Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

44 days weed free 2038 days alcohol free


Day 66, check inā€¦

Itā€™s been a day. Today was my sonā€™s first day at workā€¦ just dropped him off. Heā€™s nervous so Iā€™m sitting here nervous.

Also, my kids had a lockdown today at school bc some kid brought in a gun. That was terrifying. Everyone is fine. They got the kids, nobody hurt. But my kids were texting me freaking out when they got put on ā€œreal lockdownā€ā€¦

Iā€™m about to try and relax for the rest of the nightā€¦ waiting to go pick up my kiddo from work


I have a 17 year old son and so many of your posts are like reading a diary entry Iā€™d make if I still had a diary!! Lockdowns are so scary. Hope he has a great first day at work! :people_hugging:


Itā€™s like this is the blind age that nobody talks about lolā€¦ when they start driving or workingā€¦ it happens so fastā€¦ Iā€™m not ready for it all but itā€™s happening


Dont you love when you figure out those little mom hacks?!? Love it. And congrats on all your days :slight_smile:


The drill lockdowns alone scare my 7 year old, i cannot imagine what you and them went through with a real one!

Your little guy is off to work omg. My kids are small but I feel so focused also on how FAST it really does go. I watch them doing their little things thinking omg this isnt going to last forever they are growing so fast! Love hearinf from the mamas on here :two_hearts:


Everyone says you blink and theyā€™re grownā€¦ but when youā€™re in the trenches and they are younger and just making it day to day with tantrums it feels like a lifetimeā€¦ and then you blinkā€¦ and you get it :weary: and itā€™s gone

Yaā€¦ it was no jokeā€¦ when my son sent me the first text ā€œa kid has a ***ā€ my stomach sankā€¦ I hate this world sometimesā€¦ but Iā€™m not drinking tonight after a stressful dayā€¦ bc thereā€™s still always beauty if you look for it


Hey all,
Today was a good day. Work was great, had fun taking son to grocery store after and cleaned the fridge while they had supper. Had a long meeting with a supervisor at CPS. We will have another meeting soon, and hopefully find some resolution. It is not perfect by a long shot.

I am sleepy now, just getting my kids off to sleep. A girlfriend of mine had an appt today and I havent heard back from her so a little nervous as we were supposed to talk when I got off work. Hoping everything is okay.

Not much else to report. Getting ready for the home exchange and I am actually really sad Ill be missing work for that whole week lol.

Xo. Happy 24 everyoneā€¦


@maxwell Aah got it ā€“ I deal with that stress too and man it does suck Hope your month end goes smoothly. And good luck for your Year end. When I worked for a Japanese company our year end was in Spring time too ā€“ totally did not want to focus on numbers as the days got nicer LOL.
@lotusflower Thanks friend ā€“ I do feel truly blessed and am no longer letting my addict mind take any of the love around me for granted. Congrats on completing step 1 work :muscle:
@mesober Way to go on your 40+ days ā€“ keep that forward momentum going :muscle:
@catmancam Iā€™m sorry about the migraine and that you felt anxiety today ā€“ hopefully you will be able to go to the next get together. I am very pleased with your therapist and glad that she is helping you :pray: :hugs:

YIKES ā€“ Iā€™m sorry Aga ā€“ not a fun day for you . I do hope you were able to get some rest and feel better. :pray: :hugs:
@mrsodh Way to go with your 1 week milestone! :tada: :clap: :muscle: I am glad you got your leg looked at ā€“ hope it feels better now. YEAH ā€“ glad you can eat your bananaā€™s again ā€“ I too was told as a kid that more than one was too many and I had a hard time letting go LOL.
@juli1 I hope that the 4 hour session helps relax you ā€“ sorry your sleep has been bad ā€“ sending you some sleepy vibes ā€“ way to go with your 36 days Jules!! YUMMY Pineapple juice- glad you got some delicious refreshing juice :yum:
@chevy55 man Iā€™m sorry about your sleep ā€“ I wonder if being alone has thrown off your sleep pattern. I do hope the extra work outs help wear you out and you get a great nights rest tonight.
@misokatsu Great work on your timers Flo ā€“ man I can understand the nostalgia and romanticizing the ā€œgood ol daysā€ great work on breaking that mirage and seeing the reality of what that life holds. :hugs:
@residentevil Way to go with your 2 month milestone :muscle: :tada: Totally should be proud and happy ā€“ a great achievement.


Checking in on day 69 just because itā€™s a funny number :smile:


LOL ā€“ I do hope you enjoy your time off! Enjoy house searching ā€“ hope you do get some rest and time to relax.

Hallelujah! Like your sense of humor Marie ā€“ you got 5 days and are climbing strong. Keep that momentum going and remember you are not alone in this journey :hugs:

@positvethoughts oh man Iā€™m so sorry for all the hardships you are dealing with my friend. Sending you calming vibes to help you get through this tense time period. We are here if you need to vent :people_hugging:

@rosacando Huge congrats on your 88 days of sobriety! Sending you love and peaceful vibes my friend.

@tifflynn07 OMG that must have been so scary and frustrating. Grateful everyone is fine. Hope your son had a great 1st day at work.

@davina_davis LOL love it too ā€“ doing great on your sober journey ā€“ keep it going strong :muscle:

Checking in on Wednesday afternoon
441 days free of alcohol and weed
856 days free of cigarettes
Its been a hard day but ending nicely. Glad i am able to be here for my mom. My pain and swelling still intense but seems that will be the course for another few weeksā€¦ iā€™m ok with it - finding it manageable now for the most part.
Remembering to take everything ODAAT. being patient with myself and with my surroundings.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening ā€“ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 2,316.

Given the seemingly never ending stream of high level stressors in my life currently I have decided to be more proactive in my recovery routine. This means more calls with my sponsor, more 10th step work, daily meetings, and being more active here.

Within 3 days Iā€™ve already noticed an improvement in my bullshit. I am less restless, irritable, and discontent. My anxiety is lessening. My personal relationships are improving. My resentments are even lifting (had a good 7th step meeting today).

Iā€™ve been saying the same thing for many years on this forum and I will say it again:

Do the work. Get the results.

Lately I had not been doing enough. And those were the results I was getting. Now that I switched that up and started putting in the work I am getting better results.

Itā€™s not rocket science. Itā€™s just sobriety.



I finally dyed my roots, which were about a month overdue, so Iā€™m feeling fresh! My natural colorā€™s lighter so it looked like I was balding for a minute there :rofl: I also decided to try and dye my brows, which turned out to be the most brilliant idea Iā€™ve had in a while. It looks like they were freshly microbladed, without costing $250. Cha ching!

It was a pretty boring day otherwise. I made a nice dinner for the first time in a while. Iā€™ve been splurging on takeout lately now that I have some money. Nothing crazy, besides sushi, bc it had been way too long. I gotta reel it back tho. I just scheduled my daughters birthday party so I need to prepare for that. She wanted it at the same place as last year so that makes me feel less stressed about it. I already know what to expect.

Anyways. Work in the morning so Iā€™m finishing up this movie before I hit the hay. Hope you all have a good one :heart:



One of the reasons Iā€™m good at my job (at least I think so) is that I donā€™t take the stress home with me. Yesterday I did. I remembered how I would have tried to deal with it in the past -by indulging in my addictions that is- but I rejected that as I know that is the opposite of a solution. Canā€™t get into the details but it was highly stressful and I couldnā€™t shake it until I shared it with some people I trust.

Dreamt of my mum just now. Makes me think why. But anyway. Weā€™re in this together friends. I need my peers in addiction but it goes further than that. Canā€™t do life on my own. We need each other. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you can all. Love.


Get some! Good on you for recognizing and adjusting, boom!


Day 1379 :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve been in a better place for the most part. I had a little mental breakdown about my niece today and thatā€™s all Iā€™ll say because itā€™s starting to happen again. I just have to try to get it out of my mind. Itā€™s so easy to do with OCD :roll_eyes: It consumes my thoughts pretty much every day.

