Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Talking to your counselor sounds like a wise choice. It is hard when we get stuck on making the ‘right’ decision. I have done that a lot in the past and it hurt my brain, so I feel for you. Maybe a list of pros and cons of each might be helpful. Sending some positive vibes your way.


Today is 108 for me. Last night I had a nightmare, that I was drinking wine. Woke up at 4:30 am, having to remind myself it was only a dream. What an awful feeling that was. Has anyone else had a dream like that?:woozy_face:


Today was the first day I woke up in a bad/depressed mood, but it was good to see I was feeling much better already about an hour later. When I was still drinking, this could take all day and cause me to miss a whole day of work.


Been working through some melancholy the last couple days on the anniversary of my dog Chucho’s death after a rather prolonged illness three years ago. He was so loved and that love got me through it and continues to. I am grateful I was sober during that time so I could care for him the best of my ability. Fighting a headache today and feeling the impending winter storm, too. We were supposed to meet up with friends tonight to play cards but I don’t feel up to it at the moment so will likely bow out. I don’t think I’m wallowing but rather trying to be gentle and kind to myself. Tomorrow is a new day with lots more snow shoveling so rest makes sense to me. My husband is picking up tacos from a new (to us) food truck which will cheer me up for sure. I’ll tidy the kitchen now and meditate in the mundane tasks, it often helps me get my mind off things. :heartpulse:


Hi friends -

15 days free of alcohol
9 days free of THC
Sun is shining today :sunny:
Happy New Moon :new_moon:

Today during meditation I worked through some shame, recovery affirmations, and set new moon intentions. The image was planting a seed in the garden. I am slowly breaking up the icebergs in my chest. One day at a time, healthier every day, clearer every day.

Sending a hug @RosaCanDo :mending_heart:

I love catching up on this thread, I feel less alone and know we can walk through this together!





@Ceeds sorry you’re struggling :people_hugging: , and sorry about the guilt-trip texts from your family. Sending strength 🩵
@Juli1 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@acromouse congrats on 50 days :tada:
@MrFantastik your holiday sounds amazing :blush: congrats on 40 days :tada:
@KarenKW I’m glad you like your new job and colleagues :blush:
@Sunshine-girl welcome back :blush: congrats on 5 days :tada:
@SoberMama39 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Tetrax welcome :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@Wakikki those photos :camera_flash: are stunning :star_struck: thank you for sharing :blush:
@JP123 welcome back :blush: congrats on day 2 :tada:


@Doreen1 drinking/using dreams are fairly common, but never very nice. The relief I feel when I properly wake up, and realise it wasnt real, really solidifies my choices to stay sober. :blush:
@RosaCanDo sending strength and love :people_hugging: 🩵 I’m glad you’re being gentle with yourself. :mending_heart:

1249 days no alcohol.
714 days no cocaine.
229 days no vape.

Didn’t get to sleep until after 5am this morning, woke again at 8am.

I was expecting a delivery today, then at 11am I received a text saying they’d attempted delivery but no one appeared to be in. :roll_eyes: I knocked on my neighbours door just incase, she wasn’t home, so off I went up the street to the neighbour of the same door number as me but a different street, and they had delivered it there, (it happens too often), so I had to carry a giant box on my shoulder back down the street to where I live, nevermind.

I had another delivery that was due between 9 and 10pm tonight, it’s for 2 months supply of the squash I drink, 22 bottles, and some cleaning supplies. After that I was able to relax and do some meditations before coming here to catch-up, I’m trying not to keep getting behind.

Tomorrow my cat supplies order is being delivered, and once that’s here I plan to get out for my first proper walk of the week. I also plan to make a start on my major decluttering mission!

Struggling with Asthma again every day this week. Tonight is the worst so far. I did book an Asthma review, but the lady that does them is off for 9 weeks, so my appointment isn’t until March.



Checking in sober. I’m super tired and feeling pretty flat but I am grateful to be feeling and accepting emotions.


I struggle like crazy when it comes to making those types of decisions. Like Sassy said make a list of pros and cons for each. Which ever you pick focus on the positives and be at peace with it :slightly_smiling_face:. Best of luck no matter what


Day 697
Got lots accomplished today! Got my gratitude list and prayer done. Signed up for an actual gym membership (so that I dont have to workout in my buildings gym very often as it doesnt have much equipment) and did a quick 40 min workout there. Got some meal worm for our new leopard geckos. They are adorable!!! And then came home to tidy up the apartment. Just waiting for a beautiful roast beef dinner to finish cooking and then will enjoy a nice supper before putting my son to bed. Everyone is home tmrw bcuz of the -50°C temp tmrw so it will be a nice family day. Grateful for another day! Thank u TS!!!


Day 208 AF

Seven months is fast approaching. I’m really proud of myself. While there are times when a glass of wine sounds good, the life I have now and the realization that alcohol and me don’t mix. I am an alcoholic.

Work was hectic and had to deal with a less than gracious VP. Not sure why people think rudeness is the way to behave.

Going away for the weekend to visit friends and yo visit a huge gem and crystal show. Looking forward to it and being in positive energy.

I’m thankful to have found this community and compassion and support it provides. Have a great night everyone.


Hello fellow freedom seekers. Day 10. Crazy day but things have settled now and I am making a planned call to a dear friend soon. Wishing peaceful rest to all.


Day 11
No alcohol today


Thank you for the condolences for my friend. I really appreciate every one of you and am grateful for this community.

Today is 528 days clean. I’ve had a rough few days with my friend passing, the beginning of the semester, work getting busy and just family stuff. Then today I found out I got lice from my nephew. He’s so cute that I’d get it all over again just to hug him. So now I’m just laying here with olive oil soaking in my hair. Trying to keep balanced by acknowledge my emotions without them defining me or without acting out because of them. It’s a tough thing to learn though.

On the one hand I’m sad, disappointed and frustrated about my friend passing. She was such a bright light. Always making others laugh and helping the more shy people feel included. I’m sad she was in such pain and I’m sad she didn’t live that long of a life. I’m frustrated at how horrible this disease is and how terrible a problem it seems to be here in America. After research on the stats, our overdose rate is baffling.

But in an effort to remind myself that there is still so much good in the world. I’ll list some things that make me happy (in no particular order): my husband, my niece and nephews, my family, king cake, flowers, books, music, movement (walking, dancing, etc), journaling, sobriety and it’s community, art, cozy socks, rainy days, sunny days, all 4 seasons, my spiritual life with my higher power, video games, genuine self care, a kitty curled in my lap purring, a dog wagging their tail when they’re happy, my neighbors.


Soooo sleepy but just wanted to check in quick.

So grateful for this place & all you fine folks.

I had this thought that I should put together some wisdom to give to my kids when they get a bit older. If something happens to me, or even just to have as a reminder of thinfs to share with them along the way when they older. Want them to know im always there. And being sober allows me to be.

Smokings next you know imma keep talking about it till i get it done xo.


Thinking of you Rosa :heart: losing a pet is such a terrible thing. Stay strong friend.


Checking in on day 944. One day at a time.


@timetochange sorry you were feeling in a rut today – how are you now? Were you able to stay relaxed?
@mindofsobermike It is a tough decision and i know you are struggling. I do like Sassy’s thought on doing a pro/con list. Whatever you decide doesn’t have to be your deciding fate for the rest of your future. I know I have changed lanes a few times. Hope that you had a good talk with your counselor and are feeling better about moving forward.
@doreen1 Great work on your 108 days Doreen! So sorry about the drinking dreams. They can seem so damn real and are very un-nerving. I have not experienced drinking dreams yet but used to get many about smoking and the realism was uncanny. Grateful to wake up knowing it was just a dream. There are a few threads on TS dedicated to drinking dreams if you are interested in reading other’s experiences.
@rosacando so sorry friend. It can’t be easy dealing with anniversary’s of loss. Sending you hugs. :hugs:

Shut the front door!! Gotta see some pics please – I love your pets Dana :heart:
@happy_trails and @solareclipse Congrats on your double digits! :tada: :clap: Keep putting in the amazing work :muscle:

Ya know we got your back and will be here cheering you on when you are ready love !

Checking in on Thursday evening
386 days free of alcohol and weed
801 days free of cigarettes
Had a good day. Grateful to have caught up on work. Had a good treatment. Had a small craving / urge to smoke. it was totally silly and i was not stressed or needing anything - think i might have walked through some area where i might have whiffed some smoke and yeah it stank but my mind said HUH - we used to do that and hours later wanted one… NOPE - not happening. Wishing you all an addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hey there guys been 10 days since I’ve been on here but I can happily say Day 40 here today!
Hasn’t been easy to make it here as I have craving here and there and sometimes feel like I miss having a drink after a hard day of work as I had one today! Staying strong though!