Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Huge congratulations on 3 years!


I think and hope that society is making a switch towards less booze, which makes it easier if you are transitioning.
My son is in third year of university, plays higher level hockey and works multiple jobs. Neither him note his friends spend any time drinking to any degree. Itā€™s just not there thing.
Iā€™m definitely happier that they werenā€™t like me and my crew was when we were that age.


Yes thatā€™s great! Itā€™s good things are changing. At uni I spent most days drunk out my mind, but so did most people, was the done thing back then so didnt really seem like I had A problem as everyone was doing it! Of course most people grew up and grew out of getting blackout drunk on the regular as they got older. Unfortunately for me I never did.


Congratulations on your 2 weeks Pam
Iā€™m so happy to read this.


Checking in very exhausted.
Thanks so much to all of you that replied to me directly. I appreciate it very much! :heart::heart::heart:


Day 37, so happy to be on this journey


Iā€™m really glad to read this.
Youā€™re a pretty tough cookie. :smirk:


Day 8 ending. Sleepy and with a headache. Good night!!!


Day 717 realization. If I build my post-drinking life around work and sleep I am bound to encounter depression. Today I felt depressed. The difference between drinking depression and sober depression is noticeable these days. Drinking depression felt like a lot of why do I feel this way, whatā€™s the point and who cares. Drinking depression also put me in bed for days on end.

Today my down mood was more of a whisper and I tried to listen to what it might be trying to tell me. So far I heard tiredness because I am working too much (today is day 8 in a row for me). So I am sticking hard to my day off tomorrow. Someone else can go in, it wonā€™t be me and I wonā€™t check my phone before my shift.
I also heard a bit of boredom there. I live my life in sleep clothes and scrubs. Tomorrow I will put on a cute outfit and some makeup to perk myself up. Now Iā€™ll rest a bit after my short shift and treat myself to a yummy pizza after I do my workout. Sober is the way folks. Clear headed its way easier to listen.


Hey all,

Getting stuff done around the house which feels nice. We are doing a home exchange over the March break so I can be with my mom & nephew, so have a bunch of stuff to do to get ready for that. My husband grew up doing this, but it is our first one in our home! Its more of a common thing in Europe, where he is from, but Im kind of excited to see how it goes. Im sure you know Im a lover of 2nd hand and more exchange based transactions, so this could be a really wonderful thing.

Im feeling also very relieved about my decision about the job. I know it is absolutely the right choice for my family right now, and in the long run I know for me working from home (or mostly from home) is what works for our house

Anyway i started this earlier and didnt grt to hit send. So tired now and off to bed. Came to the inlaws and got to play in the icy snow & onbthe river with the kids. Nice to be out of the house :slight_smile:



@naomi OOH I do love the feeling new and shiny feeling. What color did you dye your hair? I do hope your dog is ok :pray:
@pamela congrats on your 2 weeks of sobriety Pamela. Congrats on passing the first hurdle! Glad you were able to go out and enjoy some sober friend time.
@Twizzlers So happy to read that you are feeling good! I love that you are waking up and realizing that you are home- I know its been a journey for you while everything was getting done (being uprooted and the double packing / un-packing). Grateful that you are finally in your space and can finally put your feet up so to speak. I am doing well ā€“ thank you for asking. I am confident that 2024 will be a healthier year as long as I keep putting in the effort. Much love dear friend ā€“ hope you do get a good nights rest :sleeping:
@trustybird I am grateful that you are treating yourself to a pizza, some self care and rest. Tomorrow sounds lovely ā€“ it is important to get dressed up with cloths and makeup and get out of the daily routine. Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead :hugs:

Checking in on Saturday nightā€¦
409 days free of alcohol and weed
824 days free of cigarettes
It was a very productive day and i am grateful to have gotten all my accounts up to date. A little peeved that the bank screwed up my deposit (luckily they put it in another one of my accounts but still not in the one where i needed the $$). A little pissed at myself for not double checking this sooner and now its Saturday so i have to wait till Monday to get this rectified.
Looking forward to a relaxing and laid back Sunday. Grateful that i will not have any pressing issues to tend to - maybe this will allow me a good nights sleep LOL.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


This beautiful journey of sobriety is all about learning to live my life and its amazing i am grateful. I take medication and decided to reduce the dose ( I talked about it to my doctor, I am followed) I am proud of myself.
I am happy.
I am grateful


Day 482

Went to sleep early. My body just wasnā€™t having anymore. I fell asleep quickly. And then I woke up from one of those super realistic dreams that can still be remembered after waking up. It was confusing and should have been scarier than I felt. :upside_down_face: Feeling a little floaty currently.
This post maybe has a better thread homeā€¦or maybe here is just fine.


