Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

I say that about washing dishes. Lol I’m doing good just getting ready for the week ahead. Food prep and all that good stuff.


Checking in my fine folks.

Started a lottle rocky this morning, the energy in the house was high so we got out wrnt for a little brunch, took the kids to the dollarstore to get some new bird houses to paint and then took the oldest skating. It was another really good day, overall a reallg good weekend. I know that sounds ridiculous but some weekends with small ones are just not great!!

This week I work for 3 days, then have 2 days to get the house tip top for the home exchange. A bit nervous about that as its our first one, but its kind of nice in a way that its given us a push to get things done around the house. I love the purging and organizing and getting those little (and big) things done you just havent had a second to do. :slight_smile: son has his appt tomodrow for a hearinf test and then he’ll be able to see the ENT finally. Only been waitinf 2 years for this! Hope we get some answers and maybe get him a little relief. Supposed to hear back from the CPS supervisor as well and have a meetinf and meet with nephews case manager. Its a busy week stacked up but im excited to see my mom and nephew next week (even though I am also sad at the same time I wont be working. That sounds hilarious to me. But i love this job).

Anyway. Wishing you all an awesome & restful night xo.


@trustybird How are you doing today love? Sending you positive vibes :hugs:
@kareness so lovely to see you checking in Karen. Sorry for the stress – hoping you had time to relax and reset today.
@shel75 Congrats on your new car!
@Butterflymoonwoman Oh that is a lovely gesture. Glad you will have warm secure feet in all that snow.
@maxwell You are doing great with your sober timer Maxine. I too go through lulls where I need to shop and try to do my best to buy things of necessity so that I am not bingeing. You have gotten yourself out of financial ruin and I feel like you will be able to control your online shopping too. I used to love my sour cream – enjoy those taco’s :yum:
@catmancam WOOT WOOT! 1300 days AF is amazing Cam! Way to go :muscle: Hope you had a relaxing Sunday and were able to get out for your walk
@juli1 Yeah 33 days! Look at you go :muscle: SO happy to hear that you enjoyed your Sauna experience.
@acromouse Glad you are not beating yourself up over the lapse Aga. You are here doing great on your journey and will be getting right back on the horse so to speak. Grateful to see you here with us actively working for a healthier addiction free life
@forgive_yourself Great work on your sobriety and maintaining your timers through this time. I am sorry for what you are going through – I can’t even imagine. Hoping that all works out for you. Here if you need a ear or a shoulder :hugs:

Way to go on finding a different outlet. Glad you did not give in to the urge. Putting the winter shoes away? Every time I would untarp my patio furniture in March or even April – we would get a storm a week later :laughing:


I remember for a long times those days of celebration i woukd instead feel down and even downright shit…and then disappointed i wasnt happier. Over time this changed, keep going. Youre doing amazing. It will get better, and then you’ll be celebratinf every little thing just for the sheer fuck of it xo.


thank you :heart:


That sure is a cozy, beautiful room!!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


@sunny11 so lovely to see you back with us. I am so very sorry to hear about your recent loss. I can’t even imagine the heartache you just went through. Here if you need to talk. Great work on getting back on day 1. You have not lost your tools and recovery guides after having 1115 days in the books. Sending you love and hugs my friend.

How cool is that – YEAH YOU! Way to go with your 100 days friend! :muscle: :tada: :clap: :tada:
@cleanheart WOOT WOOT – 1 week and going strong – keep that momentum going :muscle:
@Mischa84 OMG Rockstar! Way to go girl! Thank you for sharing your amazing achievement with us!
@tomek sorry for the emotionally hard day friend. Here if you need support or a ear / shoulder. Hope you are able to relax and reset with ease. :hugs:

Checking in Sunday night
438 days free of alcohol and weed
853 days free of cigarettes

Not much to report…had a hard start to the day but doing better now. All prepped for moms surgery and recovery. Grateful that i have not had a single craving.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love. :heart: :heart:


I’ve got a sink full if you feel the need to relax :smirk:


Day 511

I am happy to say tomorrow my big kids start their new school! 9-3 with a full hour for lunch! How exciting!


Checking in on day 341!

Clean and Sober!

God Bless and Good Nite!!!



:joy: On my way!


Checking 260 days AF


93 days
Had a bit of a trying start to the day with some car issues. But it lead to a good day.
Gym in the morning then got a new battery for my car.
Picked up the kids from school, why is it that if its going to start raining it’ll be when school pickup is on?:joy:
Now just doing some homework with the youngest while cooking dinner.
So good.


Oh Sunny! I’m so sorry to hear about your beloved mother. I’m really glad you are back here, posting and trying. No shame, friend.
You were always so supportive to me on my journey. :pray: I am, we are, here to lean on, so please lean. Reach out. You’re not alone in this.
Big hugs. :people_hugging: :orange_heart:


41 days weed free 2035 days alcohol free



Good day :+1:


Good to hear from you @zzz :+1:


@Lighter You’re doing great. Take it easy. Enjoy your body healing :mending_heart:
@zzz Good to see you.

103 sugar
1 overeating/binge

Was very mindful with food yesterday. Kept my food journal. Kept listening to my signals.
New week, new Monday. Last week was about studying game design. This week I’m going to start a project to recreate video game classics in order to learn design patterns. I’m starting with a very simple one: Pong.
I’ll have a class at school today, my daughter is still running a cold, and I’m hoping for some yoga in the afternoon.
Whatever comes today I want to listen and stay on track.

Have peace, kindness and freedom in your day today :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 5.

Mission complete upstairs, the only thing missing is the fooring in the guestroom still.
Yesterday I dragged the family out of the house again. We went to a candy store even if it was Sunday. Surprisingly none of the boys found anything they wanted to buy or try. So we ended up dining at a hamburger place instead.

Just read in this mornings newspaper that Norwegians are going to Sweden for grocery shopping. Nothing new really, besides that the news said that a lot of them are going for the Gluten free assortment and prices. Mostly by the border where we usually go for vacation.
Fun thing is that we also go there dor the gluten free assortment and prices. We usually jokes about that it’s crazy that we have to travel to the border to buy groceries. :blush:

Couldn’t sleep tonight, nightmares. Not about the past this time. Can’t remember when that actually happend so it’s a good thing. Eventually I decided that I wouldn’t try to sleep anymore. So I went up really early. Did some exercise and took a long shower. Prepared everything for the boys going back to school and then I woke them up when I felt ready.

It was a new experience for me. Usually I do the opposite, I do everything for everyone else first and then If I’ve got the time I make myself ready and wakes everybody up.

Maybe the words from both my psychologist and life coach actually is starting to make sense.

And as usual I’m amazed on how much I actually get done when I’m not prioritizing drinking instead of everything else. It really makes me wonder why I keep getting back to drinking.

Hope y’all get a great day. :blush:


I’m so sorry for your loss @Sunny11 , lost my mom almost 20 years ago to breastcancer. It’s such an awfull disease :sweat:
Welcome back, we are here for you❣️