Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Thinking about all of you @Noshame
Hope everything is going as expected.



It happened!! im a dad to my first born and baby boy archer


Congratulations to you, welcome to your fatherhood! Welcome to the world little Archer! Congratulations to all of you! I’m so glad you’re doing this sober.


Im as sober as a cup of coffee

The thought of weed exhausts me and with alcohol this would be impossible

Im very greatful for my sobriety


Congratulations! Welcome baby Archer! :star2::sunny::sparkles:


@violagirl Love your words my friend. Yes, should be super proud of going in with a sound mind and prepared to maintain your sobriety. A new menu is exciting. Remember this site is active at all times so you can reach out if you find any moments difficult.
@wakikki So sorry friend. I do hope that something gives and you start feeling some relief soon.
@yesnomaybe Way to go with your 1 week milestone friend! Hope you did get that rest today. Keep your sober days stacking high.
@catmama23 grateful you got your meds order in on time. Wishing you luck with the interviews love. The imposter syndrome takes hold of most of us on a daily basis. Have confidence in yourself as I’m sure you will shine in what you put your mind to.
@naomi the beginning days / months of sobriety really did a number on me. Body is going through a lot with detoxing and adjusting to life without drinking so I feel like it is needs that extra time to rest and recharge. I know the desire to get back to your active self. I trust that you will get back to that – just be gentle with yourself.
@noshame Congrats Matt! Welcome to the world baby Archer :heart: :hugs:


Oh wow!! Congratulations on baby Archer!!!


Day 724
Today has been awful :angry: My day wasnt going too bad this morning but then i got into it with my brother over the phone about money stuff (he manages my parents finances and does me and my husbands taxes). I feel like when it comes to money, my husband and I are doing much better now, than when we were using. We have paid off credit cards, overdrafts, and havent missed a loan payment to my parents in over a year. Im proud of us! But yet there is always something my brother chooses to bitch about. Anyway… i am exhausted and stressed and sad. I emotionally ate by overeating on supper. And now i feel shitty about that. I havent felt this angry in quite some time. Im not an angry person and so being like this is really upsetting for me. I just feel like my family doesnt think we are managing our finances well enough. Like we have to be like them and follow my brothers accounting advice. Grrrrr. Money stuff stresses me out. Sometimes i just wish I could escape for abit and not think of anything or deal with anything or do anything. Just for like a week. But that wont happen so i have to do my best to manage things as they come up. I just had did some self care. Will try and unwind a bit before bed. I spoke to my husband about this also and that helped. Hopefully tmrw will be better. I. Have 2 errands to run tmrw and the gym. Thats about it. Goodnight!



This has been a boring week. No money, so there’s really not much to do. We went to the exotic pet store today just to look around! Free mini zoo :rofl: My next check is already gone. Doing my taxes can’t come soon enough (luckily it’s next Tues :smiley:). Hopefully this work week is fruitful cash wise. I could really use something extra. Other than that, just chillin, waiting for warmer weather. Work in the am so early to bed. Stay the course everyone :muscle:


Checking in on day 10 alcohol free.

Last weekend I was distracted with a toothache so I didn’t think about wanting to drink too much. I’m interested to see how I feel this weekend. The apartment could use a good cleaning and that is definitely a trigger. For some reason I always loved to have a project of some kind when I drank. Going into autopilot mode and cleaning, organizing, or cooking was the only way I could seem to be productive. And honestly I looked forward to it. It was a great justification to use. Unfortunately the buzz usually would turn into a black out and then passing out. I would just waste away most of my weekend sleeping. I’m feeling confident that I will be able to challenge my cravings. I just keep telling myself I want to actually enjoy my weekend and not spend it sleeping and sick.

Have a great night everyone.


Congratulations :purple_heart::tada::purple_heart:



Had to throw an aggressive patient out yesterday from the detox I work. Second one this week. Just sad all around really. Changing your ways is hard work and everybody should get many chances but safety come first for both patients and staff.

It makes for tiring workdays although I learned much better how to deal with situations like this in the last 20 months. I no longer reacted totally primal, which for me meant mostly to freeze. I did some emdr on a previous situation which helped. And I grew as a person, worked on my personality traits that made it so hard for me to interact and react adequately.

Gains! And now the last day of my workweek is coming up. I can do with some down time. And I will. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love. Pic is from Idaho in 2017, driving from West Yellowstone to McKay ID through some of the craziest weather I ever saw. Epic ride :heart:.

@Noshame Huge congrats to Archer and mum and you friend! :tada: :bouquet: :birthday: :baby_bottle: :hatching_chick:


68 days in the bank

Got to the gym this morning.
Then home had to clean and do some laundry today. @KrissyMae I know what you mean about having a few drinks, this used to be my habit too, having a few drinks while cleaning, cooking etc. Then carry on into the evening. Drinking did cross my mind a couple times today while at home but not in a meaningful way that I was in danger of picking up.
Breaking habits is what its about for me.

Congratulations @Noshame a new and great chapter in your life.


0 . 28

So yesterday after work drinked 5 beers and one shot… and to be honest later I wanted more. It is easy to fall into that trap. What is not easy is to crawl back. Brain chemistry changes and then we operate at levels below optimal / always crawing for the fix / From Friday to Friday (at the best scenario) but still it takes much more than 1 Week to start operate at :100: again. This corrupt cycle can go on and on to Infinity! Today is Gym day for me, that is good news. The bad news is that this bastard (thats me) I can drink after gym too (when I want something / I don’t care for limitations) / well / I don’t want / but techniqally I still need more time to recover from corrupt cycle. All good / :sunglasses: / I am professional.

Are we ready to leave this corrupt cycle…
All set.
Get ready to fly,
Were not gonna stuck here! :fist:
“Throw away all the meaningless shit that’s clinging”
Prepare for a countdown…


@Noshame Congratulations on the new baby! :baby_bottle::baby:t3:
@Butterflymoonwoman aww I’m sorry that he ruined your afternoon :weary: you are doing great! It’s not up to him to pay your bills or take care of you and your family, so I think he should keep his opinion to himself. Also, great job paying off credit cards! It’s hard to do that! I know from experience. Sending you a big hug :people_hugging::heart:
@Juli1 congratulations on day 8 :heart::heart: love you lady !

Day 486

Another day coming to a close. I’m ready for day 500 to come and go. I think I’ve been in a funk because this milestone is getting closer…
Work was ok. But just not feeling super positive. I’ve been cranky and kinda short with people. I think I need to make another therapy appointment…


@Twizzlers Thank you :two_hearts:

@CATMANCAM It went ok, I will try a few more. But I dont know if this is for me. I dont have spesific episodes that makes me full of anxiety and stress, so I dont see how I can work this way to get better :woman_shrugging:

@JazzyS I hope too, Im really tired lately


Checking in day 37. Busy and productive day. Helping a friend get through a tough situation and supported her through a court hearing today and thankfully it went well. I wish everyone peaceful and healthy day/night.


78 no sugar, no binge
34 UPFs
0 overeating

I’m adding a new counter for overeating. The last few days I found myself slipping into overeating mode from the afternoon on. In the evening I’m stuffed and don’t feel good. I’m having trouble sleeping, and I wake up unwell. This is affecting my life in a way I don’t like. Overeating means for now: starting eating although I am physically full, or keeping eating although I’ve felt obvious satiety signals. Let’s see how this goes.

Today I’m hoping for a distraction free morning, so I can concentrate on my project. My emotions have been very intense and all over the place the last couple of days, so I’m going for more mindfulness and self care today. I don’t need to act out on these intense situations.

Wishing you great people here peace, light, and freedom :peace_symbol::candle::dove: Keep going!


Welcome to the world little Archer :heavy_heart_exclamation:
And congratulations with your new job Matt: being the best dad you can be! :confetti_ball:


Congratulations! Look after your new little family mate and don’t worry about the lack of sleep… you get it back… eventually. Plus 4 hours’ sober sleep beats 10 hours’ passed out every time