Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

There’s a website? I just use the cheapest normal plain oats I could find, shove them in a jar with coconut milk or any milk would do, really, add berries or apples or… pretty much anything you like, and leave them in the fridge. It’s brilliant for breakfast because you can change it up and add different stuff to it every day. I’m hooked too!


Haha, I realized that later. I googled “overnight oats” and it popped up a brand called that and I went to there website. That’s when I responded.

So then later I was thinking wait a minute, can’t you just do this on your own? So back to google then I saw some recipes. So that’s what I’m going to try. I love my oatmeal concoctions, but often don’t have time.

And you also just gave me a great idea with the jars. I was wondering what I was going to shake this in.

So, thanks again!:slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in on day 3 without alcohol.

It was a good day overall. I found my mind wandering a couple times to thoughts of that first after work drink and missing having that to look forward to. But now, as I’m going to bed sober I’m so thankful that I got to enjoy my evening instead of drinking it away.


Tree Fiddy

Slept like absolute garbage. Still, had quite a bit of energy in the morning tho. The meeting was fine. I’m just excited bc tomorrow we get to try all the new menu items, and there’s some good ones. I’m looking at you, crab manicotti :yum:

Had a nice relaxing night with my daughter. Did a pedicure bc it feels like my ingrown toenail is coming back so I’m getting ahead of it this time. Now I’m pretty tired and looking forward to some good sleep. Goodnight everyone :blue_heart:


Day 479

Another long day. Up at 6 and it’s 1230 now.
One day I’ll get some sleep.
Hope y’all are doing well :people_hugging::heart:


Sorry this is a later reply! But keep up the good work hope you are still staying stung you got this! :purple_heart:


Good for you Krissy.
Congratulations on your 3 days. And a hangover free day 4


I’m so sorry Kiki.
Take care of yourself.
I’m glad whatever it is you’re dealing with it sober. We got your back. We’ll still be here


61 days in the bank

Work today. Another hot day. Was up at 430am to take the dog for a run before work.
Now home, kids are fed and getting ready for bed.

Thanks @CATMANCAM @Happy_Trails @JazzyS @SoberWalker
I always see you guys being so supportive to everyone in here. Thank you all for your contributions in here.

Another great day above ground.


71 no sugar, no binge
27 UPFs
27 dairy

Not sure about Tummy bug. Hope it’s going to be better today.

Yesterday was difficult. I tried to get away from all the uncomfortable feelings and experiences that an illness brings. Usually I’d resolve to bingeing food. This does not work with a tummy bug. So I had to come up with something else. I started obsessing about a project.

I am realising only today that this is the same binge pattern as with food. I don’t want the feelings and experiences I’m having, so I obsess/binge on something (food, work, project, sports, TV, book, whatever). And bingeing numbs those uncomfortable feelings. I am so focused, I don’t have to feel the bad stuff.

But guess what. It also numbs all other feelings. The ones that tell me to take care of myself: to rest, to hydrate, to stretch, to eat, to go to the loo, to take a brake… And the good ones too.

In the consequence I end up like after every binge: worse than before. I neglect my needs, and become a husk of a human being. Hungry, dirty, thirsty, needy, cranky, tired, sore.

And now the question: How do I deal with that? I at least caught myself yesterday evening and did some little self care.


Funny that you talk about recognising the addictive behaviors in relation to other activities, I had the same realisation a couple of days ago.
You probably articulated better than I did, I just said to myself “that was some addict behavior bro” haha but same idea
Good that you were able to reflect and recognise the behavior.


I just woke up thinking that. This feels a bit like groundhog day but a good kind. I’m calling it practice for racking up sober days. Enljoy your Lego sets until the nicer weather gets to you!



:crown: :chess_pawn: :chess_pawn: :chess_pawn: :chess_pawn: :x: :x:



It’s my weekend although I’ll be busy enough. That’s Ok. I feel rested because I slept in till 7:30 and I can say that without sarcasm. How long ago is it by now that the night before a day off had to be accentuated by even heavier drinking than “normal”? Never again. Have as good a day as you can friends. Sober and clean. Love from my old hood.

@Sabrina80 That’s a huge thing Sabrina! Serious growth there. Very happy for you! :people_hugging:


Well you noticed your behaviour, the patern.
When you see it you can adress it. And when you do you can change it.
You made a big step by seeying what you are doing and how it affects you.
And you also gave yourself some self care in the evening. Maybe repeat this today and expand it a little :wink:
Ps hope you feel a bit better today!


*Day 1961 :walking_woman:
Had a busy day yesterday but overall a good one despite the headache.
Trying to find out what causes this headaches.
I always have had a lot of headaches in my life (beside the hangover ones) so that’s not strange.
But it decreased loads when I entered menopause. And the migain I had since I was 16 years old vanished completely.
So maybe I better cound my luck instead of weeping about my headache :smiling_face:

Today? Visiting a friend in the hospital and getting some housechores done.
Have a great day all, try to do something nice for yourself! Going to do such myself!


Checking in during wee hours of the morning,day 204. Maybe I’ll get to sleep eventually but in any case, have a good one, everybody!:heart::pray:


I love it :heart_eyes_cat: this black and yellow colour :blush:
I’m very proud of myself and I’m really thankful also to the people who have supported me and still continue to believe in me :pray: and I also believe in me :sparkling_heart:
No matter how much is hard i WON’T GIVE UP


You can make carrot cake ones and cherry Bakewell, apple pie. For examples

Sounds naughty but it’s more like the addition of cinnamon and some compote and grated fruit or veg.

I do overnight oats in summer mainly but they are good.


Day 36

The fatigue is lifting and energy returning. As I mentioned earlier in response to another post, it does feel a bit like ground hog day but I am not unhappy about that. It feels like boredom and repitition in a good way rather than the ground hog day loop I was stuck in before. Finish work → get hammered → pass out → work hungover → repeat.

I will take this finish work → cook dinner → knit watching TV → self care → sleep → wake and work → repeat any day of the week. More living will come in time and for right now I am content and happy where I am. Nothing wrong with knitting yourself 6 sweaters and counting :rofl: