Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Nicely done


Thatā€™s where my Dad was born. I have started citizenship paperwork quite some time ago.

Nice to hear.


36 days free of alcohol
30 days free of THC

Congrats everyone on the day counts, some big milestones there!! Keep going, youā€™re worth it! :yellow_heart::star2::yellow_heart:


Day 718
My son woke up sick :frowning: So he is home from school today. His temp is climbing so I gave him some childrenā€™s Tylenol. I hope this doesnt become a hospital visit. Im having to tend to his medical needs alot more than usual. He was having a nap there for a bit. So i did some self care during that time (did my skin care routine and a little makeup which made me feel good). Now we are relaxing while he watches ipad. I will just continue to keep an eye on him and make sure that he doesnt get any worse. Thats about all for me. Hope everyone is doing well!


I moved here post quake, the city was still rubble but now its rebuilt vibrant and a great place to have settled!


@Sabrina well done for pushing through your anxiety and going to the meeting and even having a nice time, thatā€™s a huge win :trophy: :clap:t2:
@JazzyS thank you :blush:šŸ©µ that is a disappointment that this one didnā€™t take, I hope your search for a successful green dye works out soon :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Michelle thank you šŸ©µ Iā€™m glad you had a more pleasant day :blush:
@Dilettante sorry to hear of your flare up, I hope your symptoms all settle back down asap :crossed_fingers:t2: :people_hugging:
@Gorden welcome to the community :blush:
@Just_Laura congrats on 350 days :tada: I hope you enjoyed the new menu taster day :yum:
@acromouse I too, find it hard to strike a balance, Iā€™ve always been very all or nothing. Iā€™m glad you did some self-care šŸ©µ
@Zse congrats on 60 days :tada:
@2JTravNZ congrats on 500 days :tada: stunning scenery :heart_eyes:
@wahtisnormal sorry about your momā€™s health :people_hugging: well done for being productive, despite the fear and depression :clap:t2:


Day 1139,

Canā€™t catch my sleep, thinking about another thing that came up during my neuropsychological research. This feels like the only place I can share it and vent on it. It has to do with my speed of thinking. They put it in the report as exceptionally fast. Again it sounds like a really positive thing, but it seems to bother me a lot. Canā€™t think of any exam in the past I didnā€™t finish first or at least one of the first. Things are ready in my head before they are, think about cooking and being on holidays before I even caught the plane. There is no way my speech can keep up with it, I come across introverted but I think this makes it more then it should be. The biggest problem is with my feelings, they are totally not aligned. As my schema therapist put it they try to keep up but are falling behind and are not felt or get any attention.

Wanna leave it here, goodnight :pray::heart::pray:


@Timetochange congrats on all the 2s :tada:
@Jasty2 I hope you enjoy(ed) your evening out :blush:
@Trixie1 enjoy your vacation :blush:
@Naomi congrats on 60 days :tada: enjoy your evenings with friends :blush:
@Jules000 sending strength šŸ©µ stay focused on your dream :blush:
@Chosen2001 congrats on 8 months :tada:
@Catmama23 congrats on 30 days free of THC :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman sending well wishes for your son :sparkles: glad you were able to do some self-care šŸ©µ

1270 days no alcohol.
735 days no cocaine.
250 days no vape.
15 days no binge-eating.

Visited my dad for his birthday tomorrow. Caught up with him and his wife. They were both stressed about different things.

I must have been tired from the socialising because I fell asleep when I got home at 4pm-7pm!

Tomorrow I am hoping to go to the gym, for my first proper workout in the E-GYM section.

Tomorrow I also have my Diabetic Eye Screening, really hoping my Retinopathy hasnā€™t gotten worse.



Day 36 and going well. Work has been the biggest pile of ā€¦ all week and oh my a cold one is tempting. But nope not for me thanks.


@JP123 Sometimes, we just gotta take the one win we got. And being sober is a win. Hope tomorrow is better.

@Hopeful32 Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:

@Happy_Trails Well done :+1::purple_heart::+1:

@acromouse I think many of us on here realise that when we stop escaping via our doc, we will do it via something else. And exactly what you said, the behavior and feelings are the same, hiding, guilt, etc. I guess in the short term we try those techniques that stopped us with our doc (like distraction) and long-term we look at what it is in our life we are escaping from. Look internally and learn about our fears. Therapy, self-help, sharing on here.

@Zse Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:

@Tragicfarinelli They sound so fancy!

@2JTravNZ Whoo hoo! :purple_heart::clap::purple_heart:

@wahtisnormal That sounds a lot. Sending strength and peace and hope you can sleep soon.

@Naomi Congratulations :tada::purple_heart::tada:

@Chosen2001 Well done :+1::muscle::+1:

@Butterflymoonwoman Hope it is a minor thing with your son :pray:


Congratulations on your 8 months of sober ODAATs Chris :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:


I got so much love on my birthday yesterday from all over, it was a very special feeling. Also special being another sober birthday in the books. Sadly, I fell ill last night with a stomach bug or food poisoning and that was NOT fun. Maybe related, maybe not, but then I developed a migraine today, so I took it very easy with curtains drawn and ice packs. There are shifts in the weather right now, so that could be a factor, it often is. Most of the pretty snow has melted and we have entered muddy season rather early this year. Tough when one has a dog! Sheā€™s not a digger, thank goodness! Anyway, Iā€™m doing okay at the moment. Lots to be grateful for. I have these beautiful flowers to enjoy, sent to me by my parents yesterday. I do love the rare bouquet of fresh flowers, especially lilies, which have been fun to watch bloom over the course of the day, what a unique color! I say the rare bouquet because I know they are not the most environmentally sustainable thing to purchase, especially this time of year. What is more sustainable is the LEGO flower set a dear friend sent me! Iā€™m enjoying them both. Thanks again for all the birthday love, friends. 42 is looking great to me!


Day 222. So proud to be on my sober journey with people on here.
. Off to bed. Busy day tomoro. I am now thinking if I had beer I would be devastated rather than yay. I am so determined to live a sober life now


I didnā€™t know we were the same age! Love the lego flower set, I want one but um and er about buying it!


I didnā€™t know that, either! 42 is a great age to be. And I was the same about the flower setsā€¦I asked for one for Christmas a few years back and my husband got me a cheap knockoff that was pretty disappointing :rofl: Thatā€™s what I get for not specifying. Get you some LEGO flowers, amiga!


Happy birthday girl. Iā€™m sorry I did not see that. Proud of you. Hope you feel better


@acromouse I do hope that you do feel better. I totally understand what you are saying about moving obsessive behavior to other aspects of our lives and in doing so neglecting our own selves. I had to start setting alarms to drink water, do meditations, eat meals as I know when I get immersed in something I forget to do just about everything else. It has taken some time but I feel like I am in a better place in staying on top of my needs now. Love how in sobriety we learn so much about ourselves and find ways to lead a healthier and happier life.
@soberwalker I am sorry to hear about your headaches Claudia. I am glad that the migraine has vanished but it still is no fun having any type of pain. I know my doctors are finally pushing for a head MRI and a neurological exam. Would you be able to look into something like this? Hopefully they can figure out what is causing the headaches for so long. Hoping all went well with your friend today :hugs:
@zse 2 months!! Woot woot girl ā€“ way to go with your sober time :muscle:
@2jtravnz just gotta say Congrats again ā€“ 500 days is some amazing work and those are some lovely scenic views. Thank you for sharing ā€“ keep going strong :muscle:
@wahtisnormal sorry for all that you are dealing with. I canā€™t imagine the emotional stress of having to take care of a sick parent. So very proud of you for not drinking. We are here if you need to talk :hugs:
@timetochange love all the 2ā€™s!
@trixie1 Much strength to you ā€“ hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation. Know we are active here day or night if you should need some support.
@bomdhil Nicely done with 6 days Thomas! SO lovely to hear that you are feeling better and hell yeah to the being motivated!! :muscle: Keep it going strong !
@noshame I am so glad you are feeling better today. I do know that some days the sadness just comes over you out of no where. Glad you were able to work through it and not dismiss it. Hope you remain light and happy today :hugs:
@naomi WOOT WOOT - 2 month milestone :tada: So happy for you ā€“ have a wonderful time with your friends :heart:


Day 24
Doc 142

Evening Check in. Today is my youngest sonā€™s 12th birthday :tada:ā€¦ Happy to be celebrating it with him sober.

Thankful for all of you on this recovery journey. Learning so much from you all and really enjoy being part of this community.

Happy 24 all :pray:t5::purple_heart:


Happy Belated 42nd Birthday Rosa. Lovely on all levels!


Checking in sober day 31. Got a good amount accomplished today, so hopefully my brain will stop constantly running in different directions. I made what I know is a good decision in taking some things off of my plate. Not going to happen and thatā€™s ok. Hope everyone is doing wel.