Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Day 37

@JazzyS thanks Jassy, there where times where my Ed tendencies have forbidden to drink any juice. I realy enjoyed it. So the thermal bath and sauna. I think I will realy make it a routine.

37 days yeahj. No cravings. Lot of podcasts and readings, I should go back to a RR meeting soon.

My mental health is quite good. Still not sure about my job feature. I will be even more qualified in June, it’s easy to get a job. But I feel more and more importance in taking care of my life and health with enough time for it. A well payed part time arrangement would be perfect. There are always limiting thoughts about this in my head. Like “work has to be hard”… Think a reprogramming is necessary here. Lol.

Take much care!
Love you all :revolving_hearts:


96 days
Last nightshift for the week before days off. Last night was rough one, so didn’t do much but sleep today.
Work tonight has so far been quiet which is good because I dont think everyone managed to get as much sleep as I did today.


[ Update ]

So yesterday I got a call from our transport manager from our Company and was asked to cut down my Vocations and start working. As I said previously I was about to leave my Company, but I guess if job is waiting I better accept . Otherwise it was good period to have my cognitive functions in check :white_check_mark:

So atm doing what I got to do.


@acromouse thank you 🩵 I have had relief from it today :blush: I hope you get relief from your symptoms soon :people_hugging:
@MrsOdh sorry about your injury :people_hugging: but yay for bananas :banana: :smiley: and congrats on your week+ :tada:
@residentevil congrats on 2 months :tada:
@Jasty2 enjoy your time off :blush:
@RosaCanDo sorry about the migraines :people_hugging: I hope the new doctor can help :crossed_fingers:t2: congrats on all the 8s :tada:
@tifflynn07 glad your children are all safe, that’s so scary! I hope your son had a great first day at work :blush:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵

1304 days no alcohol.
769 days no cocaine.
284 days no vape.
29 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Slept for 2 blocks of 2 hours Tuesday night, so not great again but better than the single block of 2 hours the night before.

Booked a doctors phonecall yesterday, the doctor I usually speak to about my mental health wasn’t in, so I took a chance on another. Waited for his call. He agreed to increase to the maximum dose, one of my antidepressants, so we’ll see if that helps. I also remembered to ask him to translate my cardiology letter for my Angiogram results, and it said I have opposite dominance to most people but all my arteries looked clear, so that’s good news :raised_hands:t2: but they also found fluid on my lungs, so now that needs looking into. :man_facepalming:t2: He said he’d make a note so reception would agree to make me a face to face appointment, so I have phoned back again this morning to get that sorted, booked in for next Thursday evening. The frustrating thing is, if I hadn’t have asked about the letter, I wouldn’t know about it, it’s like my doctors don’t even read my letters! I’d have just carried on thinking my symptoms were all Asthma related, and wondering why my inhaler wasn’t working. So I’m grateful I’m proactive.

Went to get my haircut to try to make myself feel better.

Then I had a really bad afternoon with my mental health. Kept my trainers on for 4.5hrs, determined I was going to get out for a walk, but I just couldn’t make myself leave my flat. The fear feeling is so overwhelming, I just have this sheer panic of it not being safe outside. I know it’s a trauma response, but I really hope I can push past it sometime soon.

Tonight is the Safe Soulmate’s LGBTQ+ Zoom group, so I’ll go to that.




Day 24 AF
Last night’s concert was sensational. Was pretty horrible to watch the drinking habits of many of the crowd though.
Another 75 minute gym session today which I really enjoyed pushing myself to my limits.


What concert was it?

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Good morning sober fam! Checking in on day 97. Tired today but nothing that’s going to take me down. Not much to report, going to do some more deep cleaning today with some work mixed in there and just keep putting one foot in front of the other!
@CATMANCAM I do hope you feel better soon friend :people_hugging:
@Jasty2 enjoy those days off, you’ve earned them! Selfishly though, does that mean no more wife texts for 10 days? :rofl:
I hope everyone has the most amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Mr. Bungle supported by Melvins


I understand and agree completely. Another chance is always awesome!

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Nice. glad it was a good time. I know faith no more, I’ll have to check out this project


Oh no she’ll text me sometimes and let me know, even if I’m sitting right here :rofl:. I got her back the other day though, just can’t post that one on here without getting flagged. I’ll PM it to you if u want. :rofl:


Haha ummmm YES!



I made a mistake and went on facebook. Wasn’t using it for a good few months already (my only socialmedia app, besides ts). Its so full of crap its not worth to waste a precious time for that. But I wanted to check if photos from half marathon are posted already (they are not). And then BOOM! One hour later my mood is down, again I feel worthless, stupid, ugly, boring and forgot. Fuck this shit!

I managed to do some yoga in the morning before 1 big and 3 little gremlins woke up. Big up!

I was in the supermarket in the morning and didn’t buy any sweets, it wasn’t easy. Big up!

I have to pick up twins from playgroup in 1h so gonna play some podcast and do kettlebell workout and our abs challenge before that. Not bad.

Hope you guys have a good day, don’t think bad about yourself :blue_heart:


I don’t use any other social media apps. For the most part they’re toxic as fuck. And the little bit of good that comes from them, the bad always seems to overshadow it IMO. I don’t even watch the news anymore (again toxic). I check the weather on my phone, and just go about my day anymore, and I feel a lot better because of it.


Checking in day176 SAF and 162 smoke free. I’m off today, but got up really early, just cause I’m used to it, and enjoy my mornings. I gotta take Juno to the vet this morning because her teeth are not good, so they said we’ll probably have to get a few of them pulled. One of the kids is home from college this week, and came home sick, and hacking all over the house, so that’s fun. :rofl:. Im hoping the weather clears up a little bit so I can get the bike out , but it’s not looking good. Have a great day guys. Love ya’s :v::green_heart:


@Juli1 . Sis what’s up? Are you all moved in at Moms for a while?


Hey… Finally end of april. But it seems I am already half a week there as it’s not that comfy in the apartment anymore and I can’t sleep that good here. We planned a lil renovation in 1 of the 2 rooms I will live in, in our house. Feeling good with it.

So… Ongoing process. Using this here as a kind of Airbnb lol, cos I got better pool availability for winter season here.


That’s awesome. Swimming all winter is gonna be perfect for you. :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Day 113. Well my day off yesterday did not help me get any better unfortunately. I’m sick as fuck, body is killing me. Throat is on fire and I just feel dizzy and crappy. But I made it to work and I’ll make sure to suck it up. Got my first check yesterday without the bonuses and it did seem kinda small. But I’m grateful regardless. Much love everyone have a good day