Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Excellent Leroy :+1:

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Day 694
Morning TS! Woke up super early today. An hour and a half before my alarm was to go off at 6am. I was woken up bcuz one of my sons medical machines was flashing and our nurse didnt know what to do. So i helped fix the issue. But then i couldnt fall back asleep bcuz my mind started going lol

Anyway, today my son goes back to school after winter break. And as much as i absolutely love having him home, i am also looking forward to having some me time now. Todays plans are to get him on the bus and then I will go exercise. Will do some cleaning, put away some clean laundry, and then make my way to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. Ya thats about it. I want to do some decluttering of my dresser drawers also. Ill see if i have time.

Hope everyone had an awesome Monday!


Hi, this is me! I handed in my notice last week with no job to go to just yet. Though today I learned my best man pal at work handed his notice in as well on the day before I did last weekā€¦ so we had a laugh about that. We are in a very manipulative environment though, not sure if yours is any better.

I see it like a relationship really, when itā€™s over it really should be over. Easy to say, hard to implement in reality if you canā€™t afford to be carefree or have money constraints and dependants.

Try if you can, you only live once, life is too short to be completely miserable in a job unless you are being paid mucho danger money and doing it short term to retire immediately afterwards.

Good luck!


Thank you @Tragicfarinelli I absolutely agree! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 11.

Itā€™s snowing! Only tiny wisps, but the cats are watching it thru the windows and itā€™s cute. Feeling a bit more in control that I am out, or getting out, of the most abusive relationship Iā€™ve ever been inā€¦ My jobā€¦ The more I think about things that have been said to, the angrier I get:




jokers. Itā€™s so rude.

For the first time in months I feel a bit lighter, mixed with a bit of fear also, but mainly relief.

Looking forward to another sober week ahead :grin::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Day 115 :blush:
Happy Monday!


Day 359.

Still sober. Still here. Love you guys :heart:


Still anxious but I made it through the day sober, thank you!

Journalling has definitely been a great motivator for me too.


So close to a year, thatā€™s amazing! Well done :blush:


Checking morning of day

Breeeeath matty
No rush

Hectic morning
Did some more shoveling then rushed to work

Ate lunch be4 i started so its more like breakfast

Im in rush mode so i just need to breath for a second

Ill be back later
Have a good day everyone


Checking in, still cant belive Im 2 years sober. Feels like a dream. Had a rough day workwise, oversleept til 0420, I start 0430, and had to rush off stressed-no coffee, no make up, only brush teeth and get dressed. So that sat the day, the whole workday reminded me of hangover workdays while drinking. Cant say I miss that!


Checking in on day 7.
I had a work-related meeting today that went better than expected, so that was good. Iā€™ve been off since October so it was quite anxiety-provoking. Iā€™m off for another 4 weeks, then hopefully back on a phased return.

Itā€™s so chilly here! Itā€™s expected to snow today but Iā€™m not holding out much hope, haha.

Going to take a nap as Iā€™m utterly exhausted, then make myself a spicy seafood udon with homemade fish broth - not to everyoneā€™s liking but Iā€™ve been looking forward to it ever since I found kimchi in M&S!

No alcohol in the house and no plans to buy any, so weā€™re trucking towards day 8, and the rest. Iā€™m determined to make it to my appointment on Friday as it will be the first time Iā€™ll be able to say I havenā€™t had a single drop of alcohol in-between sessions!

Have a good day all!


You got this my friend! THC was one of my toughest addictions. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re experiencing the panic attacks and restlessness. Even though itā€™s temporary, it feels never ending at times. If you ever need you can always reach out.


Checking in on the six month mark. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Well that was a very rough first night of very very little sleep.

Agitated today and full of sadness but trudging forward. Itā€™s the only direction allowed.


Good morning, checking in with 1 week clean. Itā€™s nice to wake up and not feel ashamed and without cotton mouth!


@garry nicely done Garry ā€“ 10 days and beyond ā€“ I know you can keep going strong. We are here if you need to vent or need extra support ā€“ I know milestones can be tricky and our minds may try to play tricks. Crush that streak friend :muscle:
@acromouse how you feeling? Hope the anxiety died down and you had a wonderful day with your kids.
@ana.eli way to go with your 1 week plus of sobriety. Congrats on maintaining and protecting your sobriety! You are so right about the good life in return ā€“ so many positive benefits with sober livingā€¦we just have to endure those hard days. Keep it going strong :muscle:
@rockstar24777 I like what Mno said. You really donā€™t know until you see what is out there. Donā€™t let the fear of age hold you back. You are only as old as you believe and I do have faith that work forces are not so bound by age as they are looking for experience and dedication and heart. I know someone recently hired a 70 year old woman to do some customer service work with heavy lifting (she is giving the other workers something to strive for ā€“ hard to keep up with her energy). Life is too short to be miserable at work (since we spend such an enormous amount of our time at our jobs).
@mindofsobermike I know it feels like a lot of sleep but your body may be in desperate need of it. I actually started resting and sleeping way more when I started my addiction free journey. Even when I just quit cigarettes I felt like I was way more tired all the time. Not being consistent with the meds can also cause your fatigue levels to go haywire. I had to finally get me a pill box as I am terrible in remembering my vitamins and now keep it next to my tooth brush as a daily reminder. It does take time for your body to find its rhythm again. So grateful you made it to work safely ā€“ sounds scary biking in those conditions ā€“ please be careful. Lol just saw your post ā€“ yes, a phone alarm might help as a extra reminder.
@lile01 glad to hear that journalling is helping Indi. Just keep going one second at a time. We are here if you need to vent or talk to release some of that anxiety. :hugs: Congrats on your 1 week milestone :tada:
@charlie_c I totally hear ya friend ā€“ the damn addict in us is very childlike ā€“ throws tantrums, hides its mischievous behavior and lies ā€“ oh it lies so hard so that it wonā€™t be called out. You are rebuilding yourself and only your actions can show how much you are putting into your recovery. Our loved ones do and will forever love us but it does take some time to rebuild that trust . Keep putting your efforts in and be patient with your wife. Be patient with yourself too ā€“ you are back on the sober track and giving it your all :people_hugging: That garbage in your head is the damn addiction trying to make you feel inferior so that it can control your vulnerability. Do not let it in.
@happy_trails Congrats on your 1 week milestoneā€¦ look at you go! :tada: :clap:
@Pattycake WOOT WOOT! 6 months is flippin awesomsauce Patricia! way to go girl! :muscle:

Way to go guys with all your milestones ā€“ grateful to be celebrating with you today! Be proud of yourselves!

Checking in on Monday morning
Up and excited to attack the day! Will do my best to make it a great day. Thankfully no snow today here so that is a bonus. Stay warm and safe for all those dealing with the wintery storms.
Wishing everyone a fantastic Addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


May your day be filled with joyful accomplishments Jazzy!

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Thanks friend :orange_heart:ā€¦sending you comfort and love as your grieve your loss :people_hugging:


Thank you Jasmine :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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