Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

29 days in the bank.

Couple hours early, just got home from a nye bbq lunch with friends. Everyone drinking but i stayed on the waters. Was offered quite a few times but was never even a little tempted.
Tomorrow will be 30 days and I like the coincidence of it being new years day.

5hrs or so until the new year here in NZ, I’ll be well in bed by then but excited to start the year off right. First intentionally sober NYE in 25yrs


Checking in. It was a really good day. I am still challenged at times by the volume of intoxicated people that come and go from where I am staying at all hours of the day and night. I did follow through and attend my first in person meeting what a full house of incredible and inspiring women. I am happily tired and hoping to sleep alongside the garage full of people and music. Today I was invited to a sober aa NYE get together and I am happy and hopeful that it will be a comfortable and welcoming experience. I am fretting what the level of partying with the number of possible substances will be like here tomorrow yet wondering if I should make a back up plan of prepping bedding to drive away and sleep in my car if need be. I dunno. Tomorrow will be tomorrow and all I can do is trust that I will know what I need in that moment.



Still not feeling very well. I’ll be stocking up on some healthy foodstuffs later, as well as pick up some more symptom treatments. I’ll be fine. I got Luna with me. I’m sober and clean and not tempted at all to go back to old ways.

I got you all, some of you are really close friends by now, some are a bit more distant but we definitely are in this together. I’m not alone and neither are you. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Let’s all make it to 2024 together, safe, sober and clean. Much love.

@Sunshineontheinside It’s always good to have back up plans when you are in doubt a bit. Just be absolutely sure to make it through sober. Enjoy you sober gettogether!

@Newlife89 Never apologize for sharing friend! And keep going, you’re doing fantastic. Numbing is just no option anymore. Never again. Congrats on making it though another day.


39 no binge, no sugar
5 HPFs
4 dairy
Sneaky addiction talking tried to get to me yesterday. I’m glad I made it through.
My partner is finally home and not on call any more. Looking forward to a nice, peaceful day with him and no calls all night. We want to take a walk later. Visit his mother for her birthday. There will be sweets there. I’m staying vigilant, but I’m not anxious this time.

@KarenKW Lousy days. Yeah. There are plenty of them, especially in those dark winter times. Some days you just go through the motions. Getting outside, moving a bit outside makes it somewhat easier for me. Hang in there.

@Newlife89 Not to numb your feelings in such an awful situation is a great achievement.


Day 9.5 sober. Feeling quite down, anxious and heavy today.

Been invited to a NYE party tonight so I’m not too sure if I can maintain my sobriety :sweat:.
I would stay home, but it’s my birthday tomorrow and I’m finding the prospect of sitting in a dark room by myself to be really depressing and I have no one around me who would want to stay sober. It really sucks.

Hopefully, I’ll have a few glasses of pop (soda) and then go home, but I want to be realistic.


Realistically Indi: what is worth more, your sobriety, or maybe (there’s alternatives btw) one tough night alone? Lose your sobriety tonight and you won’t know if you’ll ever find it back. Tomorrow it’s 2024 and your birthday and getting there sober and clean and with double digits is the best gift you can give yourself.

BTW, plenty of opportunities to have a sober NYE. Online and in person. You can do this. You’re not alone. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


Made it through day 5 :pray:t2::fire: exhausted from work, looking forward to shower + get in bed :zzz:


Hi! There are lots of alcohol free alternatives. I have nosecco for this evening. U can do it. It’s more a case of do u want to :slight_smile:
190 days for me. The house is full of booze for new year but I am not drinking it as I’m a miserable muppet when I do


I didn’t went after all @JazzyS also called of my walking appointment with a friend. Still felt sick yesterday so crashed on the sofa and slept the day away…Hope today is a better one :sweat_smile:

@Wakikki congratulations for your :two: year milestone :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

@Lainenicole96 How are you feeling today? I hope you feel better. I’m sorry about your headaches but think about the hangovers…they are no fun either. I do not want to be harsh, but I think your addictive voice is trying to talk you into drinking :thinking: I hope you stick to the plan and took a painkiller. It’s worth to push trough Laine.

Congratulations with your :three::zero::zero: days @HolySquid and I always have to smile about your profile name :octopus: So cute!

Well done @Newlife89 good of you to vent about it. And I hope you are proud as well for not giving in. But the hard part of our sobriaty is that we always will be tempted by people drinking around us, see our favorate drimk in the shop we walk trough, etc. The only thing we can do is change our own behavior with it and hope our doings inspire others.

@Kareness I’m sorry you felt so lonely Karen. Hope you have a nice NYE after all tonight. Maybe bingewatch a Netflix serie? Treating this night as an ordinary sunday evening might help?

Sending some good vibes your way @Mno and a virtual fruit basket: :pear::tangerine::pineapple::banana::grapes::kiwi_fruit::strawberry::green_apple::mango::lemon:
Yesterday I cancelled my walking date with a friend and my bouldering appointment because my :face_with_thermometer::woozy_face::sneezing_face: I crashed on my couch. It is what it is. I hope you feel better soon my friend :pray:

Sure you can Indi: do not go :smiling_face: What’s the most important for you today? Being sober ore that party? There will be plenty of party later on to join when you are stronger to deal with them sober @Lile01



Uber late night check in. Went out after work for the first time in a long time. It was my friend’s daughter’s 27th birthday. After, we went back to her house and got lost in conversation for hours, as usual. The daughter said I had such great self control, being able to go to a bar and being around drinking. I said it isn’t self control. The thought of me drinking disgusts me so much I don’t even think twice about it. And other people drinking doesn’t bother me at all, even when they’re wasted. That’s on them, and a good reminder of what I don’t want. It just is what it is. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to finally accept it. Gotta hit the hay though. Big, last day of work tomorrow. Whoo!


*Day 1930 :walking_woman:
I always make New Years resolutions, do you?
Today is a day that I write them down somewhere. Number 1 would be staying sober for another year ofcourse. The other important one is to be nicer to myself. It’s a difficult one because it’s hard to messure. But whitin a week I have my first session with my personal coach (that sounds posh isn’t it :sweat_smile:) to put that resolution into action somehow.
Number 3 is increasing my walking activaties a bit. I need more nature and air to florish.

Sharing my “every day tree” again, some of you know him already. It’s a tree I walk by a lot and if I do I make a picture from it and put it in an album. I do this for years now. When I scroll by it I see the seasons flow by as well as my life (in a good way!). The tree is getting older (like me) and has a fallen brench (like my own scars).
It always makes me happy when I look at this tree. It’s a bit if it’s my tree :green_heart:

I wish you all a good NYE, a sober one!
I know it’s difficult for some because we associate this day with our old habits. But we do not need that in our lives anymore.
What we do need is a NYE we can remember and a clear headed first day of :two::zero::two::four: :confetti_ball:


Day 4

Almost a full nights sleep which feels fantastic. Today - meeting, Church and a visit to my parents for the afternoon/ evening, then home to see in the New Year with husband and dog.

Heeding @Englishd 's wise words about sporadic sobriety and making sure that is not my road this time. Thank you for that.


Thanks friend. Just dragged my ass over to the grocery around the corner and back home. Got some healthy stuff, but forgot the ice cream at the check out :sob: Not going back for it as I just crashed on my couch as well. :face_with_thermometer:. Things can only get better :people_hugging:

Have a good oud & nieuw vriendin. Staying in here. Weather’s not like it will be much fun outside anyway.


Hey all, checking in on day 1295. I hope everybody has a good one!


Thank you Menno! Same weather up here :face_with_peeking_eye: and prosponed my walk to later. Still in my onesie on my couch but going to dress up now and push hard on my “on” button.


Day 300 :smiley:

I have absolutely nothing planned for tonight. Probably be in bed by the usual time. New Year celebrations haven’t been my thing for decades, after a nasty break up on new years eve, that lead to me being divorced in my early twenties… long story, long time ago.

I’m looking forward to starting 2024 sober. But I guess this forum, as my gym and each and every other gym will be overrun by people who want to be healthy and fit. In the spur of the moment new years resolutions, good intentions, full of excitement and energy… I hate January in the gym. All those people who suddenly know everything better, but then quit before February. The prospect of that gives me some anxiety, I have to admit.

Going to write some personal goals down for 2024. Like @SoberWalker - thanks for sharing your brilliant tree :deciduous_tree:



Day 1107,

Time to catch up with some house chores. Need to drop to Tinder conversation, my mind gets in the playing mind fuck mode :joy:. She had a education requirement on her profile. I asked why she had that. Some blabla she wants to speak on her own level and doesn’t want awkward faces all the time. Women rarely datedown she said, for men that’s no issue. Just a :triangular_flag_on_post: and :face_vomiting:. Or I might just be the only one who feels this, so looking for confirmation :joy:


Day 142*
I will never stop loving waking up at 6 am with clarity, my days not limited by hangover symptoms. My dog is beside me stretched out with legs kicking into my back. Her and my partner are still sleeping both making soft little snores and I just feel so lucky. I adore my little chosen family, I am so grateful. Partner is turning the big 4 0 in a few weeks and I’m thinking about renting one of our local adult arcades and inviting friends and family to come celebrate. He does so much for other people, I want him to feel appreciated. Even though a surprise party sounds like my personal hell, he would enjoy it so I’ve got some planning to do.

@Rob11 red flags all day. I suck at dating and don’t think I’d survive modern apps but there’s also something kind of nice about somebody showing those warning signs quickly and upfront. No need to waste anymore time, right? Good luck out there :hugs:



Day 765

This time of year, there are a lot of posts about yearly wins, highlights and big moments.

So here’s to you :clinking_glasses:

Here’s to those who got new jobs, promotions and who left bad jobs/managers.

Here’s to those who have managed to keep their head above water during the cost of living crisis.

Here’s to those who got engaged, got pregnant or a moved into new home.

Here’s to those who got out of bed on mornings that they really couldn’t face the world.

Here’s those who brought new life into the world, to those who got new pets and those who didn’t kill their children.

Here’s to those battling illnesses, mental health and injury; who refuse to give up.

Here’s to the newly weds, the going-strong couples and those who broke out of a toxic/dead-end relationship.

Here’s to those who have no idea what the future may hold.

Here’s to YOU. You made it through 2023. Its been a wild ride but not one of these accomplishments are more important than the others. Here’s your reminder that it’s more than okay if your biggest accomplishment this year is surviving 2023.

May your 2024 be free of comparison and full of love.