Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Day 242 second check in. I think i need a week off, not had a full week off since last September? Feeling a bit tired at work. Will try and book a proper week off for end of April and stop and slow down.

I need to take on board that my work mojo is a bit flat and I need to have a break to get it bqck

Working 8_3 today then I will take the dog for a watch and chill


Happened to see my days, I’m up to 874, nice. So far my new job is going well, the people are nice and relaxed and I’m learning a bit at a time. A lot of time trying to keep myself busy starting out, which is okay with me. I love starting at 9 am and getting out at 1 pm because it gives me time to focus on my own wellness routines and walk Lupe everyday. Having some downtime is really important to me, too, at least in this transition from not working for a long time to working again. Other than that, I have been feeling generally unwell for a while, I haven’t been taking the best care of myself and I know that is part of it. Some it is lingering winter blahs. Time to get on it! Sending strength for sobriety to you, friends. :heartpulse:


Checking in 7 Days. Had a dream last night about acting out and having some temptations this morning. It has been rough around the house because we are all getting sick with some kind of stomach flu. It is pretty nasty and kept my wife up all night. We are making it through but it is making this week stressful. Just got to keep going one day at a time.


Checking in to welcome another sober day. 224 so far and looking forward to more. Sending strength and love to all.:muscle:t3::gift_heart:


Day 47 AF

Seems I am in the doldrums of the process. Not really far along, not really still excitedly fresh.
Doldrums of winter blahs, doldrums of life…

I’ve been thinking a fair bit recently about how I’m just never satisfied. With anything really. I believe my struggle with alcohol is much attributed to my inability to just be. Always searching for that next adventure, next place to be, next improvement in my physical self, just always searching for something… what that is is always changing but it’s always there. A scratch in the back of my skull that I just can’t seem to reach.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I truly hope I figure it out because I know it’ll lead to a relapse as I’ve been in this place many many times before. 50 days sober, 60, 80, 120…

My wife is leaving for Mexico in less than two weeks for over 3 weeks. I am staying home because my unreliable mom once again bailed in watching my dogs, so I gave up the trip and her and some girlfriends are now going to take the condo we rented… fuck.

  1. 5


Hey all, checking in on day 1347. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in another day sober. I don’t keep track of my days - just happy to be keeping on the right path.
I got the results of my MRI yesterday. It wasn’t great news, but pretty much what i expected. It was recommended back in 2020 that i have surgery to repair some of the damage in my hip. Then the pandemic happened and i never had it done. Now the doctor is telling me it would be a long recovery time and wouldn’t bring me much pain relief. For now, they are going to manage it with steroid injections and other medications, but ultimately I’ll need a hip replacement down the road. He said it could be a year or several years depending on how fast it progresses. I have an injection scheduled for next week and I’ll go from there.
I guess im just frustrated that this is out of my control. Nothing i do is going to make it any better. Im at a healthy weight, im active, im taking my meds - all things i neglected while i was drinking.
Im determined not to let this get me down and feel sorry for myself. I know where that takes me. I have a lot of things to be grateful for and i need to focus on those.


Goodmorning everyone

287 no alcohol
218 no vapes or ciggs
88 no thc

Day off today
Take care everyone


Feeling panicked a little. Anxious. But nothing serious, just a noisy drone in my head.

Just need to push on and thru. A wave of sadness is threatening, and I need to remember I’m tapering my current antidepressants to try different ones and that this might be just how I feel today, not forever.

Sending love to everyone that needs it today.


30 days weed free. 2024 days alcohol free. Havnt gambled in 4 days.


Day 98. Just doing a quick check in. Was supposed to train today but they put me on icu and had a discharge. Got that done and ugh I’m tired, idk it’s crazy how tired i feel with this job atm lol. Definitely just a little out of shape I guess. But yeah I’m doing good, not much else going on today I suppose. All is good with my girls, I miss my little stinkers. Well I hope you all have a good day everyone


Day 51. Going to see elephant seals today and got lucky that the weather seems pretty good. Going with a friend. Fresh air, animals, friend and ocean. Grateful!


@elyse Hope you are enjoying your time with your parents and not having any anxious moments with trying to maintain your sobriety. Here for you if you need some support :hugs:
@juli1 How are you doing love? I am so sorry for the urges to wanting to be drunk. You don’t need that poison in your body Jules – sending strength to you and grateful to see you stacking up the days!
@zzz great work on your 1 week milestone friend. :tada: :tada: :clap:
@wahtisnormal Oh so sweet that you get to spend time with your brother after all this time. Grateful for his service :pray: Hope you two get some good quality time together :hugs:
@iamthechange Many cuddles and love sent to your beautiful girl … glad she is resting. I do hope the recovery is going well :hugs:
@ofmiceandroach Nicely done with your 2 weeks Emma! Keep up the great work :tada: :clap:
@cleanheart Way to go friend – 1 week milestone and going strong :muscle:

OH wow – this is deep. I totally relate to having some type of hole that you are trying to fill. Have to talked this out with someone (a therapist)? I couldn’t always change my environment but found ways to keeps myself so busy that I didn’t have time to feel that itch if that makes sense. I am grateful for all your pictures and I do hope that you find peace / serenity in your surroundings :people_hugging:
@shel75 glad you got good news with your MRI results. I am sorry that you are in pain and have to wait out the process to get a fix. Hopefully the injections help and the effects last for a long time. :hugs:
@steve92 way to go with your 1 month milestone Steve :muscle:

Checking in on Wednesday afternoon
Not sure where the sleep is LOL – i am grateful for a peaceful serenity in my heart today and of course my coffee. Have accomplished some cleaning and laundry. Have a few errands to run and then it is pure relaxation.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you Jas :heart: as always I appreciate you and your kind words! I’m super happy to read your feeling clean and serene today!


Day 3 , and Day 3 of meetings.
Sometimes it feels overwhelming, not just staying sober but even every day things. I have to remember that the main goal of the day is to stay sober and not drink.


10 days AF.
Feeling really good again mentally and physically. Expecting 40°c (104f) heat here today and Northerly winds which are conducive to causing bushfires so keeping fingers crossed that things don’t get nasty today.
Peace and strength to you all.


Uhf… Yea I didn’t have urges last night.
I felt like being drunk… And hangoverish in the morning. Nightmares.

This afternoon I had a big fat craving. Wanted to do some cosmetic shopping… And there it was. Loud voice that it would be fine and okay! You can find a wine section in these stores in germany too. I was staying in car! 20.minutes, 25 … The craving was gone, but I decided to drive streight back home! The shopping can still wait a few days.

Training pause today, chinese takeaway and cozy couch instead :sweat_smile:


Good to see you, Seb, and congrats on 10 days! Good luck with that weather…


No, that’s not how I do things unfortunately. I don’t have that ability to share such things in a face to face setting I don’t feel.
I’m trying to deal with it all, by having a hundred hobbies and interests.
I think if I get back to our cabin on a more permanent basis, and I still feel “unsettled” then I’ll need to buckle down and probably chat with someone. But in all honesty, that place is where I am always content. Busy, always on go, but totally content.

But thank you again for your always wise and caring words. :heart: