Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Good morning! Checking in day 48. Have a great day everyone! :v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Thank you. You may be right. Besides that, every time we did get together at her house, We just drank wine until it was gone. That may be the only thing we had left in common.:neutral_face:


You are so right, I appreciate that advice. Time to move on.


125 days af
18 days vf


“Ride or Die” … couldn’t have said it better than that! I do feel better about my decision today. It helped to get it off my chest, but also I appreciate all the support here! Thank you.:blush:


Wow! You are so prepared and I am in awe of the specific plan that you have for your sobriety and for your self-care! Great job! We are all rooting for you. :clap::clap::clap:


Checking in day 501, meaning I’m :five::zero::zero: days and nights sober! I’ve been working to up my self-care game, which unfortunately includes long-neglected medical issues. I (very embarrassingly) let a cracked back tooth sit for a couple years (cracked it on a beer bottle). Had to get it pulled last week- not pleasant but hasn’t been as terrible as I imagined. Just grateful it wasn’t infected. I have my physical and a cardiologist appointment scheduled. Hit a few month block in therapy so started with a new therapist a month ago, been back to the gym, and eating to nourish my body. It’s a process, but mostly proud of taking strides for myself… finally.

Hope everyone has an amazing sober Thursday :sparkles:


Hey all, checking in on day 1313. I hope everybody has a good one!


Good for you for taking control of your health! It took me a few years to address my own tooth issues, including two broken back molars that got crowns and several fillings in the last couple months. One more filling to go on Monday! :tooth::toothbrush:


Day 65. Well good morning everyone, well after my little smoke show with the bike yesterday I turned on the control panel to see if it still worked and it did. So luckily nothing got fried, I stupidly bc I’m a boy and don’t like living long tried plugging the rca adapter back into the bike and sure enough she sparked and smoked again. I then took the battery off the bike and tried the other charge port even though my rca was fried and plugged it in just a little tiny bit and it did charge the bike up. So it must of just been the charger is bad, I ordered a new charger for it and we will see what happens. Yesterday work was good, I haven’t told anyone but my boss that I was leaving and I told her plz not to tell anyone bc frankly I don’t think it’s anyone’s business and sure enough I had a couple people coming up to me and say well that was short lived what were you here two weeks? I said no, a little over a month and sorry I have kids to think about. A couple other people said they were going to miss seeing me bc I was a great worker even though I was quiet they enjoyed seeing me. Yesterday evening besides the smoke from my bike and little panic attack everything was ok. I still think I’m going to look into getting a new bike when the time comes. I’m in a ok mood today, just trying to think about all the good things I possibly can. And most importantly I’m sober, with a lot of work to do. But I’m sober. Much love


Thank you, every day it gets a little better. :blush:
Praying for Luna, and, enjoy the museums! I think I will do that as well, on my next day off!


Sorry to hear this Billy. Embrace everything special that you had together and hold that in honour. :heart::heart:


Very sorry to hear this. I am glad you’re leaning on your communities and tools to get support in your grief.


253 no alcohol
184 no vapes or ciggs (6 full months woohoo)
23.73 no form of marijuana

I feel very comfortable.
6 months no ciggs or vapes was cool to wake up to
No cravings even to marijuana; ever sence i learned it makes me sad to smoke its esier to stay clear of.
253 no alcohol
Thats prob the esiest for me to stay clear of. I never want to feel alcohol in my system again. It made me sick and miserable. My wife has a pic of me in the midsts of my addiction just dirty. I was in bed and it looked like i was covered in dirt. My face looked so dirty; why my wife stayed with me is beyond me

Anyway days are better now
I could be having the best day of my life and i wouldnt know it. :slight_smile:


This relationship you have with your cousin reminds me of my aunt. For some reason i thought of her while reading your post

Im going to reach out to my aunt today

Im sorry for your loss


Checking in Day 9
Feeling like a jealous, self centered c***
Excuse my french
Trying to just do what needs to be done
And not think so much.
Wishing everyone finds peace today.


Hang in there! It does get better! I am at 115 days, and some days are like that. That’s when I head to a meeting. That’s just what works for me. Being with like minded people and sharing fellowship.


Day 18
No way I am letting alcohol control me today

:heart: “There’s a world of difference between insisting on someone’s doing something and establishing an atmosphere in which that person can grow into wanting to do it.” Mister Rogers :heart:


Ha ha no but I could have :sweat_smile:


Day 704
Had a great sleep last night but woke up sooo early (430am). I decided to make good use of my time and did my gratitude list and prayer. Got up at 6am for my son, to get him fed and ready for school. Feeling like today will be a better day. Have the gym to go to and then a cake to ice and decorate. Hope everyone has a great Thursday! :yellow_heart::orange_heart::purple_heart: