Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Keep it up! Good things headed your way & many awesome days to come :slight_smile: Hope all os good with the lottle one at home too! :slight_smile:


Checking in.
Went to work, came home, laid on the couch with my cats, going to bed soon. Thatā€™s all i could manage today. Im sober, itā€™s all good.


@Rookie congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@icebear I hope today has been better :crossed_fingers:t2:šŸ©µ
@HillbillyChris good luck with the new job :four_leaf_clover: Iā€™m sorry you havenā€™t had any answers yet :people_hugging: sending strength šŸ©µ
@HolySquid congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@Chevy55 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@MooseTracks congrats on 1.5 years :tada:
@Noshame congrats on 300 days AF :tada:
@tifflynn07 sorry about the dreams :people_hugging: I can definitely relate šŸ©µ
@Button83 those dreams are awful, :people_hugging: but when youā€™re still sober in them, like Laura, I like to think itā€™s sobriety getting into your subconscious :raised_hands:t2:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: Iā€™m so sory about your intense pain, donā€™t try to do too much too soon :people_hugging:šŸ©µ


@Tomek so glad to read youā€™re getting some mental clarity back :people_hugging: good luck for your surgery consultation tomorrow -exciting times! :smiley:
@Pinkeuphoria Minimalism is my dream! :face_holding_back_tears:
@MeSober congrats on 40 days :tada:

1303 days no alcohol.
768 days no cocaine.
283 days no vape.
28 days no binge-eating.

Slept only 1-3am last night.

Went to therapy. I talked about how depressed I have been feeling, and she thought I should speak to my doctor, so I guess Iā€™ll do that tomorrow if heā€™s working. We also discussed how I can communicate and assert my boundaries, I struggled to think of how I can word things, I tried but she kept saying I was giving to much room for debate, so she helped me with that.

Read quite a lot of the new book about decluttering. It isnā€™t making the task seem any less overwhelming! Iā€™ve followed up my initial contact form with an email to one of the companies. I did hear back from one of them, but they are fully booked.

Had a migraine, probably due to the lack of sleep. Layed down in the dark and ended up napping for 2.5hrs until Wolfie woke me up for their dinner.

The social anxiety got the better of me re the bowling, the more I thought about my last experience, the worse it got. So I made the decision not to go. Itā€™s pretty loud in there too, so it was also partly because I still had a migraine.

Now Iā€™ve caught up here. Always a good way to end the day. :blush:



Congrats on another ODAAT! 65 days!! Keep on keepin on. :muscle:t4::grinning:


40 days!! Congratulations! #ODAAT
Keep on keepin on. :muscle:t4:


Congrats on 66 days. Keep on keepin on! :grin::muscle:t4:



Slept better. Needed it too as work is busy and I have two days of nursing ahead after yesterdays experience expertise work day. Which was nice but also intense. Now itā€™s back to injections and intakes and rules and regulations. Which does feel a little bit constraining at times since Iā€™ve started as an experience worker as well. But I still like both jobs. One day at a time.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


Congrats on 15 days! Letā€™s keep on pushing.
#ODAAT :muscle:t4:



Definitely had more motivation today. It was still really nice out all afternoon. I managed to get the laundry done and got home right when it started sprinkling. Good thing too bc then it really started pouring. I planned on making dinner but my daughter said she was really hungry right when we got to the laundry mat so we ate next door. I realized I should do this every time bc since I didnā€™t have to worry about dinner when we got home, I actually folded and put everything away! That almost never happens in the same day. Or week :sweat_smile: Well, gonna wind down for bed. Have a great one! :heart:


Sameā€¦closing the month is such a crazy time in accounting. I do it for a commercial construction business, I totally get the month end crazies!!!


OMG!!! Iā€™m so jealous!!! Iā€™d love to see them play live. I hope you have an amazing time. :raised_hands:t3::metal:t3:


Thank you, Iā€™m sure it will be amazing


@CATMANCAM Hope your migraine is doing better. Migraines and noise donā€™t mix well. I would have skipped bowling too.
@Tomek Sounds like youā€™re moving towards freedom. That does sometimes feel exhausting and frightening.
@Just_Laura Laundry seems to be a recurring theme on this thread :wink:
@Mno A ā€˜boringā€™ routine is sometimes just the right thing.

105 sugar
3 overeating/binge

Still exhausted. Iā€™m spending most of my day in a brain fog right now. Have not felt so shitty in a long time: headache, nausea, vertigo, all kinds of not so well. My body is obviously going through some changes here and this too will pass.
I hope to get some design work done today. Should I feel up to it there are still some groceries to be done. Otherwise naps, video games, tv.

However your day may be, sending you peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 7.

No exercise today. Hurt my leg yesterday while cleaning the yard and getting things to the city dump. Nothing serious, just a light muscle injury, still hurts enough for me not to exercise for a few days. Doc said itā€™ll pass in a few weeks.

However it was a good thing. The ER that weā€™re supposed to go to (Itā€™s decided in regions here) closed last summer. I thought I was lucky getting hurt while the local doctorā€™s office was still open. Because we have more than an hour, one way drive to the ER weā€™re supposed to go to nowdays.

Our local doctorā€™s office refused to take me, because it was an ER thing according to them. So I got upset about it,called the doctors office in the neighbor village. They would gladly take men so I re-listed there. (You have to get listed at a doctors office to get any help at all, and you usually choose the one in your village because itā€™s close ans easy access)

Went to see the doctor. She read in my journals, asked me about life in general after she checked my leg. I told her Iā€™m trying to stay sober again (donā€™t know why, but it felt necessary)

She said that my old doctor was wrong and that I can eat as many bananas as I like because thatā€™s nothing really wrong with my health. And you need to eat more than 10 bananas a day for it to affect your heart. And as long as it isnā€™t all I eat, Iā€™ll be just fine.
And said sheā€™ll get me all the help I need to stay sober. If I want any help, and we booked a follow up meeting next week.

So today Iā€™m going to buy bananas, havenā€™t eaten them for weeks because my old doctor said I shouldnā€™t. And itā€™s been hard, Iā€™m not sure I can live without bananas :laughing:

Had a dream about drinking wine as well,but it wasnā€™t that bad. Didnā€™t wake up with a craving, but with a feeling that Iā€™m glad it was a dream.

Wishing yā€™all a great day. :heart:


Day 36

Back in the apartment and sleeping bad. Need to find my eye maskā€¦ Anyway, need to make the best of it, when I am here. Will be back at our house at the weekend.

Start the day now and will have a 4 hour session at the thermalbath and sauna soon.

Take care :v:t2:


*Day 1995 :walking_woman:
Glad spring is trying to chime in. I hate the winter, it affects my mood. So I wrestle myself trough it with a daylight lamp, vitamin D and a serotonin booster supplement and a walk in nature here ore there.

Blue skies make me happy and if I feel the warmth of the sun on my face it makes my day! Little things maybe. But I appreciate the little things more then I used to I guess.
Today? Work and maybe a walk before it.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Day 366
And with my ā€œextra creditā€ day yesterday, I finally got rewarded my certificate :blush:

I feel really lucky I found this community when I needed it. Thanks to all of you, I am here today.


Thank you Menno :blue_heart:
Im so full of doubts about myselfā€¦ But I know you are right, I should just try. And I will.
I appreciate help offer, i would love to meet for a coffee and chat about stuff like mooi weer etc :wink:
Have a beautiful sunny day


Congrats on your 1year (+1) :fireworks::tada: