Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Day 47. Yesterday after work I went to Walmart and got some food, usually after work I’ll just get some burger king or something fast food. I was proud of myself for getting some meals rather than taking the easy solution. Made it home, ate dinner watched a cute movie and played a little Xbox and then laid down. Woke up good this morning and made sure to keep my routine, at work and all is well. Stopped to Stewart’s this morning and grabbed a energy drink, I need to make sure I don’t get caught up in these again and I seen a guy with a large back pack and was bundled up nice and warm and looked very scruffy and dirty, almost homeless. But idk y my mind goes right there thinking that, it’s almost like it’s judging someone and I hate that, but I said good morning to him and he mumbled some stuff, asked where I came from and I told him, went in got my energy drink and as I was walking back out he said something, he asked if I wanted to come inside and sit down and drink my energy drink with him bc it was cold out. I told him I had to get to work, but felt bad for him. I hope he’s ok. Today after work I’m just going to relax and watch tv again. No plans for nye, no resolutions, I guess just make sure I stay sober. Save money, and try to a bigger apartment for me and my girls. Possibly my license back at some point. Other than that I will have a good night, stay safe out there everyone much love


Day 1,297 clean and sober today. Happy 123123!!! Pretty cool the numbers played out that way. I haven’t thought a lot about this past year but it wasn’t bad actually. Lots of challenges but not bad like being in active addiction and homeless. Fuck that shit. Here’s to another clean and sober New Year’s Eve, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Good morning checking in. I’m tired today. And before leaving for a very long shift this morning I turned on the Keurig went to do something else and never put the cup underneath :roll_eyes: so 4:00 this morning I had coffee all over the kitchen. And we buy those cheap ass paper towels, not the good ones like in the commercials that pick up everything. So I ended up going through like 2 rolls :joy:. I hope this isn’t a foreshadowing to how the rest of my day is going to be. Happy New years Eve guys. :v:


@Wakikki congratulations on your amazing sober time. You are an inspiration :tada::partying_face::tada:
@HolySquid congratulations on 300 days, way to go :tada::partying_face::tada:
@KarenKW I will be celebrating New Years Eve on here. We don’t have to be lonely, we’ve got each other in this community :people_hugging:
@SoberWalker I :heart::heart::heart: your tree, and the idea. I’m not one for resolutions but I might take up this idea and find my own special tree to photograph. Thank you for the inspiration!
@Lile01 hang out with us awesome folks :man_standing::woman_standing::person_standing::two_hearts::dizzy::tada: on NYE, rather than heading to a party where it sounds like you will be very tempted. In the early days I needed to guard my sobriety carefully. If you play the tape forward, do you really want to be hungover and regretful on your birthday tomorrow?
@Just_Laura I hope your last day of work goes well.
@JazzyS thank you. Plenty of rest yesterday and it feels like symptoms are easing today.
Sending positive vibes and strength to everyone today. Lean into this community if you need to over NYE. Together we can :fist:


235 no alcohol
166 no vapes or ciggs
5.75 no form of pot

New years eve is here
I just want to enjoy it all sober

Work today and tomorrow
Then 2 days off after a 6day work week

I woke up not feeling well
I feel better now after some coffee

Take care


@HolySquid The gym in January is like church on Easter, best to just avoid it all together until it clears back out. Congratulations on 300 SAF. :call_me_hand::100:


Love this x


Very cool. How do you get the exact spot each time ?! X


Congratulations on 300 days ! :partying_face: x


107 days :smiley_cat:
New Year’s Eve plan is playing cards with our best friends, ordering Chinese, and then my husband plays “Ring out the old, Ring in the new” by George Harrison :heart:
Happy New Year!


Counding my steps from the edge of the foothpath keeping the treetrunk exactly in the middle. My phone photo screen always on 1:1.
When I feel a little hump under my feet I’m right there at the good possition :grin:
And I accept minor differences :wink:


Could not have done this without this group and the wonderful friendships I have formed because of it. Happy new year to you all :heart:


Very methodical. I like it x


Congratulations Adrienne! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

And a happy New Year for you as well! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Eyam Moor, Derbyshire, with the boyos.


Thank you very much :blush::heart:

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Sir William hill? Beautiful part of the peaks


Checking in day 30. I haven’t posted in a while, I decided to relapse over and over, I wouldn’t even call it that, I wasn’t done yet. I’m not overly confident still on day 30 but I do know it’s the first time I’ve had that amount of time, a lot of 15, 17 days, some in the 20’s but never made it to 30 days, so I am proud of myself for that. I also have no desire to feel that way and not be present, instead, I’m enjoying myself and life a hell of a lot more than I’m not these days. I will continue to do more things different and and live in moment I feel right now to get me through those times that aren’t as easy, they suck, but I’ve worked through many of those moments in the last 30 days and will continue to work through them as they come. May everyone have a safe and sober New Year, I’m grateful for each one of your stories as they help me navigate things I experience that are similar, so thank you :purple_heart:


Yes !! I am so impressed. Are you local ? X


Checking in on day 172