Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

That’s shit Michael. Hope you feel better soon man. Hopefully the last kick of winter misery before the spring heralds a new day.
Time change this weekend so longer days as well… stupid time change.


Hi everyone,

Checking in on Day 6. Half dozen. 7 - 1. I like the sound of that.

And I feel sorta human today. I’m still assessing the situation, though! It’s one of those ‘next right’ things days today. The basic basics. I’m starting my life over. That starts with a pot of chili. Like every masterpiece! :grinning: So easy to get overwhelmed right now. But if I look around I can be grateful. I have a home and I’m set up. I don’t have to second guess any of my decisions. This is the way and it will come together.

More of that power outage coffee….mmmm. Haha. For instant, it tastes incredible. You know why? Because it’s coffee that didn’t have to be picked up at the store! That kind!

I’m sure I’ll see you at my double or triple check in today! I really want to do this and will find a good show to watch while cooking.




Day 62 SAF

Well I’ve survived another day. My dogs aren’t happy with me though. They needed a pee at 1:30am so brought them down and let out, then proceeded to fall asleep in chair till 4am with them staring at me through back sliders… whoops :grimacing:

A friend sent me a superset to try for a workout, 6 sets of 15 reps, all in sequence, 1.5 min rest after complete, then again… wow, did I ever love that. Finally some sweat and veins popping out of forearms… wanna do every day, but not sure that’s wise (with alterations of course, but doubtful I should)

All is well here except my sleep, despite my Herculean effort to build the perfect sleeping conditions…. Arghhh, it drives me batty. Perhaps I am placing too much faith on my watch tracker… cause it about to get thrown at the wall (not literally as I’m not violent in any way, (I just look like I am)

Anyway here are my wake up stats. Battery typically goes to 85-90% recharge when a good night and overnight stress is non existent typically… again arghh

But all good, I am hitting gym harder today just to really stress body out and give it the big middle finger… stupid ungrateful body


That is quite the monitor! I’m more of the I don’t want to know kind :rofl:


I think I need to be… I love wearing a watch though and the only other just time piece sits in safe rarely ever used as it was a very expensive gift that I just didn’t wish to beat up… perhaps I should wear that and forgo my tracker for a while


Day 418.

Checking in. Sober.


Hey all, checking in on day 1362. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 240. Getting close to saying it’s been eight months :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


I had that same sickness a couple weeks ago. Must be moving upstate. The dizziness was an unusual symptom. It should pass in a day or two. Drink plenty of liquids. Take care :mending_heart:


Hey folks,

Sorry I haven’t been on here for a little while. Ironically, the more I struggle, the less I check in. I’m quite aware my addictions are the root cause of the self-destructive cycle that’s dominated much of my life. My addictions fuel hopelessness, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, self-isolation, loneliness, guilt, shame, stress and despair - which in turn fuel my addictions. As amazingly far as I’ve come from my traumatized child & teen self, escaping my life circumstances via addictions, I still have a long way to go… I am so grateful to be here though. So grateful that I recognise and understand my problems in the first place and know deep down what I want and need to do. I am grateful to be on the path of recovery. And right here, right now, nowhere else, because this is me and my journey. And I intend to accept, forgive, embrace, love, face and own it all… Thank you all for being part of my journey too.

So, where am I at right now? Sober for a couple of days again now. I know I’m a rollercoaster. But I’m committed, and every time I come back I can feel the additional maturity and strength that rewiring my brain and lifestyle give me. I feel like my motivation and energy fade the longer I procrastinate taking responsibility. Today I didn’t work, and wasted a lot of time aimlessly lounging around browsing, but I did also cook, go for a walk up a hill and analysed via notepad where I’m at in my life, what I’m doing wrong and what I can do about it. Knowing and wanting better deep down are deeply ingrained. I don’t intend to relapse and am confident I’ve got this.

So, where to next? Well, my plan for tomorrow is to wake up early, get a haircut, look around for and buy some hiking/camping gear for my upcoming roadtrip, and if I have much time after before returning from the city, meet up with a friend or my father for some important catching up. I’ll probably set off in a week as my sister intends to visit beforehand.

A routine I intend to normalise in my life: wake up early, brush my teeth, take a cold shower, eat a healthy breakfast, meditate, [insert productive daily goal/s for the day from my to-do-list here], cook and eat a healthy dinner, sleep by midnight without my phone.

I think staying mindful will be what really counts.

Anyways fam, I hope you have a lovely, successful, mindful and sober day or night whoever and wherever you are in the world right now… :seedling::sunflower:


@1in8billion it’s good to see you again!:heart:
@Amy30 I hope you are doing alright, glad to see your check in
@Mindofsobermike feel better!!
@Chevy55 yeah, my mind, obsessing on things, so the less I know the better or I’ll dwell. One of many things I’ve learned about myself on this journey
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Checking in 11 Days I have been super busy and haven’t been able to do as much journaling as I would like. Similarly with prayer. I want to be doing more. It has also been hard as my family came down with a little bit of sickness this week so it has kind of been just going and doing only the stuff that needs to be done. Trying to start today in peace. I have a long day of work ahead of me.


Checking in. Not much going on besides work and the usual stuff.
Hope everyone has a great day


Checkin in day
302 no alcohol
233 no vapes or ciggs
104 no thc

Yesterday was my day off
I have the day off again today

Yesterday was rough
Got grumpy all day
I decided i perdonslly dont want to have any friends on facebook, just family. I did infact keep about 4 friends who i can trust

The thing is, im having trouble trusting people outside my family. I think its normal in this stage of life though. The people whobdud me harm i will not forgive at this moment in my life. As for the others i take what they show me.

For a long time inwanted to be a cool kid. I let that guard down to be that cool kid. Now that i have a family i want to protect them and myself. I also realized i dont care if im “cool” or if people think im not cool. Infact jm not that cool. Im kinda geeky nicey nice clown guy. Im ok with that for now.

I had a long talk with my wife. It took up half the night. We decided its ok to be friends with whoever we would like, but we dont have to like eachothers friends. Me personally dont want friends. I like my family and you all on talking sober. Thats all i need for now

Ill be nice to the people i dont like, but i wont personally bend over backwards trying to earn their pointless respect


I’m one month sober today! I’ve been going to the gym 3 times a week, trying to eat healthier and have been treating myself to alcohol-free Heineken every once in a while. I know specifically labelled alcohol-free drinks are a hit or miss with some people but i enjoy the taste of alcohol-free beer😁

Hope everyone is doing okay.


18 days sober
18 days of meetings
18 days of self work

Love you all


Day 70. Or ten weeks. Or 1 fifth of a year nearly.

Keep going.

Peace :orange_heart:


70! I like it :grinning: Congratulations and enjoy your day


Day 2 checking in. Feeling good. Anxiety and cloudyness is already starting to clear up and am going to probably have my morning coffee and something to eat followed up with some exercise :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Thank you, you too :grinning: