Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

It’s usually the same when I decide I’ve got enough winter and puts away all the warm clothes and boots.

I usually starts around Valentine’s day, and wants spring. My mother usually keeps reminding me that the year I was born (-85) there was a huge Blizzard in the middle of March, so on my birthday (The 9th) no one could even think about coming to visit me at the hospital.

So she had to be all alone there for the two weeks I had to stay. And my father was so sad that he couldn’t visit me. I was born with jaundice so I had to stay under what we call a barn lamp for two weeks. :laughing:


*Day 1993 :walking_woman:
I had a surprise weekend and we did loads of activaties. We do such a weekend ones a year with the 5 of us (hubby, 3 adult children and me). One of us organize it and keeps destination and all for a secret. This weekend we did a museum, watched Dune part 2, botanic garden, hunderdwasser house and parc, a Davinci exhibition and a monorail :sweat_smile:
The final activaty was a guided tour in…a monestery brewery :thinking:
It started with free beer for all. Lucky for me they had alcohol free beer as wel but how weird it was to sit between all those people with a huge glass beer in front of us. I had no cravings at all, but it was a bit out of my comfort zone?

Today? A walk, working on my new bought second hand table project, getting groceries and house chores.
Have a good day all!
Ps glad spring is coming, I even saw butterflies yesterday! :butterfly:



Off work for one day. Will make the best of it. Some outdoor activities, not quite sure what yet. Leaning towards a bike ride. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love.


Looks like my sister may not be able to visit as she has a massive important job interview. I’m proud of her. Will mean I’m home alone for a portion of the week and can spend it on something self indulgent and nourishing.

My limbs ache today and I didn’t make Pilates at 7am after a rough kitten night. I swear they don’t sleep at all. Anyway, they are happy.

Peace :dove:


Day 254. I was oncall, it was quiet but it always affects my sleep.

So I don’t feel like I’ve had time off. So today I am going to work 9-4
Last night my wife had some wine (it usually doesn’t bother me) but it was the only wine I’ve smelt in 9 months which tempted me. So I’m feeling a bit cautious today. I can’t believe how fast the 9 months has gone. I do tho need to stay vigilant


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 2,046 Sober.

God Bless!


@SoberWalker @Mno @JazzyS @Doreen1 @Lotusflower @Tragicfarinelli @Jimz
Thank you very much for your message :pray:

Day 2 :four_leaf_clover: have a great day everyone :heart:



Checking in an hour before it gets light on Day 3. So glad. Feeling a bit better. It’s cool to know that every day gets better.

I had a lot of negative thoughts when I first woke up but that’s all for today. Going to focus on health and recovery. I have so much to be grateful for. I’ll sort the rest later. Nothing matters without health and sobriety. I’ve got everything I need to get better.

So glad to be here and sober today.


@MrsOdh It’s sooo good to see you back here, Sophia!
@Mischa84 Happy (belated) Birthday, Mischa!! :partying_face: And congrats on your half-marathon. You’re killing it!

Day 415.

I’ve been down a depressive dark hole of misery and self-pity. But still here and sober as a judge. My shrink added new meds to the mix and I’m starting to feel a bit less hopeless. It could be the placebo of knowing I’m trying something new… but fuck it, I feel better, I won’t be analysing the mouth of a gift horse.

Love ya guys. :heart:


Good morning everyone! Checking in on day 94. I hope everyone has the most amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Oy vey, what an insanely shit poor sleep. Did everything right with temp, humidity, laundered sheets/duvet, worked out in afternoon, early dinner, early to bed… shiiiiitty sleep. So exhausted.

Oh well, least I don’t gotta work… haha.

Day 59, off to meet son for breakfast then fitness store, home to workout again then I’ll be taking a pill and getting sleep tonight fo sho. This blows!

Be well folks. Spring is just around the corner!!


I think we posted at the exact same time lol, so I am just seeing yours as pop back in here. I wanted to just say it is good to see your check in, I’ve been wondering about you. Happy to hear you are feeling a little better!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Chexking in day 63 AF :blush:


Happy Monday!! Day 139. So many awesome things are happening because I can actually function and not be a mess. Have a great day!!


Good Morning, good morning. It’s a beautiful day and a beautiful Monday. Checking in with everyone. I am checking in today in very very early recovery. Soon I will be able to shout the days of sobriety away. But for now, I am not focused to much on the days stacking clean and more focused on trying to get though a day at a time. Part of my recovery plan is 12 step fellowship. I have a 5:30 p.m. meeting this evening. It is my first, since the horrific uncomfortable breakdown I had at my first ever meeting about five months ago. Unlike back then, I have accepted the reality that I am an addict, that I do suffer from this disease, that I am not. horrible being and that with my God, there is hope, there is treatments, there is recovery. I am excited to start working the steps and have been working to prepare the way for a strong foundation with my recovery with no holes that may doom me later, Guys. I am happy to be here. I am also very grateful, as we all should be, that we have been given the light and the ability to be here, So many have not and do not get the ability to see the light. I look forward to telling you all about my first meeting soon. I have not decided if I am going to do the 90 meetings in 90 days yet. If I do, it will have to be a version online and in person. It might be a good idea as my addiction is Meth and for almost 3 years. It’s a tough one but not any worse than anyone else’s addiction. We all may have different vices and drugs of choice but in the end we all have the same disease. I am open minded, I want to a complete recovery and putting in the work. 12 step fellowship is not. the only part of my recovery plan. But it’s the part that I am getting started on today. I love you guys. Let’s have a good day even if you feel a little far from one just remember, we are all here for each other. When my days come, oh boy, and they will, I look for the support and love that i receive from you all here.


That’s great, I am trying to get there, My cravings are still quite uncontrollable when they hit, I think that probably the worse part about early recovery. Struggling to find the ways to overcome those cravings effectively.


Hope you get some better rest my friend. Working out should help.


34 AF AFmfA lol

I am fine and quite relaxed.
Having 3 weeks off until another 2,5 months of learning for another certificate starts. :sunglasses:

Prepared my new rooms in my parents house a bit more, as I will live there for a while (or “moms” house, as my dad left us to heaven in november… Or on the papers my house lol).

There will be some more things to be done, but it will be nice and cozy in the end and my mum participates by not being lonely that much.

It’s very rural, but it’s silent and lot of nice nature… Think I will do more mountain biking this year round here,… it’s already getting warmer. :evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::leaves::sunny:

Was triggered yesterday by big wine glasses with dark red wine shown in a movie. It’s okay now, I prefer being sober.

Tomorrow I will be back at the apartment (it’s canceled until end of April) and have a swim in the evening. Booked another ticket for thermalbath and sauna for Wednesday as it realy improved my body feeling.

Looking forward, thinking positive,
being relaxed…:cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:

Take care :v:t2:


I know the misery and self pity game. Take one moment at a time and cling to your daily routine while you give your new med a lil time to work. Love ya


Positive attitude, positive outlook will take you far my friend.
Plan your work and work your plan then embrace the suck when it does hit.

You got this, stay on your path!