Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Glad youā€™re here :black_heart:


I getchya brother.

Focus on the good, leave the other stuff be. We all arenā€™t everyoneā€™s cup of tea as they say.

Have a good weekend!


Afternoon all. Quick check in before work. Day 903 AF. Still having a rough time with everything thatā€™s happened the last few months. Still no answers either which is rather upsetting. But holding strong and back to the basics of hour at a time! Hope everyone stays safe and takes care!


To chime in on the rabies thingā€¦

When I was maybe 13, and my brother 9 or 10, he and his friend found a cat in the woods and brought it home, like we always did with stray cats (we had 4 already at the time). It seemed pretty normal, and was very friendly and loving, but I had a bad feeling about it for some reason so I didnā€™t touch it. By that night it had lost control of itā€™s front legs, rolled around on the ground, and was drooling a lot. My brother and his friend were vaccinated(spurring his lifelong fear of needles :laughing:), and we turned the cat over to the county health department. Sure enough it was rabid. We got in the paper for finding the first rabid cat in the county in 25 years! My point is, it was extremely obvious to me that there was something wrong with the cat from the minute I saw it, and I was only 13. Iā€™m definitely a hypochondriac myself, so I understand the worrying, but I think youā€™ll be alright :smile_cat: just pay attention.


I havenā€™t checked in for a few days. I feel like Iā€™ve been going nonstop and have only been home to sleep and shower.
After almost two months of fighting with my insurance company, my new medication has finally been approved and is supposed to be delivered today. Hopefully this one works.
The weather has been so nice the past few days. It feels like spring. I know weā€™ll probably get some cold days still, but hopefully the worst is being us.
I have a few more hours to work today, then looking forward to a relaxing weekend



Itā€™s gonna be harder to lift up again than I thoughtā€¦ Flyng and overtaking obstacles is easier than launching againā€¦

:boom: Crashed my ship again. I think there are no big big damage. I can still fix it. I found the toolbox box in the ship and key lying nearā€¦ I think I can open the box :key:


Checking in day 39 AF :blush:.


44 days free of alcohol
38 days free of THC

Doctors appointment this morning, glad to be getting the ball rolling and taking care of myself. Drinking has taken its toll on me. It is an evil liar, pretending to give when all it does is take. Sobriety provides what alcohol pretends to offer. Canā€™t change the past, but I can be sober now and from one moment and one day to the next. I am grateful to be a survivor and wonā€™t waste this chance. Lots of life still left to live, if I want it. I remember my reasons for staying sober.

Very tired today. I think my mind sometimes interprets exhaustion as depressionā€¦. Been a very busy week emotionally and activity wise. So today Iā€™ll take it easy and not push myself too hard. I know that behind this moment, this emotion, this day, thereā€™s another one, full of mystery, and I want to be there for it.

:ocean::ocean::ocean:ooooh the emotion oceanā€‹:ocean::ocean::ocean:

Have a good day friends šŸ©µ


Day 726
Feeling abit better today mentally/emotionally. But still so tired. My son is home from school today as he has an appt in the afternoon. We are getting ready for that soon. We have our buddy shift tonight with the new nurse that apparently sleeps alot on overnights. Im not looking forward to this shift. But Im not even going to stress over it tho bcuz if she falls asleep or my son isnt comfortable with her, then she cant do shifts here. Simple as that. My son has to feel safe and comfortable in his room. Not much else happening today. Just some cleaning and whatnot. Hope everyone is having a great friday! :heart:


I always enjoy seeing you pop up on my feed, and, as a mathematician, I love the maths gifs (please do post more)! Donā€™t stop being you.
Hope youā€™re well friend :slight_smile:


@Juli1 congrats on double digits :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli this is all really good, congrats on your health benefits :raised_hands:t2::tada: and I hope your pre-therapy assessment goes well next week :crossed_fingers:t2::blush:
@tifflynn07 :people_hugging: sending well wishes for your son and your lab :sparkles::sparkles: and strength for you šŸ©µ
@JP123 congrats on your month :tada:
@Englishd love that you maintain your sense of humor :sweat_smile: sending strength šŸ©µ
@wahtisnormal thank you :blush: šŸ©µ
@HillbillyChris sending strength :people_hugging:šŸ©µ and congrats on 900+ days :tada:

1278 days no alcohol.
743 days no cocaine.
258 days no vape.
3 days no binge-eating.

-Caught up here.
-Read a chapter of the book Iā€™m reading.
-Did some meditations.
-Received & unpacked a delivery of cat supplies.
-Took my rubbish & recycling to the outside bins.
-Cleaned the catsā€™ water fountain.

More to be done tomorrowā€¦

Been having some really intense chest pains intermittently throughout the day, so Iā€™m going to do some more meditations now, to hopefully keep me calm, and then watch an episode of my favourite program. :blush:



I hope the chest pains calm down for you, but please get it checked out if it doesnā€™t get any better!


Omfg thats terrifying. Today is night #6 weve had the cat. Still acting normal. It ate a lot of food today and drank water. It sleeps a lot but probably because the thing was as thin as a twig when it found us and is ā€œregeneratingā€ lol we have a vet appointment tomorrow. I will be using construction gloves and 3 hoodies when i try and put it in the cage for transport. Hopefully the vet can give me some peace of mind as well. I will be rethinking the way i handle strays in the future. I was so naive to the fact that rabies is so dangerous if contracted.


18 days weed free. 2012 days alcohol freee. Still gamble free. Today im making mini beef wellingtons for my moms 60th birthday. Making a demi glace from scratch and bought a whole tenderloin that i will cut up and use to make individual wellingtons. Keeping my mind busy because iv been in a constant panic the last 48 hours.


Day 68
Still a bit down, but weā€™ll manage. Donā€™t feel like seeing friends or talking these days. Another sober day though, thatā€™s most important.

Thanks for sharing the PAWS thread @RosaCanDo, very informative video there about how our brain and hormones work in recovery.


Well done friend, reward yourself with a cold cola instead. Iā€™ve never regretted drinking pop, I canā€™t say that for the alternative!


@wahtisnormal Hey Zoe I am just seeing this now ā€“ how are you holding up? I can not even imagine the frustration of living in a chaotic and messy atmosphere. Are you able to make a space of your own to retreat to when you are at home? Do not give up! I am hoping that you are able to find a way to make the living situation. We really are not in control over much in our lives but have to find a way to accept and deal with what we have in a healthy manner. Just know that everything is temporary. Do not worry about the weight (I do know how frustrating it is to not see some weight loss after having given up drinking ā€“ believe me) ā€“ keep working your recovery and the weight will also come off.
@steve92 Oh Iā€™m grateful that you were able to get a doctorā€™s opinion. I too am a over thinker and am working on that as well. I do hope that you are able to breathe easier now. Sending you comforting vibes. I wonder if the high anxiety has caused the cravings to come in full force. Grateful that you were able to steer clear of them. Stay strong and vigilant :muscle:
@dustysprungfield Way to go Dave ā€“ smart putting up your guard ahead of the weekend and being ready for that sneaky voice. I see that you are on the cusp of triple digits ā€“ canā€™t wait to celebrate with you soon :hugs:
@sy1234 great to see you on the check in thread and with 6 days! I am sorry for the withdrawal symptoms. Keep working your recovery and they will subside soon. Looking forward to celebrating your 1 week with you tomorrow :hugs:
@catmancam SO sorry to hear about the grief that you are feeling. I know that our losses (however old they are) still effect us daily. Big hugs my friend :people_hugging: I do hope the chest pains lessen with meditation. Do get it looked at if they do not go away.
@juli1 WOOT WOOT check you out with your double digits!
@cleanheart Glad that you are right back on track and working towards your day 1. Do call your sponsor as not calling and feeling ashamed of a relapse is what the addict self is causing you to think. The shame and isolation is what gives our addiction teeth to sink into us. Stay strong :muscle:
@tifflynn07 Way to go with your 40 days! I am sorry your son is unwell ā€“ I do hope its not Covid and that he recovers very soon. Healing energy your way :pray:
@jp123 1 month +of sobriety is amazing friend ā€“ missed celebrating you yesterday ā€“ Grateful that you have decided to stick with sobriety. You are doing a remarkable job ā€“ keep going strong :muscle:
@hillbillychris So grateful to see you checking in and with 903 days! I am so very sorry that you still do not have any answers. This must be so frustrating as Iā€™m sure you are unable to find proper closure. Sending much love to you and your wife. Here if you need support :people_hugging:


@shel75 glad to see you checking in ā€“ I am grateful that you finally got the insurance company to approve your medication. I do hope that it works for you. :pray:
@jimz Yeah day 40! :tada: :clap: Way to go in telling that sneaky voice to Fuck off. Sometimes you have to be a bit harsh with it so that it knows you mean business. Will be a wonderful joy to wake up hangover free and with 41 days tomorrow

Checking in on Friday afternoon
Not much to report - have had a very active day even though i am super exhausted. Hoping to practice some self care now and enjoy a laid back evening. Did want to open up a bottle of wine but yeah how would that really help? It wouldnā€™t - i am amazed at how i can miss something that i know is so very bad for me in every sense. No fear of a slip here - happily sober!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Today was a pretty normal day. Went to the YMCA this morning, then a meeting. Came home lit my candles(which I adore), and ordered a pizza to pick up and bring back here. Then just chilling with my husband, watching the tv. Gotta start looking for things to make for Sunday.
Wishing you all a nice low key weekend!:star2::star2::star2:


Day 182*

Sick and ready for a restful weekend. Anxiety is crushingly high. Iā€™ve fallen away from many of my healthy habits lately. I donā€™t know why it feels so impossible to start a healthy habit back up once Iā€™ve let it slide. Hooray for the weekend though! Hope you all have a great one :blush: