Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

I was wondering… Maybe get an acupressure mat to use at home? This releases these toxins supposedly and maybe you could build a short daily routine. They are relative inexpensive, I like mine. Need to get into using it again!


Thats a good thought. I was amazed at how tight my muscles were before and how much she was able to get them to relax. It was a good step for me to be able to get a massage from a stranger too. Getting more in tune with my body was my goal last year and it looks like I still have a ways to go.


Hello hello hello ! Day 08 today and that means …drumroll I made it through my first clean week! And I’m very very happy and proud about this.

Especially as my sobriety (or my discipline) was REALLY tested.
A few days ago my husband was visiting his brothers and I was having my girls over, and my one friend, I haven’t seen her in a while brought some stuff.

She’s not an addict so she didn’t think much of it but dam that was so hard to tell her I’m trying to stay sober.

Yet I’m really proud of myself. In the past I would have relapsed imideatly. I would have not even mentioned to her that I was clean and would have just used .

Now I got one week down, it’s been a wild ride but it is starting to just get a little bit easier. I’m greatful to be clean.

Enduring the hard days will give you a good life in return.

I hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves :mending_heart:


Excellent work you and huge congrats on making it through the week sober! Just keep going one day at a time and you will never be stopped. You’re doing great.


Day 1115,

Brought my son for his theory exam for his driver license. He past :tada:. Had a little chat and discussed a situation a while ago. He himself came foreword that he hadn’t been totally honest. He told that he went for diner with people he had met online instead of going to a movie with a friend as he had said. I said, like I didn’t know that you did something else, the timelines were totally off that day compared with what you told your mother and me :joy:. I just let it be and didn’t confront him at the time, his mother is more the panicking type about those things. Times are changing how people meet and just asked how long do you know them and how old are they, besides that I cannot think of something more sensible than going for a diner. So he will probably be traveling through the country this week for another meet-up with his online friends. He also has a new puppy at his mother’s place.


Good morning. Checking in day 38. Have an amazing day everyone! :v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1303. I hope everybody has a good one!


And there I am on day 20, building up those days again. It feels good! Have a nice day everyone!


Checking in here. Like the little slogan this morning. Sometimes we do have to fight. Xo. Happy 25th hour everyone, stay strong we got this xo


Day 1,305 clean and sober today. Really shitty day at work yesterday with a coworker. I was kinda a jerk to him and apologized afterwards. It’s been building up and I kinda let him have it which was unprofessional of me. I’m finding it harder to have a good attitude and I’m looking inside myself to see what’s really going on.

Last night I found myself feeling lost again and feeling like I’m wasting my life. I am actually getting burnt out on my job and instead of wondering “what’s wrong with me” I think I’m just outgrowing it. Like it was what I needed for the last few years but I don’t feel that I want to continue in this field anymore.

The question is how do I transition to another career at almost 54 years old? I could go back to school to get training etc but I’m not sure if my age will hold me back with opportunities. I love nature and animals and would love to do something in wildlife conservation or forestry. I don’t know, all I know is that I’m not happy doing what I’m doing and it’s making me feel trapped.

Had a really strong urge to drink last night so I just went to bed. Sometimes going to bed is the best that I can do and that’s ok.
Anyway, I hope everyone has an amazing day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Welcome and great job with the social media!!! That is something I recently relapsed on and need to delete again. Great job on your sober/clean time as well! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I understand and feel you friend. But you won’t know if you don’t try. Tomorrow is my first day working as experience expertise worker. It’s relatively safe as it’s only one day a week, it’s in the same place i am working now, and 'll keep working as a nurse there as well. But I’m anxious about it, as well as excited. I’m bloody 58. But who cares about that. We’re alive. We can do stuff. And we got to do what we love or we’ll go down.

Recovery is creating a life for ourselves we don’t want to flee from. Like the urge you had last night. Instead of giving in (good work you didn’t!) see it as a sign things have to change in your life. A sign you need to change some things. For the better. And be sure you can! Hugs Robbie. We’re in this together :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


Day 55. Well a little annoyed with myself bc once again I slept all day yesterday, Saturday night I couldn’t sleep I was up untill about 3 in the morning. I woke up around 3 in the afternoon and looked out the window and it was a blizzard outside so I just laid back down. And then yeah next thing I know I was waking up to my alarm clock for work this morning. Got up, showered and headed out the door around 5 50 bc I didn’t know what the roads or side walks were gonna be like. My ski pants were so tight I could barely pedal my bike, I got outside and it was sloppy and slushy, I almost crashed about 20 times. Couldn’t ride the side walks, it was definitely sketchy out but I tried to make it as fun as possible too. My back and ski pants and jacket and bike were covered in slush when I got to work and my pedal assist on my bike stopped working so I had to use my thumb throttle. But atleast I made it to work safe. Hoping to hear from the hospital soon, I emailed the original lady who called me and hoping to hear back from her. Hoping to possibly hear something back from mercy in Tupper as well. Other than that I’m doing ok I guess, I forgot my medicine this morning and also didn’t take it yesterday bc I slept all day. Definitely have been have some terrible eating habits and I’m feeling rather fluffy lol. I’ve been going to Walmart and getting my favorite snack which is called cream horns and they come in a 5 pack and I eat them all pretty much in a day. Idk better then drugs that’s for sure. Much love everyone


Thank you Menno that’s great advice for sure. I was thinking the same thing about me not being happy and that it is something I need to explore. I am going to turn this into a fun activity (looking at new jobs) and see what I can find. Congratulations on your new position and thank you for your friendship man. Hugs back! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Mike, I’m feeling fluffy too :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Sorry Mike, I’m sounding like the nurse I am. Please think of some ways to take your meds consistently. Set an alarm for them maybe? Taking them on and off like this is a bad thing for your mental health friend. Please take care. Like you do on your bike, happy that’s going ok despite the weather challenge. And enjoy your snacks, you’ve earned them. Hugs.


Big hugs being sent ur way :people_hugging: My deepest condolences to you :frowning:


Welcome to the forum! :smiley:

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I know what you mean. And totally agree. I keep them right next to my tooth brush so I remember them in the morning but agree a alarm clock would help