Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Congrats on day 3 Chloe. I hope you like your AA meeting. I was pretty anxious going to mine Friday night. I hope you find one you like.


@earnit Great to see you back Jene! Congrats on day 9 and glad to see you working on you – we are here for you :hugs:
@happy_trails How are you doing? Sorry it was an emotional day for you – I do hope that you were able to get some rest and that tomorrow will be much brighter. Here if you need someone to chat with.
@trustybird Oh my Emile I am so sorry – That sounds absolutely awful! I know that sometimes a deep tissue massage can release knots (like you said) and toxins in the body which can cause headaches and nausea. Try to drink lots of fluids to help flush them out – I do hope you feel better very soon.
@mauvaisminou Welcome to the community friend. Congrats on all your timers. I too do not do any other type of social media. Limiting screen time and enjoying more of what life has to offer is a great way to start off 2024. I am so sorry that you are ill – sending you healing vibes to get better quickly.

Checking in on Sunday night
382 days free of alcohol and weed
797 days free of cigarettes
It was a lovely day. My nap did not really happen. Did get all my work done which feels good. Hoping to go shopping tomorrow and get all the groceries stocked as next week is full of winter storms. Hoping they are wrong with the amount of snow expected.
I forgot that i made an appointment on Friday afternoon for a mammogram for tomorrow - yeah me :joy: The joys of growing up and being a woman.
Oh well - all in all i am happy today and am hopefully going to get so sleep soon. Wishing everyone a wonderful peaceful evening / day addiction free – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m sorry for your loss and my condoleances.
That’s sad.


Welcome back Charlie, good to see you around and active again.


I’m really upset
Lost another friend today,

At least now, he doesn’t have to worry about hurting anymore


Day 37 in the bank.

Went and checked out some bike tracks where im staying this morning. I’m a very average mountain biker but I enjoy the fitness side and amuse myself with how rubbish I can be.
Then out for an amazing lunch at a great restaurant.
Afternoon at the beach then back to the holiday house for dinner and some uno with the kids.


Starting day 8. Got through the weekend, hopefully I can get past 10 days, that my longest streak since starting my sober journey.


So sorry for your loss. Stay strong

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Monday off. Had a good working weekend to get back into things after being out ill for 10 days. Did a group talk with “my” group of patients. Talked Recovery. Most folks admitted to the detox have no idea what that means for themselves. Or in general. I hope sharing some of my own experiences and trying to talk about ideas of their future selves helps a bit. Sure made for an intense emotional meeting.

Recharging today. Hoping for some sun as that’s something that’s been sadly missing here. I was glad to see it setting yesterday coming home. Give me some more! Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


47 no binge, no sugar
3 UPFs
3 dairy

Woke up anxious and depressed. Reading here gives me a bit peace. At least sleep was ok.

Today is first day of school after Christmas break, and my first class in this new year. I’m curious what the kids will come up with today.

I hope I’ll have enough energy in the afternoon to do some yoga.


Day 198. Back to work today. All good. I’m not going to let getting to 200 feel like a weight or anything. It’s just another day one when said and done.


Really good advice, thank you :heart:
Being sober makes me able to think about this without getting argumentative or irritated. I will tell her my view on our friendship when I feel ready, without putting her down. I know she will listen to me if I say it in a respectful way. Last time we had a serious talk about our friendship I drank (wasn’t drunk though), so that will be different too.


Ooh man, yes! I remember the one time I got a deep tissue massage :sob::sob::sob: I felt like crap for the next few days and even had cold/flu type symptoms. I hear once all the crap that was trapped gets flushed out you feel better. And some people get them often and their after effects are less intense, but I was always too scared to go again :sweat_smile:

Do you get them regularly?
I hope you feel better soon! :people_hugging::people_hugging: Hugs my friend


Welcome :heart: glad you’re here! We have a nature thread, a cloud watching one and I’m pretty sure a walking thread here too if you wanna check it out :people_hugging:


I am sorry for your losses :people_hugging::heart:
May your loved ones rest peacefully
We’re all here for you


Thank you! This was my first deep tissue and my first massage since sobriety. I can only imagine that the 30+ years I spent drinking have lodged somewhere deep in my muscles.

I will go again maybe in a month or two but I will give myself a day after to recover. It felt exactly like a hangover.

Good to see you in these parts friend!


Get lots of hydration and rest :people_hugging:

:blush: Good to see you too. I’ve missed my friends. I still think about all of y’all even when life is too crazy for this forum.
:heart: Yall


Are you still working long shifts?


I’m working too many days now. A lot of closing shifts. And with school starting back tomorrow, I have to get up in 3 hours (630) and won’t be home from work tonight until 9.

I am on day 5 (later today) of 9 without a day off. And I worked 8 days in a row leading up to Christmas Eve, had the day off and then worked Christmas till new years. Had the 2nd off and my next day off is next Saturday.

Gonna lay down for the next 3 hours. And hope tomorrow goes smoothly.


I don’t know how you do it. I picked up a lot of shifts to end out the year but not that many. You are a beast for maintaining sanity and sobriety with your schedule. We are always here if you need to vent or celebrate a win. 🩷🩷