Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

@KrissyMae congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Juli1 congrats on 30 days :tada: and for going to the opticians to look after your eyes :nerd_face::sunglasses:
@Timetochange congrats on 250 days :tada:
@ShyBert congrats on 60 days :tada:
@IamThechange congrats on 90 days :tada:
@Jimz congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Mira_D I’m so sorry for your loss :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@tifflynn07 congrats on 60 days :tada: and achieving your goals :clap:t2: :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli I hope the visit with your sister goes well :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵 It’s great that you’ve both agreed to no alcohol.
@Catmama23 thank you :blush: 🩵


@RosaCanDo I’m so sorry that your lovely new job comes with a trauma trigger with the parking arrangement, :tired_face: and I’m sorry your cars were violated too! that’s awful. I’m not surprised this all lead to such panic, I’m so glad your husband was available and able to help. Sending love 🩵
@K_S congrats on 70 days :tada:
@Matt sending strength as you navigate this challenge 🩵
@Lighter I hope your visit goes/went well with the person you used to drink with. Set your boundaries before they arrive, and check in here as much as you need. :blush:
@Butterflymoonwoman that really sucks and doesn’t seem right :disappointed_relieved: I hope you can find support for you and you son soon. 🩵
@JazzyS congrats on 850 days weed free :tada:
@Shawn1991 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@apes2020 congrats on double digits :tada: hope you enjoyed the show :blush:
@wahtisnormal stay connected :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Jules000 I hope you’ve got MH support, a therapist or psychiatrist to discuss these distrubing images and urges with, there may be something they can do to help. I hope you found a way to distract yourself to get through until the urge passed. :people_hugging: Sending strength 🩵


@acromouse congrats again for triple digits no sugar :100::tada: and it must feel amazing that the cravings have pretty much gone, this gives me hope. :raised_hands:t2:
@MrFantastik congrats on 90 days :tada:
@Mno proud of you for speaking up about how the tension within the group was making you feel, and I hope the next meeting goes better so you feel more supported :people_hugging:🩵 do you have supervisions for your expertise role?
@Mischa84 I’m so sorry you lost both of your parents at young ages :mending_heart::people_hugging: congrats on 8 months :tada: they would definitely be proud 🩵
@KellyKelly congrats on 700 days :tada: good luck for you nicotine quit :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Seizetheday congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Englishd congrats on your new role :tada:

1299 days no alcohol.
764 days no cocaine.
279 days no vape.
24 days no binge-eating.
(Also 61 days no impulsive spending).

I did an online course yesterday afternoon. It was called ‘Making Every Penny Count’, but it was as usual, nothing new to me. I’ve always been very pro-active, and that’s how I got through losing everything through my addictions, and eventually becoming debt-free. Very grateful those debts are part of my past now. It was an extremely stressful few years. I could see how the course would be helpful to people who were caught up in the debt-cycle and struggling with budgetting etc though.

Then in the evening I attended the first Safe Soulmate’s online LGBTQ+ Zoom group. It was really awkward but we got through it, it was only an hour, and we are all neurodivergent. The facilitator made a good effort to give us talking prompts, and it did feel quite wholesome. There were only 4 of us attending, as we all identified on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, eventually the group will be opened up to the wider safe soulmates who are not sure if they identify on the spectrum but would like to learn more or are curious etc.

I have been so fatigued the past few days. So unbelievably tired. I’ve had something on every day this week and I think I’m paying for it. I also think it’s partly because I’m feeling very depressed atm. It has meant that I’ve had to reshedule my visit with my SIL & baby niece today, and the next day she’s free is the 14th so I cant see them until then now :disappointed_relieved:. I know it will come around though. I just hope I’m not fatigued again that week as I again have something on the 3 days prior.

The depression makes me want to binge mindlessly whilst watching TV so I can feel numb, but I’m not giving in.

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Checking in. Today I could start my new work task. I like it a lot and being eager to work is something I haven’t felt for ages. I had a doctor’s appointment and everything went fine, but I will have a few more in the upcoming week because there is a chance that I can have a surgery in the future. So it was a good day, yet by the evening I had quite a hard time due to overwhelming feelings. Every time something happens (or is planned to happen) or changes, my grief kicks in. I really don’t want to slip back and relive any of the previous stages now, when I finally have some solid ground under my feet.


today is 2 years of no self harm. I thought I’d feel happier but I’m just full of intrusive thoughts about ruining it. I’m not going to. i at least know that.

update: my friend is going to send me a gift for the milestone. which is nice. I’m not really acknowledging that it’s an achievement


Just a quick check in on day 217 AF

I’ve been just so busy recently but it’s all good.
Unfortunately I can’t keep up with this thread, it’s too busy for me to follow everyone.
Hope you’re all doing well.

Welcome back @MrsOdh It’s great to see you again!


Checking in another day sober. My cold is starting to go away and I’m feeling much better. I got a steroid injection in my hip this morning. It was uncomfortable, but went well. It’s sore, but i should start getting some relief soon. I planned to take the day off and rest, but i decided to work since i took off Tuesday. I also stopped at a couple of places to look at cars. I still can’t make a decision as to what i want. I find something online, go and look at it, sometimes test drive a couple, think I’ve decided and then change my mind. I’m have extreme anxiety over the whole situation. I can’t even drive my Jeep right now because i get so anxious and worried it will break down again. I’ve been driving my husband’s jeep instead and he’s driving mine. This is so stupid, it’s just a vehicle and i need to get another one. I have good credit, can afford (within reason) to get a decent vehicle, but can’t do it. I do this with other things, too. Anyone else have difficulty trusting themselves to make decisions after getting sober?


2 years 17 days
Today has been… really up and down. Started off pretty crappy. My sons school bus pickup did not go very smoothly at all. New nurse, new bus attendant, and new driver who didnt know the pick up location. Along with them being extremely late, i had to show the new nurse where everything was. But then i went to the gym and that made everything better. Thought id grab a smoothie and a chicken wrap on the way home. Ordered. Came home with it, only to find out that she gave me a steak wrap instead. Not a huge deal, it was still good. Folded laundry and picked up my son from the bus early as it was a half day of school. Relaxed with him in the afternoon. Ive been quite emotional today but in all reality these problems are nothing like what i used to have when using. So i suppose i shouldnt let these situations rent space in my head like that lol Anyway, hubby is home. Going to make supper and do some self care. Have to work this weekend. Have a great night TS fam!


Day 60 yay!
Online Shopping, day 0. boo!

Wow, I actually did it :partying_face:
Today was pretty uneventful, I worked. I bought myself a pendant tonight to go on my chain I always wear. I have a couple other pendants, but this one is a gold cat/dog paw, I assume it can be either one.:paw_prints: My pets :dog2: :cat2: mean the world to me, and the only ones that always stay by my side. :blue_heart: :orange_heart: (Not that they have a choice, lol)

That’s about it. Stay sober my friends :hugs:
xoxo :heart:


@happy_trails thank you so much. That makes sense about resting. Great work on 60 days!!! Keep the days stacking up :muscle:
@Shawn1991 Great work on 60 days of sobriety! Keep that momentum going strong :muscle:
@apes2020 YEAH double digits! Great work April :clap:
@wahtisnormal Great to see you posting and coming back Zoe! I’m so sorry for your living situation. Proud that you are still working on protecting your sobriety and coming here to connect with your peers. You are not alone my friend. I do hope it gets easier for you at home. Keep showing up for yourself :heart: :hugs:
@jules000 sorry that you are dealing with this so strongly. I do hope that you are able to talk to someone at the moment and get through these urges. Find a way to distract yourself – possibly use markers to draw on where you want to cut rather than using any sharp tools. I see that this was written almost a day ago – hope you are safe and harm free :people_hugging:
@wakikki I’m so sorry love – that does not sound like a pleasant experience. I’m sorry that you still haven’t been able to get any answers as to what is causing this. Hoping you are ok my friend. :hugs: Congrats on your 2 years 2 months of sobriety. Sending you loving and positive vibes!
@acromouse Way to go on your triple digits Aga! Keep working on your plan my friend – you are making great progress with your timers.
@mrfantastik Way to go with your 3 months Marty. Congrats on walking away from the attempts. You are doing amazingly well – keep the days stacking up :muscle:
@mno thanks friend! Great to hear that you are making progress – a very bit positive step today.
@mischa84 Oh I think you will love your 40’s. I see you working on a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Way to go with your 8 months of sobriety. Keep showing up for yourself Mischa – you are doing a fantastic job. I do hope you had a wonderful day celebrating you!


@kellykelly WOOT WOOT 700 days is amazing work! Way to go with your sober time – wishing you loads of luck with the smoking – you can kick this too :muscle:
@sizetheday Great work on your 2 months of sobriety – keep the days stacking up :muscle:
@mira_d omg girl I am so very sorry! Pushing this off for another year? I can not imagine how much your family has and is going through. Sending you love my friend – I wish I could give you a big hug and make this time easier for you.
@dazercat OMG those are adorable pictures and Gus is so worth the move! 50 weeks tomorrow :tada: can’t wait to celebrate this with you :hugs:
@englishd Great to see you checking in and a huge congrats on your new job.
@catmancam thanks friend. Way to go with your 61 days (all your timers are very impressive). I am sorry that you are dealing with depression right now. I do hope that you are able to use the SAD lamp and possibly get out for a walk that might help – sending positive vibes your way.
@sadmemequeen lovely to see you check in with your 2 year milestone Megan! I know that it may not feel like a achievement but I think its huge. You should be proud of yourself. Sweet of your friend to get you a gift :hugs:
@happyfeet so great to see you check in Anne – glad to know things are well – great work with 217 days!
@steve14 great work on your 512 days Steve – sorry about the blah mood. Sending you happy mojo and hope it helps lift the mood – have yourself a wonderful weekend.
@maxwell Way to go Maxine – 2 months and going strong. You are doing great my friend – so lovely to see you checking in daily :hugs:

Checking in on Friday night
436 days free of cigarettes and alcohol
851 days free of weed
Another uneventful day. I did manage to get a bit of accounting caught up in my awake hours. Grateful to be able to work from home with this task. Pain from surgery is easier to handle today but other symptoms are very present and annoying.
I do love my mom and all that she is doing for me but at times i laugh at how much we get on each others nerves. It will be really interesting next week when we are both laid up after her surgery. Lord give us strength :laughing:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day /evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 11…

Decide to " marie kondo " the s$%t out of my house , well because, sober things lol :laughing: being organised and getting sh$%t done instead of being a lazy slob on couch.

And luca is not helping at all. Has made " marie kondo" pile of " does it bring you joy or not " clothes, his napping spot for the arvo lol.

Happy Saturday.

Clean and sober Saturdays are very satisfying :relieved:


What’s going on Charlie? Talk to us


What’s going on Charlie? We are here for you. I’m glad that you have posted.


Were here if you need a lifeline my friend @Charlie_C


We don’t know what’s going on. We don’t know if it’s your sobriety or some personal tragedy or disaster. So I’m going to leave the what’s your plan link here in case it is helpful to you. You know that we have your best interest at heart and are here to support you and I hope that by reading around it is helping you and I’m glad that you came here and posted.
I’m editing to add that I do understand if it is your sobriety that that can be a personal tragedy and a personal disaster and I’m not trying to imply that it isn’t. It was just how my sentence came out.


Oh my gosh, is that Gus? He’s so big!

He’s adorable Eric :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m happy to see you got the house you wanted. :hugs:



Getting ready for my working weekend. I slept soso but I’ll make do. I’m sober and clean. I had a good therapy session yesterday. We’re in this together. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from Utrecht.

@SadMemeQueen Two years is a huge milestone Megan! Thanks for sharing it. Enormous congrats. Excellent work.
@Charlie_C You’re not alone friend. Hang in there :people_hugging:
@CATMANCAM Yes we do intervision once a month, which is almost the same as supervision. Very helpful, the good part of that morning that I didn’t share about here.
@maxwell Congrats on 60 days Maxine!
@Butterflymoonwoman We’ll be working together Dana :wave:
@Tomek Glad to see good things happening friend. Sorry for the overwhelming feelings. Hugs.


Thank you Maxi.
They grow up so fast when you’re no where near them. Pretty exciting life changes ahead for Pop Pop :wink:

Happy 60 days tomorrow. I think it’s 60.
Been so busy it’s hard to keep up.


Indecisiveness is my greatest weakness. 2nd to procrastination actually, but they tend to go hand in hand. I honestly think that it was worse for me while I was drinking. I’d usually make rash decisions I’d later regret. Eventually it turned to all these thoughts of ‘what ifs’ flying around in my mind and I wouldn’t know what to choose. Now it seems much easier to make the decision by looking at it logically, but then I don’t put it into action. I know what I want for many things, but just keep putting off going thru with it. Is that the same thing? Bc that just made it sound like I can’t make up my mind :sweat_smile: There is one thing I definitely still don’t trust myself with, and that’s relationships. Every one of mine sucked, so when it does come time to decide about someone, it’s gonna be crazy up in here :brain: