Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Thank ya kindly, friend. Feels good!!


The big 650 for me today!
Have a great day everyone :sun_with_face:





Thats awesome Alycia!!! Way to go with your 650 days
200 (1)


Hope youā€™re okay, the insomnia is the absolute worst, but it only gets better from here on out. Youā€™ve got this!


Hello friends. Checking in on day 941.


Hey yaā€™ll,

Checking in here. Had a few hours this am to get groceries before getting thr call from the daycare that son is sick. Its been a mpnth and man I cant wait for this sickness street to kick it. Heā€™ll be home now at least 2 days, so I hope I can just roll with it and enjoy my time with him. I had dragged a mattress that weā€™d brought up to the guest room for new years down in to the loving room when we were all feeling sick, and I think its one of my best ideas yet. Kids have bounced on it for 2 days and it makes me so happy to see them happy.

Just watching Oppenheimer with hubby & had a bowl of chili
Fewling grateful not to have cravings today and tjis all I feel like is helping me set up a plan for around the trial. I keep saying that word and it just is still unbelieveable to me. Trying to sit with the greif of my sister though it is not easy. She is gone, and there is nothing so permanent. I cannot fix it or do anything about it, and I think the grief takes that formā€¦becayse my response to hard things and challenges is generally to do something about it
What can I do, what action can I take? And at the end of the day, when it is all laid bareā€¦there is nothing i can do. She is gone.



I am sorry to hear about your loss.



Another number I like for unknown reasons :thinking: Ugh. I slept like crap. Fell right asleep and was dreaming but woke up after an hour. Had to pee and couldnā€™t fall back asleep for forever. Then I wake up at 6:30 for no reason :weary: Later in the morning I got a borderline migrane that had me couch ridden all afternoon. I donā€™t normally take any type of medication if I can deal with the pain, but today I had to, twice.

My ex finally helped fix my PS the other day so my daughter could play Stray, a X-mas gift he got her. It was pretty cool and I helped her thru a couple things until I got too into it and my headache came back :face_with_head_bandage: Then we had dinner at my parents with my brother and his friend. Played a few rounds of Scattergories before we left. Now Iā€™m back on the couch. Headā€™s okay if I donā€™t move much. Hoping for better rest tonight. Wishing you all the best sleep tonight :heart:



Today Iā€™m starting a new job. Iā€™ll be working as experience expertise worker instead of a mental health nurse like I have done for the past 15 years. Itā€™s at the place I already work, with same colleagues, and itā€™s just one out of four days I work there for now. Still I am anxious (although Iā€™ve had it way worse).

Everybody knows about my experiences with addiction and mental health problems. Still it feels like a pretty big step. I know I will be fine. But I do feel imposter syndrome creeping up on me. On the other hand, the feeling is by far not as strong as I felt it for years and in any job I did and with every skill I learned. Itā€™s only a couple of years since I feel assured in my nursing skills. Which is -not coincidentally- about the same time that Iā€™ve made serious work of my Recovery/Discovery. While being sober and clean.

Time to bundle up for my commute. Here I go, together with you all. Weā€™re in this together and I say that to myself as much as to you. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


Sorry @JazzyS Iā€™ve missed your post. Iā€™m sorry you have such a hard time.
Donā€™t let anybody have control over you except yourself.
Youā€™re a wonderful person Jasmine.
Sending love and strength :people_hugging::pray:


M my deepest sympathy for you.
But an excellent goal to be sober for this precious time


Good morning. I hope youā€™re managing through these strange post holiday weekā€™s ok. Iā€™m up, ready for work and fresh. Iā€™m using the memories of very rough Tuesday mornings to remind myself of how much easier life is when Iā€™m not filling myself with cheap beer.
How I managed to sustain the hangovers and all that went with it is beyond me. Iā€™m going to leave that in the past.


38 days in the bank

Another walk and then another afternoon spent at the beach.
Spent probably 3hrs in the waves with the kids. Previously I would have had a few before we left and had beers in the cooler at the beach. Definitely wouldnā€™t have spent that long continuously in the water had I not been sober.
This is the first sober holiday Iā€™ve had with the kids ever. How sad is that.
Thankful that this wonā€™t be the last


Wooooooo!!! Thatā€™s so amazing!! Congratulations and great job!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: I hope things get better for you soon :pray:t2: but i love that youre keeping the positive mindset of reminding yourself of how much youve accomplished. One day at a time :pray:t2:


Thats amazing, im so proud of you and youre doing an amazing job!! That sounds like a lovely day. Plus you got to fully absorb it all and enjoy your time with your kids by being sober. Thats an awesome accomplishment :clap:t2:


Day 9 for me, this equals my best. One day at a time. Feeling really good and positive about this. Take care everyone


So proud of you :clap:t2::clap:t2: one day at a time :pray:t2: life certainly is much easier when weā€™re not poisoning our bodies every day. Youre doing amazing :sparkles:


Congrats on 9 days! Youve got this, im rooting for you :clap:t2::pray:t2:


Day 14

Today marked 2 weeks, a new milestone ive never gotten to before! Feeling good about this.

Ive been working on increasing the amount of time i can run for. Yesterday i decided to try to run for 30 mins nonstop, and i actually did it! Ive never ran that long without stopping in my entire life. I had no idea i was even capable of doing that. Excited to keep improving.