Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Good morning sober fam, checking in on day 96. Feeling pretty good, no complaints here and inching closer to that 100 days :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:! Have a great day everyone!!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Congrats on your 1 year!!! :tada::tada:. The extra day is like the cherry on top :heart:


@noshame Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:

@HolySquid A second :purple_heart: congratulations :purple_heart: to you!


Congratulations, what an amazing achievement!! Hope you have set aside a little time to celebrate.


61 days in the bank AF

Slept like a :fire: bag of :poop:, so going to hit treadmill for a bit before coffee, to try and get multiple times in gym today. Try and wear myself out.

Took a tumble down the stairs with a120lb rubber mat yesterday, so need to be thinking a bit more that there is no one here to help if I break my neck. That said squat rack and bench press are all set up so will be also hitting some barbell loads today.

House is big and quiet with no one else here, and an isolated 1/2km dirt lane has me intimately aware of just how alone I am currently. It’s eery yet cool at the same time. Perhaps a horror movie tonight… bahaha, not a chance. I wouldn’t sleep for a week.

Have a great day TS family. Be well and be kind. :heart::pray:


At the risk of sounding like your wife, omg be careful!!! No more tumbles!!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Day 1303

My husband was off today, and my son came home from school early so the three of us went for a curry lunch. But it wasn’t at a restaurant, it was this unique curry house crossed with a bar. It was our first time, so we got a free cocktail, obviously the husband drank it, then my son was curious what different cocktails there were, so we were reading the menu and talking about the differences. For the first time in a long time, I felt a wave of nostalgia and regret that I will never hang out and drink and snack and chat with people.
Then I remembered. I never did that. I would chain drink. And become sloppy and embarrassing. And forget what I did. And have hideous hangovers. Then crave doing that shit more.
That wasn’t nostalgia. That was a mirage. I shouldn’t feel regret. I should feel relief.


Arrrrgh 2 month sober af and cigarettes and vapes to say im happy and proud is a total understatement. Look at me go :man_walking: :crazy_face:


Checking in for Day 5. Looking forward to good health, and grateful to have another chance.


Oh gosh, you need to be careful.
The beauty of living at the country side is that you’re alone, but you’re also on your own if something happens.

My mother have one of this home security systems that calls automatically to our larm number if something goes wrong. (I know it doesn’t help for everything but it feels a little bit better that way)

Hope you’ll have a nice day without more accidents. Stay Safe.


That’s great, and also great that you remembered how it used to make you feel.

When my kids have asked about drinks or cocktails I always say the ingredients without alcohol first and then I say that you can add alcohol if you want to, but that you never have to.

(I never really drank hard liquor because I don’t like the strong and bitter taste)


I cannot make promises. I tend to be fairly haphazard.
That said I will not intentionally try to launch down the stairs again for the foreseeable future.
:pray: I appreciate you and your concern though. Thank you.:blush:


Stacking up those days! Way to go…:heart:


Thank you Sophia. There will be a point in life where I very much will require one of those. I accept that due to the scenarios I put myself knowingly in and the lack of help when moving things that I seek out.
There was a time when I could lift the rear end of a car, and moved furniture in my younger days for 10 years… while I am fairly capable and self sufficient, age is creeping up on me I’m afraid.



Day 256. Working 8-5
Just having a lunch break. Planning to redesign the room I work from home in end of March, so that’s exciting. To have the space how I need it, with a sofa bed for when we have visitors. Rather than a big bed in it which is only used about ten times a year?


Ooh, that’s fun. I love designing and making over rooms (and houses for that matter).
Best of luck on that project and enjoy the planning stages. Every bit as fun as the actual action portion.


Checking in day 175 SAF & 161 smoke free. This is the last day of work before 10 days off. It seems like it’s been forever. Not going away this time of year because of weather. We’ll go somewhere in the summer. But I think we’re planning on moving. (At least the wife says she’s wants to move. So that means we’re moving :grin:) So we plan on driving down across state and looking at houses while I’m off. Plus I have some minor things I gotta fix up around our house, so I’ll stay busy, but still relax. Have a great day guys. Love ya’s. :v::green_heart:

@MrsOdh Congrats on getting back to a week sober.
@HolySquid . Holyshit. :grin: 1 full year AF is amazing congratulations.
And congrats on 2 months @residentevil . :muscle::love_you_gesture:


I think so too. Got everything pretty much planned now. Just need to order it all and take two days putting it all together


Hey all, checking in on day 1361. I hope everybody has a good one!


Can I buy 30 days of sobriety from someone? :wink: I’m kidding. Still dragging on Day 5 but that’s what alcohol does to me now! I’m determined to have a good day, it just isn’t the intricate masterpiece that I was envisioning yesterday. I don’t want to mope about it. I even found coffee in the pantry! The stars are aligned. Going to start on some stretching and take a couple short walks later on. Make soup. It’s a great day. I’ll be up to a week again soon! What will I do with my new life? What will I be like? This will be so worth it :heart: