Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Starting day 7, getting to next Friday should be ok, it’s the Fridays and Saturdays I find hard, but I did it. Pretty proud of myself


46 no binge, no sugar
2 HPFs
2 dairy

Hormones are on a dive again. Night was shitty. Definitely neither refreshed nor recharged. Rather feeling like a truck rolled over me.
But that’s live. I’ll take it slow today. Invest in self care. Change the dosage of my meds hoping it will help.

Yesterday I looked at how others behave around my triggers foods and saw with my own eyes the difference: They can have just one bite or portion and their systems don’t go into madness. Mine is obviously different. If I take this first bite I will be fixed on a ride to zombie land. It definitely is an illness. I don’t want that anymore.

Not interested in using today. The lie that it will make something better is getting less convincing every day.

Peace to y’all :peace_symbol:


Day 10.

Drinking coffee in bed, getting ready to be at the gym. Run + Swim day. Feeling ok, having slight paranoid and anxious feelings about work and how they will perceive me (troublemaker, dissenter) but that’s another issue with how I’m built. It’s time to sit in my space and not budge. I am entitled to be there. I’ve always assumed guilt and shame and was encouraged to do so to keep me under a regime… Need to stop that. Not just to say it, but to believe it inside.

Going to enjoy a restful Sunday and I hope you do too. Have a good one all :+1:


Checking in day 56 just started my steps with my sponsor yesterday feeling hopeful about the future


Good morning, I’ve decided to check in here every day,hope that’s ok? I’m on day 11 and feeling great! Sending good energy and love to everyone :heart: xx


Hi jinxer,
‘it’s time to move on!’ I like this, it’s how I feel too.
Great job on 100days, what a feeling hey? :sparkling_heart:


Hey, more than ok. We need each others strength. See you here every day :star_struck:


Checking in day 37. I hope you all have an amazing sober day! :v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Day 358.

Checking in. Sober. I’m pretty tired today, but got a few things to do to keep me busy. Including walking my pup, a couple of hours of work, and cooking dinner. I don’t usually do the cooking, but fancied it today.

I wanna take the Xmas tree down, but it looks like so much effort and I simply cannot be arsed right now. Might do a proper all-over clean tomorrow and get rid of the tree then.


Checking in on day 6.
Feeling very, very anxious today. It feels like I have an awful hangover, but I obviously don’t.

Time for a bit of self care and lots of distractions!

Congrats on making it through the week, everyone!


Youve almost attained your first whole weekend sober heck yeah! Congrats on 7 days. I feel those are truly one of the toughest. Way to fight @Garry


Checking in on day 217 AF.
We have a family gathering at my aunty and uncle’s house this afternoon. My parents will be there (they are staying overnight with my relatives) and this will be the first time since last April that I’ll be spending time with them. We’ve been speaking regularly on the phone, but despite them only living an hour and a half’s drive away they haven’t visited us recently. I’m taking an alcohol free drink with me so that I have something in my hand. My uncle one time emptied my glass of wine then put a large whisky in the wine glass. I hope he doesn’t do anything like that this time.
I’ll probably check in again later once we’re back home.


114 alcohol freed some of the post holiday blues are dissipating…and for that im grateful.


Day 328 :muscle:t2:


Day 1114,

Had a nice day with my son yesterday, visited my parents at their new place. Somehow it felt good that it’s a new place and not the house I grew up in. They settled in pretty fast and seem to feel good at their new place, which was nice to see. My scanning sensitive mind noticed that a picture of my brother and his partner was not in a very prominent place. One of my son and me is. Don’t know why my brain scans for those things, must be my adhd :grimacing:. Tomorrow it was gym time, so now it’s time for the couch.

Have a good day all :heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1302. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 197. Had a dog walk along the beach, like a summers day here. All good. Listening to air ‘moon safari’ with a coffee and chocolates :slight_smile:


I just loved all the nods to the first film, the casting was fabulous… And such a good fun feeling movie… :slight_smile:


Day 693
Just checking in :slight_smile:


Day 23. 10k run, baked a loaf of bread, took the dog out and been to see my grandma. Back home for lunch and rest of the day to enjoy. I’d still be moping around nursing a sore head a few weeks ago.
Have a great Sunday everyone