Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Like in the movies?
That’s cool. I never realized that it actually was a real thing.
I can see how it can be difficult, but I still think it’s cool.
The downside here if you live in a house like we do, is that you need to pay for new ones of they break.


Yeah, its not too bad. I just don’t like having to do it during the winter. I can always use my parents as a last resort, but it takes twice as much time to do one load as it does all of them at the mat.


I had an accident and was in the hospital for a month. I lost my job, a great one, due to brain and physical capacity.

Alcohol has taken me away, in the past, for a temporary relief from reality. That is no longer something I seek. My current reality is one I have never faced in my life. In spite of the regular alcohol effects, I am aware that I cannot physically, or mentally, observe what alcohol does. My life only accepts the joy I give it. I am no stranger to alcohol, or acts against it.

“Help” is a county agreement for rental aid, dependent on your life. And as to your work questions, there is a lot I can’t do currently - more than ever in my life. And none of the things you mentioned about work have to do with my background.


Day 521 Check in :white_check_mark:

All good over here, my sobriety is safe and the nasty cold is slowly vanishing.
I’ll start journaling today, to see if it helps with the anxiety.
I got an Email from that one coworker (the pregnant one) and it triggered me massively.
I don’t know why this person triggers me that much, I hope she’ll change her attitude when her baby is born.
I’m on my way home now, looking forward to a hot bath. I did that every day since last Wednesday and it’s helping me to breathe and relax :smiling_face:

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


@mrsodh so lovely to hear that you practiced self care and self attention first this morning. I am reading and learning that this is most important and not to be seen as selfish behavior but we really need to get our battery charged before we can do anything for anyone else. Great work on day 5. Looking forward to celebrating your birthday with you very soon.
@soberwalker Love the idea of a surprise family weekend! How awesome. Glad you did not feel triggered at the brewery. I find the smell alone is a turn off for me these days (hope that lasts). What a beautiful tree and all that purple – I’m in LOVE!

So true and on point. Great work on day 3 friend. You are doing amazingly well. Glad to see you actively working on your recovery and not letting the negative thoughts bring you down. The beginning of my journey all I did was sleep – a load of laundry is massive work. Each day sober is a job well done and a great achievement :hugs:
@earnit I am so sorry Jene. I can not even imagine how stressful this must be at the moment. I do hope that something is able to be worked out and soon for your sake. Grateful that you are not leaning to alcohol for relief. Hoping that things will turn around for the better for you :pray:
@pinkeuphoria So lovely to see you posting on the check in thread Pinke. I am sorry that you are struggling. I do hope that in keeping on track with your recovery (all that it entails – the abstinence and the finding yourself and learning to deal with life on life’s terms) that you will kick these thoughts to the curb. You don’t need to go backwards love – we are here for you so please lean on us when you need. IWNDT – thanks for this – I had to look it up and love it I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY!

Checking in Monday morning
Its been a early start to the day so feel like i’m ready for a nap (@Tragicfarinelli i totally feel what you are saying).
Grateful that the tests showed that my cyst was benign. Now just to get pas this recovery LOL. Baby steps and i am learning to be more patient with my body. Have started reading again which is a welcome bonus.
My mom is now at the hospital and hopefully in a another few hours this cancer will be out of her. Grateful they caught it in stage 1. Totally prepared for this week and our shared recoveries.
Not much else going on – wishing for everyone to have a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


This is such a good honest statement and something I remember. The excitement you are craving is danger and chaos. Try to remind yourself why you started this journey. Sobriety can be quiet and lonely but it can also be an earned peace.


Day 745 here and I’m back to work after a two week vacation. I feel wonderful and rested and a little pessimistic that those feelings will vanish as soon as I encounter my first angry person in my workplace. I will use today as a barometer for how I feel about my job. Stay sober out there folks. Drinking robbed me of time and peace and won’t be given the chance to do that again.


Jasmine, I hope everything goes well with your Mom today . :heart:


Great news that it came back benign :pray: I’m sending prayers and love your mom’s way :pray::heart:


I think that’s huge. Makes me very glad to read it my friend. Also the move to the country sounds nice to me. Keep going. :people_hugging:


first time seeing this since joining the community. so happy and proud❤️


Ahwww thank you Menno, realy appreciate your reply. Yea it took me a while to accept this as a solution (had unsolvable technical problems in the apartment I just moved into in November)… but by accepting it, seeing the benefits and getting into the process, I think it’s a very healing environment here. :ok_hand:t2::leaves::tulip:

Thank you friend :people_hugging:


Hope healing continues for you and your mother! Often being forced to just sit back, being quieter, it turns into added healthier strength brought through reflection. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Thank you guys! Appreciate the well wishes. Everything went well with moms surgery and now the recovery process can begin. :pray:t4:


Returned to AA Meeting today after 3 months. Amazing people who are still there day after day. I want what they have so I must do what they do daily.


That’s awesome friend. Great work.

1 month my milestone is an awesome achievement and you should be super proud :muscle:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4::tada:


That’s great news! What a relief. Wishing both of you the speediest recoveries :heart:


Checking in near the end of the workday… I think day 45.
Had a really rough, short sleep last night, and trying to push through as I need to put a grocery list together, do a shopping trip, and put some dinner together tonight with my daughter while my wife is at work.
Glad I won’t be heading to the fridge seeking beer motivation later tonight.
Pushing through on my own, focusing on the positives.
Take care



So happy for you…
You finally came so far!



Daily check in. Very grateful to be sober today. After work, i stopped at the grocery store to grab a few things. I ran into the mother of a friend who passed away a few years ago. She also struggled with addiction and didn’t make it back after a relapse. I got sober a few months later. Seeing her mom hit me like a ton of bricks.
Just gonna sit here with my feelings for a while and process.