Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Thanks Lys, and congrats on your 60 days of freedom.


Thank you @CATMANCAM for your support! :people_hugging: Youā€™re an absolute rockstar! :yellow_heart:

Iā€™m doing better now, not so angry anymore. And although I had a poor night, I was surprised how awake I was throughout yesterday. I had better sleep last night, and today has been somewhat productive.

Wishing a great sober day for you all! :cherry_blossom:


Day 32
Waking up to a new month with a clear head is bliss. No alcohol today


Day 383.

Fudge. Today I wanted to clean my flat, but canā€™t be fucked. Tho, I suppose the dust will still be here tomorrow. Instead, Iā€™m cooking a nice soup and going to the movies later.

Iā€™m a bit out of wack because I stayed up until 5 am last night working to meet deadlines. Iā€™m definitely too old for this shit, but I also struggle with time management.


1.03 no cbd
267 no alcohol
198 no vapes or ciggs
68 no thc

I was super sad yesterday for no reasonā€¦it made work really hard to work like i normaly do

I have today off so im just going to take my meds as perscribed and stay completely sober.

I do feel better today :slight_smile:


Day 60
The last two months flew by. Since Iā€™m more focussed on myself and what/who I want to be, Iā€™m less focussed on not drinking. I know I have to be aware to not take my sobriety for granted though, as temptation can creep up on us when we expect it the least.

Tonight and tomorrow Iā€™m having friends for diner, looking forward to that. Tonight will be cheese fondue and tomorrow Thai salad and curry. No work tomorrow so Iā€™m happy I can sleep in a bit!


Yes! Iā€™ll try to do more things that scared me, like crossing high bridges.
Being in a crowd doesnā€™t scare me any more, itā€™s awesome :blush:


Congrats on the 500 days!:tada: :100: And good to hear all goes well in life :muscle:t3:
That commute looks like heaven man. We have crazy traffic in and around the city, drives me nuts! :rotating_light:

@Zse Congrats on the 60 days sober twin, you can be definitely proud of yourself!! :lotus::raised_hands:


Happy day 60


Thanks and happy day #60 to you too :blush::blush: you also can do it


9 days weed free. 2 days gambling free. 2003 days alcohol free. Anxiety is up there today. Really feel like smoking a cigarette or vape which i havnt done in years.


Day 79. Not much going on today, just kinda hanging out. Girls had a decent morning, and yeah just chillen. Not much to say today. Much love


Working my way through day 81. Had a rough start. Woke up groggy and then just one little inconvenient thing after another. They were so minor and I have been handling minor inconveniences like a freaking zen queen. Literally I have made so much progress with my anger and flipping out over EVERY LITTLE THING!! Today I was like the 81 days ago me. Then I realized I didnā€™t do my morning routine. Iā€™m super hooked on it and apparently my day is not the same without it. I realized I am truly addicted to some really healthy habits and it feels so Fucking good!!! I didnā€™t run to drugs or alcohol, instead I journaled, did my affirmations and gratitude and prayer and drank my herbal tea, and I was better. It took me so many resets for so many years to get here and I just want anyone who canā€™t seem to get it to know to never quit quitting and all the other cliche things people say through sobrietyā€¦They are all true, and living life sober, happy and healthy is possible and so worth the fight. I have never had more than two weeks sobriety before this and I never would have thought it was possible. With consistency and dealing with all the hard things, itā€™s possible to recover from this disease. I know I will never be cured but Iā€™m not having a ā€œflare upā€ of addiction and that is a win. Have a thoughtful Thursday sober friends! :heart::muscle:t2:


Checking in day 12 - already having thoughts of whether I really need to do this or if I can just not drink in some circumstances. I know I can have a few drinks fine no problem. Itā€™s just these odd occasions where it all goes to shit but thatā€™s maybe only a few times a year. I know Iā€™m convincing myself out of it and the safest thing is just a blanket no to drink then I donā€™t have to worry and this never happens again. Butā€¦ seems a bit extreme. But then whatā€™s so good about having a few drinks anyway, none of us ever really only want a few, we can just restrain ourselves sometimes. And inevitably that fails at the most key times. Sorry this is just a string of consciousness, probably makes no sense. :v:t2:&:purple_heart:


Struggled a bit last night and this morning. I went to sleep and started seeing the wounds and stabbings and even dreamed about the process and execution of a really deep cut. It was super duper hard when I woke up too. I struggled this morning with residual urges and images that were going around in my head. Itā€™s been hard to push them away but I used my ā€œriding the waveā€ skill and there are still some disturbing image in my head but Iā€™ve done a good job of keeping busy and pushing them to the back of my mind. Iā€™ve focused on whatever I can do to work towards my goal of becoming a naturalist on a whale watch. Iā€™m studying about whales as well as practicing working with the public by volunteering in public service. By doing all of this, it reminds me that if I were to give into my urges, Iā€™d lose this opportunity that Iā€™ve dreamed of since middle school. So Iā€™m not going to give in. I want toā€¦ Really bad. But I canā€™tā€¦ I wont.


Where do you live? It looks lovely!


Oh my, that sounds hard, and Iā€™m wishing you strength to stay on a healthy path towards your dream of whales and volunteer work.

Please stay strong :muscle:t2: :heart:


I live in Christchurch, New Zealand.

That is Castle hill about 1.5 hours away.





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