Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Hello, welcome back.

Time doesn’t care what we do with it, it passes anyway regardless. It’s our job to use it wisely.

Nice to see you :heart:


My life coach says to think about things like that, not as “You have to do it” but as “I deserve to live in a nice and clean space, I deserve to have clean clothes” that’ll make it easier.

And as I said yesterday, I get that the laundry thing is difficult. Hope you get a great day anyway. :blush:


Thank you. Appreciate your reply.


Day 255. Taking it easy this week. I will book the last week of March off :slight_smile: I was meant to be off this Friday but it’s pointless as the weather is rubbish

Going to redo our dressing room and the room I work in, so I am really chuffed about that… I am so in need of some sunshine. It’s been raining so much of late.

Went down to the harbour yesterday, waves were so high… Great to watch


104 sugar
2 overeating/binge

Made it through yesterday. I’m exhausted. Feel like a huge rock is lying on top of me. Today is going to be turtle day. I’ll stay in my shell and only get out for the most necessary, and take everything as slow as possible.
I have class today and groceries. That’s it.

Have a good day :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Day 416.

Today I was planning to spring clean. But a work thing landed on my lap last and I can’t afford to lose the money. So… spring clean cancelled till probably the weekend now.

Also, one of my clients has been ignoring my invoice after promising to pay first thing this week. Like… dude! I’m broke, so… paaaay.


Day 365
Just another ODAAT, thanks to it being a leap year :confused:
Gym session followed by sauna in the morning.


So your 1year anniversary is tomorrow because of the leap year? That’s awesome haha. Its like doing extra credit


Extra credit :rofl::rofl::rofl:


@Chevy55 How are you feeling about being alone for so long? It took me a long time to have confidence to be alone.

@Shatteredsoul Setting you strength for your recovery :purple_heart:

@EarnIt That is a hell of a lot for sure. I suppose all you can do is focus on what you can control, and let go of what you can’t.

@aliennation Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:

@HolySquid Celebrate twice! Congratulations number one to you! :purple_heart::tada::purple_heart:


Thank you for asking but I am 100% fine alone. Wife goes back to BC 1-2 times per year for a couple weeks, I took my truck camper into mountains out to cabin for 1-2 weeks a couple times per year alone for the past 20 years.
We are comfortable together and also do time apart quite well also.
The house just seems very large when no one else is here (it’s 3200 sqft) with a massive ocean outside the door and no neighbors to speak of, so you have this feeling of being small sometimes.

No scary movies for me, lol, overactive imagination. But I enjoy the silence, and the isolation and even the edginess of a bump in the night,



249 days of freedom

One of these days when I feel so worthless and useless. I must do something.

My plan is to take a duch language lessons (I speak basics but definitely need some practice) and then go to college, get education and start working with small kids (in kindergarten etc). I think I could do this and I would like it.

This year December twins are starting school so I will have more time to actually do something with my life.
Being full time mom is hard work but from the other hand I feel so low, I lost all ambitions.
But what if I’m not able to learn anymore. What if I fail. I don’t know… I know I have to do something and first step must be Dutch language. And driving licence :sweat_smile:

Some days I feel like I’m unstoppable but it’s not one of these days. This is one of days when I’m done with my life and I want to change. I must stick to the plan. I must focus on myself.


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:
And props for being ok alone for long periods. :smiling_face: It took me many months to be able to enjoy time alone without either thinking about drinking or worrying about thinking about drinking.


I have found in my life the same as here, my addicted friends that find their way back to sobriety are some of the brightest, hardest working and insightful people I have ever known. Perhaps that’s why we become addicts to slow life down in our heads as we are always steps ahead in our thought process.
I know you can do whatever you set your mind and sights too and I look forward to you booking in for those classes to begin a journey whereas you are living out your desire to give back in a new field of childcare teaching…or whatever direction you take things too. :pray:


Thank you Chevy :blue_heart: I think I’m gonna copy your post and read it again and again and again in the moments of doubts.

QACongratulations on 60 days :partying_face:


Good morning everyone! Checkin in on day 95. We brought my husbands family to the airport yesterday, we miss them already! We had the best time while they were here, so many laughs :heart:. I hope everyone has the most amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Day 35 AF
It’s a good one again :leaves::tulip:
Take care :v:t2:


Checking in day 548 and officially :sparkles:a year and a half :sparkles: sober! Feeling good, feeling grateful. No big update today- things are going along smoothly Sobriety has been feeling like my normal. So grateful to be able to enjoy life. Thanks to everyone in this community- this app has been a huge support.

Wishing everyone a terrific sober Tuesday :sparkles:


Congratulations on 2 months SAF. :muscle::muscle: