Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

235 no alcohol
166 no vapes or ciggs
6 full days no form of pot

Happy new years eve


@mrfantastik Happy New Years day to you Marty – congrats on your 1 month of sobriety. :muscle:
@Sunshineontheinside So grateful that you attended and enjoyed your 1st AA meeting. Hope you have a wonderful time a the AA sober NYE get together! I am sorry for the triggering situation around your home – I do hope you are able to sleep soundly through the noise and stay safe from the outside chaos. Great thinking on having a back up plan – we are always protecting our sobriety :pray: Just read your update - i am so very sorry love. I know its hard when life is being lifey - grateful that you are getting to see you daughter tomorrow. I am sure she would much rather see you and spend time with you then care about the presents. Sending you warm hugs - i do hope the evening gets better for you.
@lile01 WHOA – so close to that double digit – :muscle: Oh love I am so sorry for the anxiety and the fear of possibly giving in to the peer pressure and the surroundings. I know it sucks but are you able to take yourself out to a movie or dinner so you are not alone at home? I know you feel like you need to celebrate your birthday with other people but take into consideration your sobriety and what is at stake. It took so much to get to 9.5 days – will you be able to get right back on track? I have heard stories of people getting sucked in for months if not years before they can quit again. Sending you strength my friend. Even if you end up going to the party – no need for you to give in – plenty of na options now to celebrate sober. I had my first new years party last year with only 10 days under my belt and I just made sure to always have a non alcoholic drink in hand to keep me from being tempted. We are here for you!
@soberwalker Sorry you are feeling unwell – glad you gave yourself the grace to relax and sleep all day – hopefully that helped :pray: No worries – you have set the intent into the universe – looking forward to when you do go bouldering. I love your resolutions. I have never done any before – may need to think on it for this year. Those tree changing pictures are absolutely amazing – always appreciate you sharing the pics. Really loved the comparison of the tree too :hugs:
@holysquid Happy 300 days of sobriety milestone day! I too get anxiety from the rush of New Year’s resolutions. I try to keep my head down and move forward with blinders on so to speak …I try my hardest to not get sucked into the chaos. Wishing you the same peace through January.
@rob11 smart to walk away. I too see it as a red flag. The right girl is out there – do not give up hope.
@ceeds omg I too am in love with waking up with a clear and sober head. Renting out an adult arcade? That is frickin awesome! I am sure he will love it – happy early 40th to your partner :partying_face:
@brokenwolf A beautiful post Richard and here’s to you for being so kind and loving and enduring all that 2023 had given you. :people_hugging:
@jasty2 ah man – sorry Joe – sounds like a aggravating way to start the day… I do hope the rest of the day has been smooth sailing for you.
@adeygaga49 WOWZERS – love it – Happy 3rd soberversary Adrienne :heart: :tada: Hope you have a wonderful way to bring in the new year and celebrate your awesomeness


Thank you @JazzyS happy new years day to you too.
Still 12hrs away from my counter ticking over 30days. Will check back in then, but i can say with certainty I will be sober today


oh that is fantastic and thank you - sorry to have jumped the gun – will be looking forward to celebrating your milestone properly later today :hugs:


A year ago I got completely wrecked on NYE. A year on and I couldn’t be happier to be able to ring in 2024 sober with friends! Hope everyone enjoys their evening wherever they are


@iamthechange Lovely to see you checking in Ami – a huge congrats on your 30 days! Totally should be proud of yourself. This is a tough journey and we need support to keep pushing forward. We are here for you . Keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@jennyh much love to you dear friend – hope you are well and enjoying the holiday season :hugs:
@jules000 I am so sorry for the traumatizing night you experienced. I know it feels sad now to not be able to celebrate with your friends. I think it is wise to spend today / tonight on self care and focus all your attention on you. WE will be here with you if you should need. Many more days ahead to celebrate :hugs:
@newlife89 Thanks Karl – appreciate you and grateful that we are on this recovery road together.
@anon68572606 So very sorry my friend. So much sadness and heartache – I do hope you are able to find peace. Sending you strength to get through this painful time.

Checking in on New Years Eve –
I am grateful to be celebrating my 2nd New Years sober. I am grateful that i will find comfort in my teas for tonight as i still cant do seltzer water or most juices.
I am grateful for a year of getting to know myself and an opportunity to work on ME. Grateful that the journey has only just begun. Grateful for all the never ending benefits of sobriety. Grateful that i found this place and have made so many lovely connections here. Grateful that i did already practice my gratitude this afternoon but you can never have enough gratitude.
Wishing everyone a safe and addiction free New Years Eve - may 2024 be filled with love, peace, good health and blessings :pray: Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:

We are all in this together – remember that you are not alone - please reach out if you are struggling :people_hugging:


Thank you @JazzyS you are so right about perspective about presence over presents. I felt so bad after posting but I guess the bad and hard come along at times with the good and the gratitude. I made an instant coffee grabbed my prepacked bag, jumped in the car and headed to the pool for an hour…I kept watching the clocks and minutes seemed to take forever to tick by yet before I knew it I was grounded and enjoyed myself to the point of diving and watersliding. Ended up spending almost 2 hours by the time I left. Enroute to buy ear pluga and my partner reached out so I am going to pick up some of my things including the gifts.

Thank you and congratulations to you all, this can be an extra challenging time of year with added stressors for sobriety.

i appreciate you all.


Appreciate you checking in with an update. so grateful that you were able to head to the pool and let the water do its thing (i find the pool to be so therapeutic).

Oh this is a lovely surprise.

I do hope the ear plugs help and you have a wonderful evening :hugs:


Sitting with the in-laws who mostly have a drink in their hands. Not mad sloshing but there’s plenty of beers and wines available. I’m holding firm and quiet content with an orange soda.
My little trick of “I’ve got this far through the season” & “if I start now I’ll be at it for a few days” have worked a treat. This will be the very last “social engagement” or whatever for the Xmas/ny and probably the very last opportunity to slip up. I’m happy and comfortable. I’ve really enjoyed these last few weeks and iim taking the memories and vibe with me into the new year.
Much love to anyone clutching to whatever it is tonight. Hang in there, this too shall pass.
Here’s to another 24.


Hope everyone enjoys a sober new years eve ive just finished reading This Naked Mind brilliant book still sober here peace out


Second check in for today
Last check in for 2023

Happy New Year to all of you living in the future😃
Happy New Years Eve to the rest of you! Stay strong, stay sober, stay connected :pray: :heart:

@JazzyS I need some blinders for January too. Better try and focus just on myself and let other people be and do, what other people want to be and do.
@james83 I do love your profile picture :+1:
@Louloubelle and @LeoLeo Big shout out from the Chesterfield/Bolsover area :hugs:

Love to all of you, my sober fam. Let’s make 2024 our success. TOGETHER :heart: :people_hugging:


Yeah I won’t complain to much.:grin: Happy New year, Jasmine


Hey :wave: We’re getting a little clutch of folk together here aren’t we :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: X


What does that tell us about the Midlands? :scream::rofl:


Oi. I’m from North of Birmingham…


Checking in.
I hope everyone is doing okay :heart:
I’ve cooked a nice meal, now we are chilling and watching some TV. Will probably put Jools Holland on to see in the New Year :tada::tada::tada:


Everyone stop making noise in the middle of the night or I’ll call the POLICE!!!



Well done :+1:


Much love Joe – Happy New Year to you as well :partying_face: :tada:

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Happy new year everybody!
I’m checking in on day 28, another sober day :v: