Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Up early on a PARTICULARLY rainy day in London and off to an industry conference. I used to look forward to the free wine at lunchtime and then, honestly, skip the afternoon session and head to the pub with likeminded folk. I would have been looking forward to doing that all week whilst probably nursing the weekend hangover.

Today the first time I thought about alcohol was when I came to post here. Sobriety is now a strong preference for me most of the time, and I’m happy.


Congratulations. What wonderful news to wake up to!


Congratulations :tada::tada::tada: that’s so exciting, I remember how it was. Wishing you a wonderful getting to know period. :heart:


Congratulations :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 9 - checking in sober from alcohol
Yesterday I learned about tool chain, one can use at different levels of cravings. I will write my tools down and create a emergency pass for myself I can carry around with a tool chain, my reasons and so on. :heart:

I was at a meeting (online) of RR and I learned again about including all feelings, the good and the bad ones on the buddhist path and practice.

Have a good sober day!


Thank you, she is a Shiba Inu. :blush:


Hope to see a Day 1.28 at you check in tomorrow.
We all can take a drink somewhere (like after gym), glad you decide you are ready for take off to the other side :rocket:


*Day 1968 :walking_woman:
1968 days, the same numbers as my birthmark year. A bit weird.
Slept bad and still having a headache. It’s affecting my mood. Have to work at 13.00 so decided to go for a walk outside before that. Maybe nature will help :seedling:

Had a dinner because of my birthday yesterday.
7 years ago I had a birthday dinner with my family as well. It was the start of my relapse :disappointed_relieved:
I felt it coming. I was romaticizing the drinking and thought I was cured after 5 years of sobriaty.
Well I was not ofcourse. I learned it the hard way.
Back on track and grateful for that! :pray:
But never gonna forget that dinner in that Mexican restaurant. I really thought I was cured and fine :thinking:
Untill I wasn’t.

Have a good day all :raising_hand_woman:


Morning all, checking in on Day 2. I have a cold which is annoying, but meant I was able to put a stop to the nightly drinking so not all bad. I have had to pull out of some site visits this morning though which I was looking forward to. I have a massive backlog of work so hopefully can make a dent.

So pleased to be back. Thank you all for being here.


Checking in early today because it’s going to be a busy one. Doing a 43 day dance



At work. Driving. Guess what’s playing on the radio? Martian OST :smiling_face:

(Video from last summer)


Good morning check in days and nights seem to blurry into one another, I know it’s not Gona be easy but I’m trying to just concentrate on getting thru til dark, then once dark I concentrate getting thru to dawn. Have a blessed day.


Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby boy Archer. Wishing for good health for baby and mum and love and all the best wishes to you and your little family.
Enjoy the new chapter in life wholeheartedly. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::balloon::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Im glad you’ve decided to stick around. I like your style, it’s so recognisably you :movie_camera:
I wanted to be a truckdriver when I was around 12 yo. I hated church life and thought driving a truck could be the way out :smirk:

@Noshame congrats!! Welcome little Archer :two_hearts:

@JazzyS Thanks dear. I felt really energetic for weeks, but now I feel like a crashed computer. Im positive it will get better :pray:


Not sleeping so guess I’ll check in early. :flushed: day 211.
@Noshame , congrats on baby Archer!!!


1 month 1 day sober

Yay to me its been a while since i could say ive done this long. Very proud and still very focused :clap:


Checking in on day 972. Just woke up from a relapse dream in which I was dreading to reset my timer. Glad I don’t have to do that today.


Morning all! Having a very frustrating morning.:cry: Going to hit the 4th meeting this week. I always feel so much better after it! Today marks 136 days for me. Hope you all have a good day!:star2::star2::star2:


Good morning

Day 34 AF


Checking in - Day 1

I am doing alright. Yesterday was hard emotionally throughout the day because I felt so down from acting out in the morning Yesterday. I have that pit in my stomach feeling still and my response is to usually cover that up with more pornography and masturbation. But I need to remain with peace and serenity and surrender all the temptation. I feel good having one day under my belt and I need to just take it one day at a time. There are so many things I wish to improve upon myself but this addiction is the one thing I feel I really need to focus on. If I just try to focus on only one thing at a time. One new habit at a time that seems less daunting.

I need to just let time take its course and let my emotinal state regulate back to normal and keep moving towards progressive victory over lust.