Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

@steve92 Sorry about the anxiety. Weird how our past addictions creep in out of nowhere. I see you wrote this 7 hrs ago – how was your day? Hope you were able to find a healthy way to breathe through those urges.
@Pamela Totally makes sense- I know my mind will string together many thoughts of why I don’t have a problem and how I can pick up and put down whenever I want (even though I couldn’t go a few days without) – I convinced myself that was by choice. You are doing remarkably well with 12 days. Hopefully feeling some of the amazing effects of being sober. Definitely not missing waking up hungover or going to bed drunk (I used to always dangle my foot over the bed thinking it helped me stop spinning. I see you reasoning it away so a part of you does not want that poison. Keep pushing forward and stacking up your amazing AF days :muscle:
@chosen2001 Nicely done with your 8 months of sobriety Chris. Keep this amazing momentum going strong :muscle:
@catmama23 1 month no THC is awesome work. Very impressive seeing you putting in the work girl – keep it going :muscle: :heart:
@butterflymoonwoman Oh I’m sorry love – I do hope that it does not turn into a hospital visit. I am grateful that you were able to find time for some selfcare. Sending love and healing vibes your way! :hugs:
@catmancam Thanks Cam – I did try one product that washes out (so only for a day) but it has a really hard applicator). I have it as a back up but trying another one this weekend so keeping my fingers crossed LOL . Hoping all goes well with your appointment and gym session tomorrow
@violagirl Fudge the temptations – love the attitude! Have you tried seltzer water or Kombucha? Might be a nice alternative to quench the thirst?
@rosacando i do hope you feel better soon. Beautiful bouquet of flowers. I just recently saw the Lego flowers (not sure what hole i live under) - very cool. Hopefully you will show us your creations once you start creating.

Checking in on Thursday evening
407 Days of being free of alcohol and weed
822 AKA 27 months of being cigarettes free
It has been a day. Didn’t sleep well last night. Did get some time with my mom and offered to take her into work as schedules got messy. Ended up running errands right afterwards and it was 2:30 before i got back home. I did manage to take an hour nap. Grateful that i managed another day without urges and did not indulge in any of my DOC’s. Another day won!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 480

My daughter got suspended today.
She has been getting bullied since 1st grade. Same school, same kids, same principal who hasn’t taken care of it (She is in 8th grade, but repeated 4th) for 8.5 years! I have had countless talks with the teachers and the principal and it gets better for a while, then goes right back to them not doing anything about it. Finally she stood up for herself. I don’t appreciate the phrasing she used, and to some degree I am a little upset with how she handled it. BUT for 8 years she has had to spend 9 months a year surrounded by kids who bully her 5 days a week. So I haven’t given her a punishment. And I have decided to try to enroll her in online school. I should hopefully have an answer if there’s an opening in the next week or two.


Checking in on day 965. Hope everyone is doing well today.


Thanks @PinkyP :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ve always been kinda go with the flow, but it’s gotten immensely easier now. Compared to all the bullshit I’ve been thru, and caused, today feels like a walk in the park. Nothing will ever be that bad again.


I was so tired this morning. I actually went to bed before midnight and slept 8 hours, then fell asleep on the couch for 3 more before having to leave for thr tasting. It was yummy. We were like vultures :rofl: They made one of everything on the menu except a few that weren’t ready (including crab manicotti :frowning:), so there was a great variety. Then I was so tired when I got home I layed down for another 1/2 hour! I was fine once I got to actual work tho. It was slow, and that’s how I like easing back into it. Our last table at 7:30 canceled, at 7:30, so we got to leave right after we closed. Whoo! I’m beat tho. My body has to get used to standing for hours on end again. Work tomorrow morning and then off again. We don’t go to full time til after Easter, which is on my brother’s birthday/5 year sobriety date this year. Cool I’m back on track with him :sunglasses: Oh it’s midnight! Happy Friday!


62 days in the bank

Another good day at work. Ran the dog before work, and got a workout in at the end of shift.
I’d run before work when I was drinking but fuck it was a miserable time, the running after drinking drastically reduced in the past 2-3yrs too as i got older and also consumed more.
I also used to cycle to work sometimes, reasoning that the ride would blow the cobwebs off my hangover and the endorphins would help me through. Then I’d load up on beers on the way home and do it all again.
Today on the way home I listened to a sober podcast I saw recommended on a thread here and tomorrow I’ll wake up feeling great and enjoy my day before heading off to nightshift.


I’ve achieved some nice little goals in January. In the past I would have been broke due to not only Xmas festivities but because I was drinking heavily for the entire time. I put the money I saved to good use and saved hard the whole way through January. This morning I’ve booked a trip for the family and I’m really feeling a tangible link between not drinking and that being the reason I can bring my family on a trip.
Xmas was great, I’m training well for some events I have coming up and my MH is in a good place. I’m 91 days sober and I’ve made the very most of it.
It might be one for you to consider create something tangible, something you can touch and feel that is a result of your abstention.
Here’s to another 24 :pray:


Day 32:

Just checking in after another routine, but good day. I’m enjoying the self care I’ve been doing. Boot camp at 5am six days a week, doing my best to get through each work day, eating healthy, riding my Peloton six days a week and I’ve started doing these stretching sessions after my rides which is extremely calming and a good way to end my days. I think a lot, who I am, how I got to this stage of life and where I want to go. Far from getting all the answers, but figuring out who I am is the first step.



Getting ready to go to therapy. I can do with a good therapeutical talk. My place’s a mess, will have to do something about that later today as I’m working the weekend. Taking Luna to the vet later in the afternoon for another shot and a nail trim. Cook something healthy. Be in bed by about ten. That will be my day. No idea how in the past drinking and smoking myself into a stupor fitted in there. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


Very true my friend. I felt ashamed getting back here relapse after relapse, but every time it gets easier to not drink. The longing for real sobriety, as in not just counting days and white knuckling through it, gets stronger :heart:

@Chosen2001 congrats on reaching another milestone, amazing work! :tada:


72 no sugar, no binge
28 UPFs
28 dairy

Tummy bug is much better today. Now I’m still hungry all the time, so I’ll try to be especially mindful with my eating journal.

First of all: Many thanks to y’all who shared your own stories and helped me see that I’m not the only one transferring my addictive behaviour to other stuff. I eased up on myself and took good care of myself yesterday. Felt like a new person :smiling_face:

Today I’m going to celebrate :candle:Candlemas Day, however this feast is called in your part of the world. This means a lot of light, and self care.

Wishing you all a day of light, peace and freedom :peace_symbol::dove::candle:


So sorry about your migrain Rosa, I know how bad they can be. Hope you feel a bit better totay. Lovely flowers you got there! De Lego flowers I have too, it was such fun to make them. Hope you enjoy it as much as I had! Have a good day today Rosa :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Happy 36 @Violagirl my sober twin! So good to see you post. We are actually doing it!

My children took me out for dinner last night. It was very nice and I really enjoyed it. I had been a little nervous but practiced my ordering a lime and soda in my head all day so as soon as the waitress came to take the drinks order I had no trouble with being indecisive and swiftly ordered my lime and soda and got on with enjoying the evening.

It’s wierd that even my alcoholic husband is proud of me and starting to believe in me. I am so ready for finishing work early today and a relaxing evening. Next week the final stages of a massive project I am managing start and its going to be hectic so I am taking advantage of the quiet before the storm.
Happy Friday sober peeps.


Nice numbers Menno! :facepunch:
Have a good productive therapy session today my friend.


Day 223. Just finished on call and now back to my day job :joy: this morning I have bad hair and no idea what time it is


@RosaCanDo Happy Birthday, Rosa! So glad to read about your awesome celebration and those flowers look stunning. My husband gets me fresh flowers once a year for our anniversary and it always makes my heart glow with joy. :heart:

@Scorpn oh god, Renee, I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter’s bullying. When I was that age, kids at school would bully me mercilessly. It was horrid and I still carry that trauma. Those teachers are absolutely useless, it’s infuriating they suspended your daughter for standing up for herself. You seem to be handling the situation really really well!

Day 384.

I’ve got loads on today, which is kinda good cuz I seem to thrive more when I’m busy. Also, I’m looking forward to next week when the weather will get acceptable enough to start going on hikes again. I really need some fucking trees in my life.


Just reading it makes me angry. I feel sorry for your girl and I think you did good thing not punishing her. Some teachers are useless and some kids are just assholes. It breaks my heart when I hear about all this kids bullying shit.
My boy is just 5yo and he is already getting laughed at by some kids at school because he doesn’t speak Dutch good and sometimes he can’t express himself. It makes so sad and angry.
I hope everything gonna work out for you and for your daughter. Is it possible maybe to change a school?


Checking in, STILL sober, even though I had a few rough days.

Looks like I’m getting back with my ex. We were together for eight years, I left him a few months ago mainly because I couldn’t take the never ending conflicts with his children and their mother anymore. He’s decided to distance himself, so now we want to try some couple’s therapy and see where it leads.
He doesn’t drink btw.

I love how positive, supportive and non-judgmental this community is. :heart: At the very beginning of my journey I tried it a different one and didn’t feel “safe” there, but pressured and patronized.

Wishing all a great day! :heart:


@Forgive_Yourself Hope it works out well between you and your ex, couple therapy is a good start to built on :heavy_heart_exclamation:

*Day 1963 :walking_woman:
Late check in. It’s 10:37 in the morning and I’m still a couch potato :hugs: But I’m allowed to!
Had a busy day off yesterday so this day off is going to be nice, calm and easy.

So today: read my book, do a small task for my pendant and tonight goldsmith class.
Have a good day all! :raising_hand_woman:


Day 333 :smiley:

That number looks good on me!

My car is in the workshop today for its annual service, oil change and software update :roll_eyes:
So I am stuck at home, a bit disappointed I’m gonna miss my gym class and Friday spa/sauna session today. But I will devote today to some self care and active recovery work. Time for some self reflection, meditation and owning up to some unfavourable traits and behaviours of mine.

Grateful for all of you in this community, walking this path with me, being part of my journey :pray: :heart:


Day 229. I found out today that my company might be transferring me back to a location i worked previously. It’s not a place i want to be. It’s not people I want to be around. I’m not happy about it.

It hasn’t happened yet and I might get lucky and it won’t happen at all. I’m in my head worrying about it tho. I like my current job.

Whatever happens happens. One day at a time.

Hope eve has a good day.