Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

26 alcohol
125 doc
0 ciggarettes

Checking in early Saturday morning. Anxiety this morning is present but lessening. Praying, journaling, gratitude and meditating help keep me focused and in the present. My anxious thought have been worrying about the future. Right now I’m in a between time financially, with no car, employment. Again three children on my own. I’m taking the steps to improve my situation and clean up the wreckage from my addiction. Like going to.court to ensure my children recieve child support, whether their father is working or not it will be on record and when he does that money will be paid to them. Rolling my debts into one so it will be easier for me to manage. Starting a new in all levels. Will save for a used car in the summer. Pay out right and again make the mistake of high interest rates double what the car is worth.

I feel as though I am relearning or learning for the first time a lot of basic fundamentals of living life. No excuse but now I need to put in the work, educate myself and use my resources and support group to live to the bar of my ability. In God’s will, living in the spiritual principles. I trust that if I do doors will open up and I will gain a spiritual understanding and spiritual gifts by following the will of my higher power.

I have been doing the bare basics, taking it slow and steady, yet I am challenging myself to live and find joy in my present circumstances. I am alive and sober today. My children are healthy and happy. We have a warm home and food in the fridge and for this I am grateful.

Happy 24 all! :pray:t5::purple_heart:


Hi Ami,
Thank you for your share and continued authenticity. I can relate and feel the same. Like beautifully said “like the weather, this storm passes”. I believe…this too shall pass. You are doing well, hold on as we know staying present is the first step. ODAAT. Have a wonderful day!


Hi @Twizzlers

I appreciate your honesty. Telling on the thought of using and bring it out of the dark and into the light is the first step. Good on you. Congratulations on your recovery time very inspiring. Keep at it, keep checking in, keep pressing forward. Have a wonderful balanced day.


I’m trying to change her school. Hopefully there is an open spot. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:


Day 29 SAF

Literally in the midst of a blizzard. About 30 cm (12 inches for my American friends) has come down so far, with more falling all day and tomorrow. Hopefully the power holds up (we usually lose during storms, during Fiona hurricane for 7 days) and heat is all based on electric.
Fortunately we have a good generator.
Trees are heavy with wet snow, last nights drive home from game was treacherous, getting home at midnight and multiple cars off the road.
Hopefully the game this afternoon is cancelled as I’d fear for the boys getting too.

Looks like the snowblower is coming out this morning to try and get a dent in driveway.

Stay well everyone and enjoy a wonderful sober day.

Supposed to be an Ocean out there about 30’ out.


Are you in Canada? I saw a post by an acquaintance in PEI last night and it looked insane!


Yes, east coast of Nova Scotia


Stay safe, it looks rough. Scandinavia are getting about 130 mph winds too. Crazy weather :thermometer::cloud:


Day 37 and heading towards finding new definitions of myself and how life will look. Three full weeks left of work to finish up and disentangle myself from the mess that has contributed towards my inertia.

I have zero idea of what to think right now and that’s ok. I have a fall back network around me to soften any decisions and time it takes to make them, for that I realise I’m super lucky and don’t take this for granted.

Got a lot to work on within and I’m looking forward to making a clear break from this me. In the best sense of the word, not a quick fix.


Stay safe! Prayers your power stays on! Love the windows and view in that room!:heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1329. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 33 AF.


Thanks for sharing your thought proces. There’s this two voices and one will win. I hope you’ll keep checking in with us and get past this stage soon. We are stronger than we often think. And although we have to do it ourselves, I am grateful we have this platform to share our thoughts, wins and struggles :pray:


141 af
On a vacation to visit my best friend of of 40+ years (yes. I’m that old…I’m an Elder at 60!)


What a pretty picture…it makes me wanna snuggle on the sofa with hot chocolate and a book… I’ve always wanted to go to Canada. :black_heart: stay safe and warm


2-3-24 Three Year Anniversary

I’ll keep this short. Obviously by the heading I’m still AF. It’s still my choice and I don’t take it for granted. I’m learning & growing myself personally (and will be in self-discovery mode for the rest of my life). I try to remember to recognize, be grateful for, and acknowledge my blessings first before any tribulations each & every day. Mindfulness is a key component to my foundation. Progress not perfection is my goal.

If you find you are not ready to fly solo at times be sure to come here for support BEFORE you do anything you’ll regret. That’s what community is for … connection & support from and to others. Choose connection over addiction … every . single . time. Keep moving ahead AF no matter how you may feel, what you tell yourself, or whatever happens to you. Good things, not just bad things, can trigger us to old behaviors. Be vigilant.

You are worth all the good things in life. Never let anyone or anything take away your self-esteem or recovery. You are worth redemption and forgiveness (if you feel you need it). Save yourself. The only one who is with you 100% of the time is YOU so no lying to yourself. Be the most authentic person you can be for yourself first. It’s not always easy but it is simple. Keep growing and looking ahead instead of behind you.

So much for keeping this short. Ramble over. Best wishes to all of you. The End.


Day 34 AF

Going on a hike with my best friend to let off some steam and then out with her for an early girls day dinner.

I hope everyone has the most relaxing or accomplished Saturday, whichever you’re going for. :black_heart:


Checking in on day 206.


Day 481

Just goin with the flow today
Hope y’all are ok :heart::people_hugging:


@mreeclee welcome back friend. Well done on your 6+ days of sobriety. Congrats on your new job. Wishing you luck in dealing with the discrimination suit… I’m sure that is not so easy. Here if you need to vent about it :hugs:
@jonb WHOA 1 year is huge friend! Way to go with your bad self! :tada: :muscle: :partying_face: I do hope you are able celebrate your achievement as you keep stacking up the days!
@tryingthisagain DAY 29!!! – looking forward to celebrating your 1 month with you tomorrow. Ugh – sorry friend – I can’t imagine having to deal with that infestation. Sending you calming energy as you have to deal with it – hopefully al will be sorted for you soon and brighter easier days ahead :heart:
@mischa84 Oh that is great news love! I do hope you are able to find a way to clear your mind. Go on with you superwoman self – saw how you kicked ass in the challenge last month – keep that super power energy going girl! :muscle:
@Twizzlers Always love seeing your avatar pop up :hugs: I am sorry for the struggle and having to deal with the addiction balancing debate. It seems that the voices are strong and convincing right now. You know you really don’t want any mind altering substance – no dealers – no liquor stores! May need to go and revisit your earlier posts to see how far you have come. To remind yourself of why you wanted to become sober. You are so right – it is all a delusion. But – until you dissect it and see the truth behind the lies – until then, it will continue to try and overpower your thinking. I do hope you stay connected with us – talk it out – scream it out but just keep pushing forward :hugs:
@iamthechange I had a lot of unmotivated days early on in my journey. It is ok to just be meh sometimes. I learned that I don’t always have to be “on” and its ok to rest (no shame in doing nothing at all). This storm will pass my friend. You will come out shining. Keep stacking on your amazing days!

Girl this is amazing! I do wish that the basic fundamentals were taught in school and were not like on the job training in our life. Grateful to see you putting in the work and utilizing your resources and your support. We really can not do this alone and nor should we have to. See you getting close to the one month mark of AF – you just keep kicking ass Des! :muscle: :people_hugging:
@chevy55 Stay warm and safe Nick – my goodness winter storms are intense and scary. I do hope you keep your power :crossed_fingers:
@pickles WOOT WOOT 3 years is amazing work. Love the reminder that good and bad things alike can be triggering and we need to be vigilant of both equally. Keep leading the way! :muscle:

You awesome warriors celebrating milestones — way to go champs!

Checking in on Saturday afternoon…
been a laid back start to the day. got up super early as i didn’t sleep much again - seems to be ok for me as i am still functioning and not to slap happy these days. got in my quality mom and coffee time. have caught up with my beautiful TS friends and now will try to get some work done. Life is good - i am glad that i started the day on the gratitude thread (always a great way to start).
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: