Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

19 days sober today is the first day i havenā€™t felt the urge for whiskey sober grateful to be sober


First sober weekend of the year! Really proud of myself, went a big walk today with my friend and discussed my struggles with her. No judgement and very supportive.

Happy Sunday everyone :blush::sparkles:


@garry Congrats on 1 week milestone ā€“ keep it going strong :muscle:
@tragicfarinelli Great work on your double digits! So happy for you to realizing that you are entitled to be there :people_hugging: A huge victory in realization :heart:
@blondie75 great to see you checking in with us ā€“ congrats on your double digits :tada:
@Lile01 How is your day treating you Indi? Were you able to do some self care today? Hoping that the anxiety has subsided for you :hugs:
@deelzebub how did it go today Delia? I do hope that your uncle did not do any sort of switcharoo ā€“ great planning to take your own non alcoholic drink.
@mira_d Iā€™m so sorry for the illness ā€“ I can imagine how tiring that must be, especially for it going on for so long. Sending healing energy your way! :pray:
@chosen2001 Great to see you checking in Chris. Never apologize ā€“ glad you were able to vent here and gain support. WE all need that from time to time. Glad that you were able to find distractions and let that urge just wash over you. So much strength ā€“ it does get easier my friend :hugs:
@anon68572606 :people_hugging: so sorry dear friend ā€“ sending you my condolences and comforting hugs. Grateful that he is no longer suffering. Wishing you all some inner peace and love during these times :heart:
@naomi I do relate with your situation. For me I found that some people (whom I thought were friends) could not be happy for me. Found ways to discourage me or make what I did in making my life better seem like meaningless efforts. Our relationship was one sided with me always be there for them and them not caring for my well being. This all came to light when I got ill and they could not be bothered. It hurt and I have had some great times with them and know them for 30+ years but in reality I realized our friendship had run its course. Not to say you need to cut this friend off but knowing that your relationship is one sided, you should set up boundaries for yourself so that you donā€™t continue to get hurt. Love your line of not letting anyone suck you dry in life ā€“ so important and necessary to stand up for yourself!
@riley_1 A huge congrats on your first sober week / weekend sober! Happy Sunday friend ā€“ keep going strong :muscle:

Checking in on Sunday afternoon
Had a lovely start to this day with family. Feeling so much better today emotionally. Watched a great movie and now caught up on TS - may take a small nap then finish up with my work. Not stressing and trying to enjoy the moments. Grateful that i woke up practicing my list of gratitudeā€™s and remembered to put some down. The gratitude practice really is a game changer!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Youā€™re absolutely right Jasmine to protect our boundaries. I cut some people of over the years, but with her itā€™s different. Thanks for reading my epistle :see_no_evil:
I find the daily gratitude list also a game changer! Iā€™m glad you had a good day, what movie did you watch? (Always in for :movie_camera: recommendations!)


Second check in today.
Weā€™re home from the family party and it went pretty well actually. We ended up using the virtual reality headset for a bit. My mum was not drinking as she didnā€™t want to get horribly drunk in my uncleā€™s home, and there were plenty of alcohol free options on offer. My cousin and his fiancĆ©eā€™s Alsatian is possibly expecting pups and they asked if Iā€™d be interested in taking one. Iā€™ve never had a dog before so Iā€™m going to give it some thought. I think it could be good to have the routine of walking a dog. My other cousin is running a printmaking workshop across town and invited me down to see if he could get me back into printmaking. All in all there was a good feeling today, and I felt a sense of possibilities.
I stuck to alcohol free drinks and enjoyed the buffet. Now Iā€™m home with some dark chocolate and a pot of rooibos tea.
Tomorrow I plan to go to yoga on the morning and then I have a meeting with my support worker in the afternoon. If the weather is poor we usually go for coffee but if itā€™s dry weā€™ll go for a walk.
Iā€™m glad to be getting back to a normal routine.


totally get it - here if you ever need to vent.

I watched Yes Day with Jennifer Garner - a great family type feel good movie.

should check out the Movies Check-in / Reviews :vhs: thread ā€“ some great recommendations there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love this Delia!! so happy for you and very glad to hear that you had a good timeā€¦ Enjoy that tea and dark chocolate :yum:

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Day 18 and had good few days. Still struggling with illness or as I call it ā€œmy body finally getting heard about the years of neglect and being pushed so hard to compensate for all the boozing/crap food/rubbish sleepā€
Its not impressed at all!
Went to an AA meeting yesterday by synchronicity of the Goddess directing me. Was going for a ride on my new bike( the $ saved from no boozing) and enjoying it so much i got lost as new to this city. Recognised an old stone church as the one i was thinking of going to a meeting on Weds so thought id check out the gardens and different historic church buildings. And of course people were arriving to an AA meeting ( you can spot your fellow recovery people!) Of course went in, had a great meeting, had moments of realising this was where i needed to be and meeting with potential sponsor later this week.
Topped of with seeing Heat( 1995) on the big screen . Sober and life is ok, still tough stuff and challenges but engaging with them sober makes all the difference. Yes arguments- but im not drunk, hungover or then numbing with a drink- ok who am i kidding a bucket of resentment self righteous gins.
Few days at home on my own is another opportunity to do life different. Easy to pick up get messed up and then hide evidence, lie, deceive , wash all my bedding, clothes and frantically get rid of that stale alcohol dripping out of my pores. So putting it out there with good friends and supports to RING check my voice plus have a plan of painting course, bike ride and couple of great movies and meetings.


Just checking in. I am back in day 9, as I spent a real sad and clueless time when returning from the hospital. No kidding, I really wish I knew what the accident looked/felt like!

Little tidbit, no sense of smell or taste. Itā€™s forbidding for me to not have those things. I also get a wee bit wobbly when forgetting food, which I am really working at.

For a long term, I didnā€™t spend much time on this site, as typing was against what my brain was allowing. So, palsā€¦I can type now and I am glad to be back. I am still participating in The Luckiest, too.

There are so many of you, whom I miss greatly. XXOO


Thatā€™s a tough situation.

In my understanding it may be likely that she thinks youā€™re truly amazing and a person to envy herself but doesnā€™t know how to in a healthy manner.

In the end I agree that creating your boundaries around what you share is a good idea.

Put some positive vibes her way in hopes that she finds peace and understanding in the way she relates to others in her life, especially you. I know I will for you.

Maybe one day being honest with her about how she interacts with you can heal the way the relationship is going. She may not even be aware of how she is reacting or behaving and that may help her change too. This obviously is not easy to do or even something that can be done with all people, and youā€™re a better judge of this situation than I am.

Either way, good for you in choosing whatā€™s best for you and your intentions.

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Checking in. Rough day today emotionally. Hoping itā€™s just because I am tired and tomorrow will be better. I know drinking would make things worse.


I noticed youā€™re really racking up those days with no form of potā€¦.keep it up man :muscle:


I am so terribly sorry about your loss @anon68572606



Narcotics Anonymous offers addicts a program of recovery that is more than just a life without drugs. Not only is this way of life better than the hell we lived, it is better than any life that we have ever known.



I did a 90 minute deep tissue massage yesterday and today I feel like GARBAGE. I have the monster headache and nausea only experienced with a 3 bottles of red wine drunk historically.
My joke is the masseuse rubbed a load bearing knot and the whole structure is coming loose but for real, this is painful. Hot shower and grocery shopping before a snowstorm are my only plans. How did I ever accept the feelings of a hangover this awful and keep coming back for more? Day 690 and a hard pass on a relapse anytime soon. Veggie soup and healthy things are in my future. Ouch!


Obviously sending love but from the outside looking in I would also like to say how proud I am of you for the way you are dealing with this and the strength of your sobriety.
You know where we are if you need us.


Thanks friend

The last time i smoked weed i got super sad. The negativity in me just stayed in my head until i wasnt under the unfluence from it. Then i understood i feel that way everytime i smoke. Weed makes me a weaker person


Condolences, friend.


Hello friends. Iā€™ve just joined this type of media after deleting all of my social media a few weeks ago. It became an unhealthy coping mechanism for me. I found my screen time was up to almost 8 hours some day! Thatā€™s basically me making it a full time job. And it gave me the same amount of stress as one. So I find myself sober from multiple things these days. Iā€™m almost 18 months clean from drugs. About 2 or so months from alcohol though I never much liked it in the first place. Lastly, Iā€™m close to 2 weeks sober from social media. Anyways, at the start of 2024, I wanted to use the free time for simplicity like spending a few aimless hours at the park. Some other ways Iā€™ve been practicing are more dedicated time to spiritual practices, reading, and creating. My screen time was at 1-2 hours a day. These have made my first few days of 2024 blissful, beautiful and rejuvenating. But, the past two days Iā€™ve been ill. So, being stuck inside with not much energy has left me watching lots of tv, reading and laying around. It makes me feel miserable. I miss the sun and I miss the serene stillness. It was tempting to relapse into social media but I stayed strong. So itā€™s a win in my book. Iā€™m ready to move back on up. Okay thanks for listening!


Thank you so much.