I miss my pups and had a nightmare about one of them last night. It was the most dramatic goodbye and I spent time with them separately to tell them how much I love them, and to always remember that they have a birth mommy that loves them so much that sheā€™s letting another family give you better lives than I can :cry: I still have Svetlana and she seems much happier. Sheā€™s so cheap to feed and care for, the poodles I just couldnā€™t pull it off. For those that donā€™t know, I landed in financial devastation and every month I live in fight or flight because I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll have a roof over my head the next month.

Iā€™m pretty much unemployable as a c-suite exec for over 20 years and a business owner. All that shows is that Iā€™m old and they think Iā€™ll cost them too much. So, I have my little alternate plan turning a hobby of mine into another business. Iā€™ve not officially closed the CRE company, but itā€™s inactive.

With all my failed attempts at sobriety, Iā€™m still in shock that the easiest part of my life is not drinking. The old me would probably be dead, or knowing me, just a brain dead vegetable with wet brain.

I havenā€™t posted in this thread for a hot minute, so yā€™all probably like what the heck is she talking about lol.

@Just_Laura Girl, same!!! I need to do mine and Iā€™ve been so lazy. I hate that balding or levitating hair look. So, I definitely feel you!


When you would have posted here thrice daily for two years in a row we still had wondered what youā€™re on about girl :upside_down_face:. Still itā€™s great to have you back here. Love and hugs and everything :two_hearts: :people_hugging: :two_hearts:


105 sugar
0 overeating/binge

Hormones are totally messing me up. Overate yesterday. Night was short and sadly not restful. Hoping for better times soon. Will try to do the best with what I get today :sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Evening all. Checking in on day 930. Not much new to report. Dreary and cold all day and everyoneā€™s attitudes seemed to match it! But tomorrow is a new day, two more days left at my current job, going to miss my coworkers and especially my boss. But now I get to go work with pups all day so I canā€™t complain there. Hope everyone is taking care and stay safe.


Iā€™m here Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 8.

:musical_score: Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, make you wanna move your dancing feet :notes:

Well at least the sun is shining. Shouldnā€™t have packed away my winter clothes, itā€™s a sunny frozen world today. -5 Celsius.

Read about how ladies in my age should to some weight exercises yesterday, so I decided to do that this morning. Did it easy with my leg but it felt good.

Checked my weight yesterday, Iā€™ve gained 5kg since last time I was here. Going to fix that. Iā€™m not happy with this extra weight.

My Ma called yesterday evening and talked her usual 2 hours while getting more and more drunk. I still donā€™t have the heart to hang up on her when she does that.

Now she said that sheā€™s going to retire this summer, and my uncle (her brother) is going to retire for Christmas. So they both though it would be so much fun to travel with us for next year. Because my mother had such a great time when we was in England in December.

She talked about long trips like U.S or Mexico or Thailand. I tried to keep in in Europe and suggested my current idea about travel to Portugal. The thought about sitting with my mother on a plane for about 20 hours to do a long haul flight isnā€™t really on my wish list.
But I know no one else will take her either. Before we went to England I swore it was the last time Iā€™d take her anywhere because of the way she behaved in Denmark last summer.

But surprisingly England went really smooth. And if my Uncle also comes theyā€™ll at least have each other. Well see, itā€™s in a distant future.

It didnā€™t help my current travel bug though. We donā€™t have a single trip abroad booked this year, because weā€™re planning to build a patio. Weā€™re going to Daftƶ as usual (The Pirate theme park at the Norwegian border by the coast)
And to an Old Western theme park where the boys got an all season card from us for Christmas.

I did book a stay in London for this spring, but I cancelled it because itā€™s been a chaos with flights and all for a while. My husband have work mates stuck in Thailand at the moment because of some flight strike.

I really want the Patio, but gosh I need some adventure.

Wishing yā€™all a great day. :heart: