Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Day 699
Sooo close to 700 whole days clean and sober! Wow this really baffles me!! From a chronic relapser who couldnt stay clean for more than 3 days, to now almost reaching 700 days… makes me beyond grateful!

Today i didnt end up going to work. I stayed home and did a few things around the apartment instead. Went out to grab some fish food and a few other items. Thats really about it. I had an awful day for eating yesterday. But today has been better. Just needed to reevaluate my eating habits the past 2 days and then came back to focusing on my goals. I really need some self care honestly. So will do that when theres some quiet time tonight. Will be going to work tmrw and then have a busy week ahead (exercising, a 2 hour client specific training for work, an appt via zoom for my son, formula pickup, and a custom cake thats due friday, along with my usual weekend shifts at work). So lots going on. I enjoy being productive and having things to do but I have to be careful that I dont exhaust myself. Other than that, not much else going on. Just staying clean and sober and l♡ving life!


A late check-in on day 41
Had a emotional day at my parents, with a smile and a tear, as they are both facing health problems. I stayed longer than I planned, so that’s nice.
Its 2.30 am and I’m really tired, but couldn’t sleep. Glad tomorrow is sunday… Off to bed again!

I wish you all a fab sober day :lotus:


Congratulations on 1 week!! Way to go!


Congratulations on ur 1 week! :confetti_ball:


Living life to it’s very fullest!


@Pavlovs_Dog you are most welcome friend. Here you are among fellow addicts who are familiar with what you are going through. No judgement here and a whole lot of support. SO many threads to read through to get advice and great for distractions. Honestly, I was shocked like you to have found this place. Never would have thought that an online group would be so helpful and supportive. I am sorry to hear about your friends. Take your time to heal – we are here for you. :hugs: I do find the Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5 thread to be a life savor – practicing daily gratitude’s has helped me see the world differently.

@nomad620 great work on 1 week of sobriety Kayla! :tada: :clap:

@catmancam so sorry that the depression is overwhelming. Sending you loads of positive energy. Hoping that your SAD lamp and hopefully daily walks will help. Here for you friend :hugs:

388 days free of alcohol and weed
803 days free of cigarettes
Huh - liking the 3’s and 8’s with the timers. I started off the day very foggy with a headache. Managed to get a lot of errands done. Came home around 3 and then crashed hard. Not feeling great and the pain level is high. My brother spilled some beer accidentally and good lord the smell triggered an urge. Luckily i had some yummy tangerines to nosh on instead (lol - never would i have thought in a million years that fruit would cut a craving). I am exhausted so hopefully will be able to sleep soon and throughout the night.
All right my sober friends - wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free evening / day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 12. It was a good day. My thinking is definitely clearer than it was last month and I am grateful for that. Lots to think about! Let’s remember to treat ourselves kindly.



Damn it just got windy! Still not much snow but it is getting colder :cold_face: Now I wish I took care of the laundry today. I kept working around the house until my neck started bothering me. Guess I need to figure out the proper form for cleaning.

My ex asked if he could keep our daughter an extra day since she doesn’t have school Monday. I didn’t even realize it was MLK jr day! That’s what happens when I’m off of work :upside_down_face:

I’m pretty tired already. Think I’m gonna soak my feet, bc they’ve been freezing all day, and relax with a scary movie. Good day to you :four_leaf_clover:


Thank you!


I was gonna say maybe play a Lottery ticket with those numbers :sweat_smile::rofl: and thank you!


Didn’t end up going. I felt too ill. Instead I tried my best to sleep that afternoon. There’s no pain but it’s still there. I’m going to keep an eye on it and see if it changes in any way or if I feel differently in any way.

I’m still pretty sick but it seems to be getting a bit better now. Hoping that signals it’s healing process too.

Will definitely go to the ER the moment I see it worsen in any way.


Very grateful to your advice. I did read a lot of the posts. Thanks Jazzy. Made it thru day 3 sober and enjoying this forum.


Suggest Pet Sematary. Have a good weekend.


43 days in the bank

Finishing up a good sober sunday here.
Got up and went to the gym, got in 10 or so rounds of sparring. First rounds in over 5yrs I’d say. Definitely wouldn’t have made it if I was hungover/anxious.

Wifey goes back to work tomorrow, kids still on holidays and I’m back to work Tues so back into some kind of routine this week.
Looking foward to getting back to work


836 Day check in :white_check_mark:

Hi everyone :wave:

:hugs: I am thinking of you all, always.
I just wanted to say I am doing okay, been moving home so it’s been hectic.
Il be settled back this week coming properly and il be back on here much more regularly.

Hope your all doing well :slightly_smiling_face:


I missed this paragraph/sentence yesterday. The “so we can trust in you to be there for us as well” is an interesting push and what this is all about. I am learning much about the process and myself. It makes me commit to checking in, in the event that I might/could help another who might need a helpful rope thrown to them, but obviously that is going to put a big giant red flag in my face, each time I check in, to not go get beer at night, and blow my sobriety by staying in contact with ya’ll. I’m going to post something at the bottom (to all) that will get some chatter as my crutch to helping me stay sober. I bought a device online that has a timer and it locks shut for a certain amount of time. Since my addiction is drinking when lonely at night only, it is my challenging time. So I have alarms on my phone to lock away my keys and my wallet for the evening in this thing. I think I am not supposed to list products which would look like advertising, and so I’ll say only that I got it online. Anyway, I lock away my keys and wallet around 3:30 PM and set the timer for 12 hours and I’m screwed if I decide I really need to drive anywhere so I have to have my home situation set for the evening. I could of course break open the device with a hammer, if there were an emergency whereupon I needed to drive, but that is not my style because then I would have to buy another one and they are like 40 bucks and all that. Anyway, maybe it will help someone so I will put up my method and maybe save it in my computer and now and then repost my Inspector Gadgetesque little method as it might help someone else. Anyway, I’m 3 days sober and feeling more like I’m “fitting in” as you put it Solar. PS. I did a big drive and camped in 2017 for the big solar eclipse out in the middle of nowhere in Idaho, so your name is cool.


Checking in on day 8. Have a wonderful Sunday you all


Nice to see you back :slightly_smiling_face: moving is so much work!


@Mindofsobermike Congrats on 60 days man! And way to go on your resolve to follow through and not call in sick despite difficult circumstances. That’s inspiring.
@Tomek I hope you’ll find peaceful sleep soon. Bad sleep ruins a lot :roll_eyes: How do you usually train for a longer hike? I usually only do short ones, but am curious.
@Girlinterrupted I wish you all the compassion in the world for yourself. Forgiving yourself is a big task.
@Butterflymoonwoman :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2: to self care!!!
@Pavlovs_Dog Love your Inspector Gadget approach :laughing:

53 no binge, no sugar
9 UPFs
9 dairy

Wild cheese cravings yesterday. Definitely hormone related. Upped the dosage. Had really good sleep.

Easy Sunday today. I’ll do my weekly review, help my kid with their lasagna, going to pick up a recliner from a friend who is moving to a smaller flat and wants to get rid of it. A walk in the snow, yoga. Maybe some Buddhist reading. Simple stuff.

No using, no numbing, just life.

Peace to y’all. :peace_symbol:



I did make it to the organic growers and grocery yesterday so I have some good food on the shelf now. And did a little bike ride as well. I’m losing fitness. Need a way to regain it. There’s options. Going to work on it. Not today though. I’m relaxing today. Might do something in town. When there’s not too much rain around. Will see.

Whatever I do it will be done sober and clean. As I expect from all you. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.

@CATMANCAM Thanks friend. Our kitties are family. Of the good kind.