Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Well done!!


Lucky 8ā€™sā€¦ things are gonna turn around for you, I just know it.
We all need a breath of spring in our lives. Open windows and fresh air. Sheets on a line. Flowers poking up. Sunshine on our facesā€¦

Itā€™s coming and itā€™s going to be oh so great.

Best wishes that you find something that helps. Life is too short to fight something if something else can helpā€¦ well except booze and hard drugs.


Thanks for this. Youā€™re right and I just have to keep trying. Iā€™ve slacked on exercise and getting endorphins which helps some people with migraines, so thatā€™s on my list too. The sunshine we have had lately definitely helps with mood and I canā€™t wait to see the green things!


Ooooh, thatā€™s awesome! Congratulations :tada:


Day 36, evening checkin
I am craving pineapple juice, so maybe I will get that ass up and buy some. Lol. If itā€™s pineapple juiceā€¦ Letā€™s go! :pineapple:


Sending love Rosa and I do hope that you start to feel better soon :slightly_smiling_face:


There it is.
Yeah we call it Ananassaft :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Cheers :pineapple::ice_cube:


Though it was in Swedish for a few seconds until I read on the rest of the package and realized that it wasnā€™t :blush:


Sophia said I could check in again. I really need to! Not sure why, just the weirdness and wonder of Day 5. Fatigue hit me hard this morning and most of the day, but I just did a short walk and stretching.

Have to accept that Iā€™m not bouncing back like before. Itā€™s really doing damage and needs to go. Itā€™s going. Iā€™m looking at the first bright green leaves coming out a few weeks early. Strange but Iā€™m enjoying it. Itā€™s peaceful today. Iā€™m looking forward to all the changes ahead. Iā€™ll be feeling good sometime this spring. Itā€™s early.

Appreciate the support and all the good people here. Itā€™s reassuring to know it keeps getting better. But I only need to worry about one day. Ready for Day 6 and then that week thing where Iā€™ll cook a special meal or something. Or someone else cooks it and brings it by. :grinning:


Thatā€™s right, you can absolutely check in more than once if needed. Thereā€™s people on all different time zones here so thereā€™ll almost always be someone who answers.Weā€™re all here for you.

I used this thread a lot my first time here, and checked in multiple times a day. It made me feel less lonely and sometimes writing something down like this also makes the thoughts easier to sort out.

Iā€™m also waiting for all the green leaves but for now Iā€™m happy with the few Flowers thatā€™s already popped up. And the daylight that returns. :blush:


Wow Mischa :star_struck: Congratulations :tada:
Iā€™m proud of you!


Checking in. I had consultation with my surgeon and apparently I can have surgery in mid-April. Itā€™s a big relief, although I donā€™t seem to be able to be happy for that yet. I guess that will change once I let it sink and start to prepare for it by living healthier for quicker recovery. I also will have to quit smoking next weekā€¦ That will be a huge struggle, but at least Iā€™ll have some motivation.


Thatā€™s right around the corner! Excited for you! Good luck with the quitting smoking. You have coping skills and tools youā€™ve used and continue to use and Iā€™m confident you can do it.


Right back at you! :kissing_cat:


Day 58 AF
Day 176 drug free.

Hi all. Checking in this evening. Went to a meeting this morning. Completed assigned step 1 work. Feeling good. Feeling awoke! Thankful!

Happy to be in recovery. Happy 24 all! :pray:t5::purple_heart:


Its sounds like you have torn down the biggest barrier most addict have. You have the understanding that you can not do it all by your self. Keep it going and there are so many people here to listen if you need to talk.


I missed your first post here as Iā€™m behind on this thread but I wanted to extend a welcome also! Glad you found us and that youā€™re starting this journey with some community backing you up.


Thank you Rosa, itā€™s nice to meet you :slight_smile:


2 years 22 days
Had some using thoughts today but pushed thru. Went for a nice leg workout and a little cardio, then bought me and hubby some Booster Juice smoothies afterwards. Was a nice treat! Eating has been alright today. Cant say the same for yesterday. I did binge last night on frozen yogurt which turned into mutliple other kinds of food. Ugh. But the positive from that is that i didnt allow my thinking to follow me into today. I focused on taking it one day at a time and just did my best to get back on track. So im proud of myself for that. Not much else to mention right now. Just about to start supper. Hope everyone is enjoying theor Wednesday. Congratulations to everyone that is celebrating a milestone today :slight_smile:


Thank you for making me feel so welcome! Nice to meet you