Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Good morning all! Up and going early. Heading to water aerobics, then to a meeting, and then running some errands. It’s a gorgeous day here today.
Today is day 161 af. I need to pop over to the food threads, to get some ideas on what to make for supper.
Have a blessed day all!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Hey all, checking in on day 1359. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day
299 no alcohol
230 no vapes or ciggs
101 no thc

I hope you all have a good day today :slight_smile:


Checking in day 64 :black_heart:

I used to count these days and know how many days every morning by heart… today and yesterday I’ve totally forgotten and had to double check the “number”… I’ll take that as it’s becoming less about the number for me and more about the rolling day to day… as it should be

Much love to yall :heart_hands:


It’s funny, I was reading through the posts about people doing massive marathon workouts, followed by conquering the world, and I was feeling wonderful about starting a load of laundry :grin: Well it’s day 3. Right as it should be!


Seeing Dune soon. Been up since 5am, it feels like night time already.

Happy 24 all.

Peace :peace_symbol:


Day 110. New shoes for work are comfy. Good day at work, start out with two discharges and then just doing my Dailey’s and w.e else. After work probably go do a little shopping. Doing well, pretty excited my birthday is on the 14th and then the 15th should be 4 months. Or who knows it’s been before the 15th the last couple times. But anyways coming up on 4 months so that’s nice much love


Your post made me laugh out loud :rofl:. You’re still crushing it with laundry! I think on day 3 for me, Netflix and I were still best friends and I was keeping the couch company haha​:rofl::rofl:


Ya, I was crushing it! :laughing: Got that first load in the dryer, and had to go lie down… Early days! I do see streaming in my future…haha


Laundry is a marathon


Checking in 8 Days

Heading strong. I have made a big push these past 8 days to do as much I can but of course life is settling back into normalcy emotionally speaking. Preparing myself for normal feelings will be important because I need to sit in those emotions that make me feel uneasy. I need to identify and prep for what temptation may come. Just got to continue one day at a time.


Day 56 AF
Day 174 drug free
Ciggarettes reset

Checking in. Had a nice weekend. Spent some time fellowshipping at church. About to jump online to a regular meeting I attend. Workout later and then training for a volunteer position I have committed too. Being a service helps me.get out of my own way!

Wishing everyone a Serene and sober 24​:pray:t5::yellow_heart: Blessings to you all!


Day 66.The app says, “The person who can drive themselves further once the effort gets painful is the one who will win.”

I am struggling in a huge way. Today, I get my eviction notice. The landlord has said that we’d be working through help. A notice is not one I have heard of and I am only aware because I have scanned mail.

My mind is working through what the hell I’d do if things don’t work out. Work is a huge problem, partly because salaries and available roles have been poor.

The one thing there is no meaning for is the old alcohol issue. It doesn’t deserve anything but alternate attention.


What is work through help? Is that a legal term?

I have learned that once i LEARN how to get alcohol under some sort of boundaries, then i can move on. Is working a trigger? Then deal with what is it at work that triggers you. If it’s people in the work environment that triggers you, then.
What is the trigger?
Anxiety? Cooperation? Team work where you aren’t the leader? If it’s steady income?
Is it the idea of a beverage after working that you would like a beverage after working hard all day?
What is it that steers you into the alcohol ?

I can understand that anxiety of a next drink can be crippling try to focus on the joy of not drinking. That might help


Man, this is rough, hang in there. Wishing you some peace and strength.


Checking in, day 237. Love to all.


Feels like all I do is laundry. We bought a dryer earlier this month and it’s been so great. Instead of hanging laundry that’ll never dry of get folded everywhere in the house I know dry the same load twice because I keep forgetting about it :blush:


I would actually do it more often if I had machines. Instead I let it build up until I can hardly fit it all in my car and by the time I get it home I don’t feel like putting it away. In the past I’ve literally just went and bought new clothes when everything was dirty! I can go over a month without running out now!


In your car? Do you need to drive to the laundry room? How big is your apartment complex if you have to drive?

Here we usually have a washing machine in our houses. If you live in an apartment there’s almost always multiple washing machines in the basement or in a laundry room next to the complex if there’s multiple houses with apartments.


Nah, it’s not really like that here. My landlord said he used to have them years ago, but crappy tenants ruined that. We just have laundromats around town and I drive a couple miles to go to the nice one, where the machines don’t eat your money or break with your clothes inside.