I hope you get a good nights sleep too :pray:t2: :heart:


Thanks Daze. NO working for me tomorrow. No matter what they say.



Itā€™s a working Sunday but I can start later because thereā€™s no train this early on Sunday. So I got to sleep in a bit although the alarm woke me up from a very vivid dream. Iā€™m curious where my bike ride with a hitchhiker hitching a ride on the back would have taken us. Now Iā€™ll never know. But Iā€™m fine. Iā€™m rested. Iā€™m sober and clean. And Iā€™m off tomorrow. Have as good a day as you can all. Clean and sober. Love.

@Pickles Huge congrats friend! Thanks for sharing. Three years is HUGE.
@Pamela Way to go on two weeks lady. Great work, congrats.

Iā€™ve been thinking about this as I see many folks come here saying ā€œI havenā€™t checked in here because Iā€™m too busyā€. Everybody do as they like, itā€™s your lives, not mine. But for me, coming here daily, being accountable to you all, sharing, has been my lifeline and has been an absolute necessity to stay on the straight and narrow. Especially in the early stages of my ReDiscovery, but still itā€™s an important daily affirmation for me.

It reminds me of all the excuses addiction uses to lure us back. Which are never valid reasons. Nobodyā€™s ā€œtoo busyā€ to come here and spend five minutes saying hi. And reflect on their Recoveries. This is about life and death. No joke. XXX


Well shoot, I think I accidentally deleted my first attempt at a post. I was saying that I was feeling sad and lonely today but then got an invite to a crab feed from a dear old friend. I did have the thought, ā€œChardonnay goes well with crab.ā€ Thankfully, no one at our table was drinking and turns out good ole Coca-Cola also goes well with crab. Getting out and being around some nice people really helped me get out of my funk. Also, reading these check-ins is of great help and I thank you. I hope everyone has a beautiful sober Sunday.


Day 225. Lovely day yesterday. Saw my in laws.they live near the sea and have the most beautiful garden

Then we came home and listened it music and talked about how we had met and how life changing that had beenā€¦ But so by chance which freaks me out

Today my wifeā€™s parents are coming for lunch. Next weekend we are off to Manchester for a nephews wedding. Have a fab day folks


64 days in the bank

Last night was busy so napped for an hour and a half when i got home. Then was up and taking the kids to swimming lessons, out for lunch and picked up a couple things for the kids.

Back at work tonight for last nightshift. Luckily everybody is tired so we didnā€™t do any training and just hoping itā€™ll be a nice chilled Sunday at work.

Hoping itā€™ll be a nice chilled Sunday for everyone here too


@MrFantastik A nice, chill Sunday to you too! :sunglasses:
@Happy_Trails A wonderful sober Sunday to you too!
@Mno I always show your pictures of bikes to my partner and we both get very envious :grin:. Todayā€™s parking garage is going to end in tears on our side :wink:
@TrustyBird I really like your ā€˜mood whispererā€™ attitude. I think I might try it out :muscle:t2:.

74 no sugar, no binge
30 UPFs
30 dairy

After going for thirty days off UPFs and dairy I leaned more about my eating/bingeing behaviour. Most importantly I think I see a difference between bingeing and overeating. I donā€™t feel like I have a tendency to binge with dairy, so Iā€™m not going to keep that counter. Sugar and UPFs stay.

Rain is coming and going today. Iā€™ll see about a walk. Itā€™s time for my weekly review, and the monthly one for January. And there is this movie I wanted to finish watching with my kiddo.

A day of peace, light and freedom to yā€™all fine people here :peace_symbol::candle::dove: