Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Omg girl… this angers me sooo much! I cant believe they are punishing her for something that was done to her. What is the punishment for these other students? Are they not addressing this at all?
I think ur handling this well. Online schooling definitly sounds like a good option and Im glad she stood up for herself too. I really hope ur able to sort this out. Sending u strength and love my friend


10 days weed free. 2004 days alcohol free.


@RosaCanDo belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face: those lillies are glorious :bouquet: feel better soon 🩵
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 congrats on 27 months cigarette-free :tada:
@Scorpn your poor daughter :pleading_face: shame on the school! To this day, the bullying I experienced in school still affects me. It’s mental, emotional, and physical torture. Online school sounds like a great option so I hope it all works out :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: it does sound like it would be better for your son too.
@Dustysprungfield congrats on 90+ days :tada:
@Mno congrats on 1700 days :tada:
@Forgive_Yourself I hope therapy helps strengthen your bond :revolving_hearts:
@HolySquid congrats on all the 3s :tada:
@Trixie1 congrats on your vape-free month :tada:
@Mindofsobermike congrats on 80 days :tada: and your new bike :bike:
@Button83 congrats on your week :tada:


@Mischa84 I hope your cousin is okay :people_hugging:🩵
@Steve92 congrats on double digits for no weed :tada:

1271 days no alcohol.
736 days no cocaine.
251 days no vape.
16 days no binge-eating.

This morning I was awake early. I did some meditations, some reading, did a load of laundry, spent time with my cats, and eventually did my morning routine.

This afternoon I went to my diabetic eye screening appointment, it didn’t take long at all, I should receive my results in 2-3 weeks. To get the images they need, they have to put eye drops in that dilate the pupils, my eyes are still blurry now! I walked there and back and I loved being outside, so I’m hoping to have the motivation and energy to go for some intentional walks this weekend.

I didn’t structure my day well enough to fit going to the gym (at a quiet time) in, I will try again tomorrow.

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



A quick check in (out) on day 61 :v:


These are soooo cool! I’ll be your fake neighbor in the book nook.
I just added Poor Things to my to be read. I didn’t know it was based on a book but I really liked the movie.


Day 82. It was a pretty good day. Some issues with my mom and my brother but that’s a whole thing. They are a huge trigger for me so I have to distance myself as much as I can, while still being there for my brother. It’s just a really long story. Everything with my husband and daughters and my fur baby are all good so that’s comforting. They are my bubble and my safe space. Literally they all deserve the best sober me and it makes me feel so good to give them that me. I hope everyone is having/had a fantastic Friyay!!! :heart::muscle:t2::grinning:


Oh man!!! Today is 2,222 days sober on 2/2!!!

The cosmic stars have aligned!!!

It is crazy to me to think that I have spent over 2,000 days NOT doing drugs or drinking alcohol. But then THAT is the reason that I have the fulfilling life I do today. It has not been easy, life has thrown its fair share of curveballs my way. But…for the past 2,222 days, I’ve faced those curveballs head on. And guess what? I’ve gotten through all of it.

And when i think back to the way I handled daily life back then…I realize that somehow, overtime, the way that I interact with the world, my coping mechanisms, the way I handle stress, my demeanor and my personality have all changed…substantially.

Thank you sobriety for allowing me to be the person I am capable of being.


She has anxiety and diagnosed PTSD and when she is in fight or flight she has a hard time remembering/ being able to describe details. So when initially questioned, she said “he was bullying me before!” Earlier in the school year he took her feminine products out of her pocket and was making fun of her…
But she was too flustered to tell that he was coming to her to do something again and that another student said they were going to do something to her.
She told me once she calmed down and could talk more coherently. And when I talked to the principal, she said " well that makes more sense than it being about old news…but she was still the one in the wrong. And I’m worried about her in high school because kids are mean in high school and she doesn’t cope well" As far as I know, nothing is being done to the other students.
Even the kid who threatened to SA her wasn’t disciplined, because nobody else stood up for her. The kids were all on the boys side. Because they are all friends.
However, she has never heard the term “r*pe” before. In our house we say “assaulted” because it covers the whole subject, and not just the one act. And she came home asking me what that word meant.
Plus she’s neurodivergent and doesn’t lie. Not even to get herself out of trouble…
I’m just so over this school.


Hey all,

Im so tired but want to check in.

Im overwhelmed but its not the right word.

The trial is over me right now.

Decided against the FTP at the new job. I love the job itself, but the place has major issues and the contract is horrendous. Its okays, I am a bit disappointed as I really love it…but its that field, and I knew it going in. Guess I didnt know how bad it was lol.

Just tired. Sad too and overwhelmed. A lot to do now, a lot to prepare for. Thats another nice thing though about not taking the FTP, at least i will have more flexibility around the trial (which i would have taken but it would have stressed me out). I want to focus there. There are many jobs in this life we dont get paid for.



Checking in, just about to close out day 5 without alcohol. Had to call in sick to work today because I have the worst toothache I’ve ever had and I found out it is going to need a root canal. I’ve just been exhausted and dragging today overall. But I got some antibiotics from the dentist which will hopefully start to help. My silver lining for the night is that I’m not poisoning my body with alcohol and that gives me more strength to fight this dang tooth pain.


Hi everyone!
Checking in for the first time. I’ve been lurking and reading for quite a while. I love the atmosphere and thought I’d join the group since i don’t have any local support groups ive been comfortable with. I have my husband, family and friends for support, but no one who truly “gets it.”


Welcome :wave: Happy you’re here. This place has been the most helpful tool for sure.


Welcome! Glad uv joined us :slight_smile:


Welcome! I have found this app very helpful. I’m glad to see you here :partying_face:


@Button83 83 Hell yeah with 1 week in sobriety Julia! We do fall but it takes that one time to stick and keep pushing forward. Grateful that you are feeling more confident now – we got your back too :muscle:
@Scorpn Oh love I do hope you are able to get her the online school asap. She has been through so much and unreal for how much has not been dealt with by the school for so long. I am stunned that this incident would have her suspended – did other kids get suspended too? The words are so much worse in a way and I am shaking reading this. Give your girl a big hug from all of us. Sending her so much love :heart: :people_hugging: just read you update and am fuming that the other kids are getting zero discipline. I do not blame you for being over this school but wtf! Why are these adults not handling the situation better?
@happy_trails Oh a lop sided friendship can be so taxing. I recently ended a friendship of 30 years and at times this friend still reaches out but I have to maintain my boundaries. I know the pain the relationship caused me and how I don’t have it in me to only give in a friendship with no type of support in return. You need to look out for you (this is not selfish behavior – it is self care). I’m sorry that your day started in tears over this text. Hope you are doing much better now :hugs:
@mischa84 I do hope that everything is well with your cousin. How are you coping?
@deelzebub Oh wow – this is impressive! Must take you forever and a lot of patience. Thanks for sharing your work with us Delia
@steve92 double digits weed free WOOT WOOT – way to go Steve – keep it going strong :muscle:
@catmancam thanks Cam! Glad you got to get your walk in today and it motivated you for some more – hope the weather holds out for you.
@sobermama39 You are doing great in your sobriety and I’m sorry about the issues with mom and brother. Grateful that you are not letting them mess with your sober path. We are here if you need to vent. Keep fighting that good fight and enjoy your Friday!
@ely83 that’s a lot of 2’s girl – way to go – love when the stars align! giphy
@shel75 Welcome to the community friend. This is a very supportive place and I do love the check in thread as I find daily check ins help me stay accountable. I do hope to see you around more :hugs:

Checking in on Friday night
408 days free of alcohol and weed
823 days free of cigarettes
Had a fairly productive day. I was able to keep pushing forward and did not let my ailments hold me back. Actually got more done than what i had planned for today - this is a good feeling. I did also take time to rest and work on self care. Grateful to have made it another day free of addictive behavior and urges.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Fell off the app for a few months and finding myself back today. I decided to take a new job in November, and though the change was positive for awhile, the employer was pretty terrible to me. So now I’m starting another new job next week, and for that I’m grateful. But now I’m entangled in the process of reporting the old employer to the EEOC for discrimination. It’s been a stressor for sure and I’ve slipped a few times. So I’m a little over 6 days since my last slip, doing my best to manage. It’s nice to be back amongst the supportive energy on this app though :slight_smile:


It has been a little while since I have been on here but if not for this app and the members/friends in this app, I would not have accomplished this goal as easily. Thank you to everyone for talking and sharing your advice and stories.



Congratulations on your 1 year free from alcohol Jon.
Amazing accomplishment.


That’s a beautiful chunk on ODAATs you got there Ely. I love how those numbers line up too.
Thanks for stopping by