering those became. Still laying here with the idea running through my head of trying to replicate the flashing images…but not tonight. I feel strong enough to fight these awful urges. who knows why even at my best I’m still having these urges at the end of the day… Anyways, goodnight all!


Trust in God and lean on your supports to get through the withdrawals! Ice packs and closing my eyes always helped me with those migraines! Wishing you the very best. Stay strong, I pray u get through this!


@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 and exactly that, I have a lot of saved for later items, and then if they decrease in price I get impulsive and ‘move to basket’ and before I know it that then becomes ‘order placed’ :man_facepalming:t2: I have set an intention not to buy anything apart from food and pet supplies in January, so lets see how that goes! I do hope the pain from your treatment has began to settle down :people_hugging:
@Rockstar24777 sorry it’s been dark :people_hugging: I hope work helped 🩵
@leroy welcome :blush:
@Billy85 congratulations :baby: :tada:
@Wakikki congrats on 2 years :tada: :trophy: :star2: :star2:
@TANK23 welcome back :blush: congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Amy30 good luck with the cooking! :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Lainenicole96 don’t let those thoughts win, drinking would make everything worse and you would regret it so much. Maybe see your doctor about the migraines. I’m sorry you’re struggling :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵

1237 days no alcohol.
702 days no cocaine.
217 days no vape.

Another early morning check-in with yesterday’s numbers. I have had some sleep. 3 short naps, since my check-in 26hrs ago. Hoping for a bit of sleep after I’ve posted this.

Later today I hope to get out for a walk, and tidy up the boxes and other recycling that’s making the lounge look messy from where I opened all my deliveries of everyone’s presents when I did my wrapping sessions, and then I plan to hoover.

Looking forward to another sober NYE.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@Wakikki Thank you so much dear friend for you sweet words. Honored to be on this journey with you - so thrilled for your celebration today :heart:
@TANK23 Great job on getting back on the horse and protecting your sobriety - 30 days is amazing. The addict voice can be manipulative and sneaky and that is why we should always be on guard. For me i stay connected here and which helps me push aside the lies of my addiction. Keep staying strong Matt :muscle:
@Lainenicole96 So sorry for the struggles Laine - those migraines can be intense. Just know that drinking would only make things worse. I would always try to drink away my migraines but really would need to get black out drunk in order to not feel the pain - lo and behold the pain was waiting for me when i came to. Are you able to take any meds? I have had luck with putting a hot compress on my forehead and a cold compress on the nape of my neck to reduce the migraine. If they persist, are you able to see a doctor? Sending you strength - you can get through this too. :muscle:
@happyfeet Love those round numbers too – doing great Anne!
@KarenKW Big hugs to you Karen. :people_hugging: Here for you virtually if you need. I know the depression can be loud and overwhelming - here for you friend. You are not alone :heart:
@newlife89 so proud of you for not giving in to the need to escape today. I am very sorry for the stressful situations you dealt with today. I did find that as we seriously get sober, some of our close friends (even family at times) will not be supportive - may even go as far as to sabotage our recovery by creating triggers. They are afraid of losing their “addict buddy” and have no interest in going sober themselves. I have had to cut ties with these people as they were toxic to my journey. Sending you strength my friend - way to go with beating the urges one minute at a time :muscle:
@dilettante oh man love - i am sorry for the flare ups - sending healing energy so that they don’t last long :hugs:
@CATMANCAM Sending you strength to set and stick by the reduced spending intentions. Thanks friend - i do think they hit some special spots in this last treatment – still hurting and bruised from the session. I know its what needs to happen to get better so i am good.

Checking in on Saturday evening…
374 days free of cigarettes and alcohol
789 days free of weed
Was a decent day - managed to push through everything and did get a lot of computer work done - i was dealing with a lot of anxiety as i haven’t been able to catch up on this work for months as we have switched operating symptoms twice in the past 5 months. Got to spend some time with my sis. Grateful she understood that i could not hang for longer - 1 hour was my limit LOL. Found out today that my next diet plan for my treatment is allowing me 1 cup of coffee! So damn excited… can’t believe i’ve made it 5 weeks without coffee. My mouth is watering now just thinking of my morning cuppa joe :rofl:
Well - that’s all folks – hope you all had a wonderful addiction free day / evening. For all my sober peeps - You are not alone - Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: