Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Woohoo! You’re rocking your recovery!



Nicely done!


I so hear you @tifflynn07
My kids are adults now but still I have nervous breakdowns when I’m not sure that they are fine. That never stops.
It’s terrifying to hear about the real lockdown. That’s so scary.
Hope you and your little ones can relax a bit .


I missed this. I’m glad everyone was ok, that’s so scary. Lockdown stuff in schools was always a way to get the heart pumping as there is nothing as worrying to us parents than the safety and wellbeing of our kids.

I Hope everything is calming down a bit now.



Day 750 and a day off because I work the weekend. My new computer arrived to replace my 10 year old mostly paperweight of a computer which means I should start therapy soon. I’m in a step challenge with friends so my goal for the day is 20,000 as I’ll be mostly sedentary at work this weekend. After coffee my first stop will be a bike store to buy my favorite 3 year old a bike bell to match the balance bike I bought him that he loves.
After that my goal is to walk to our Art Center.
@CATMANCAM I know the feeling of those laced up shoes on your feet and I understand what you said there. This walk is for you. 🩷
Sober is the way all.


Yes things have calmed down a little… my kids have a “mini break” this week so they don’t have to go to school today or tomorrow which made it easier… the drills were always a pain but I’m glad they are in place for when stuff like this gets real and something does happen like yesterday…


Day 257. Decent day at work… I can’t wait for the weekend.

Hope everyone has had a decent day


Checking in day 66 AF :blush:


I guess it’s a good decision to choose your friends well @Noshame
I personally think that there’s no friendship on Facebook. Most people just try to show off and I really don’t need that.
My most important people is family and 3 or 4 very close friends. It’s not that I see them often but I know I can call and trust them any time.
Be proud of yourself!
I really like reading your posts and it’s great being part of your journey on TS.


Checking in on day 277 AF.
I passed two milestones recently. 9 months alcohol free and also two years since joining TS. In that two years I’ve only drank on four separate occasions.

View from my walk today.


Beautiful! And congratulations to you


Long time haven’t been here… Just broke up with a man I love and it was my fault… I know i won’t drink today cuz it is already late here where I am, but i want it sooo badly… Dont know if i could make it sober tomorrow…


Those are beautiful milestones! Well done :heartpulse:


It’s my late afternoon check in on Day 6 :smiling_face: Feeling better and brighter despite the fatigue. I’m pushing through it at times, and doing short workouts here and there but mostly there. I am resting a lot still. I can’t remember when the worst of the exhausted feeling left- probably soon but I’ll just take it a day at a time, right? Time is going slow this first week. But I feel like things are going to be very good, very soon!

Gloomy, dreary evening but the trees are leafing out and we need the rain. I’m going to see what’s playing on the Day 6/7 marquee…I have popcorn and cat.

Looking forward to a week sober tomorrow and all the days ahead! Thanks for the support- I really like the vibe here :wink: Have a great day or night


Thank you :slight_smile:

Yes facebook isnt reality

I have lik 30 friends lol all family except family and like 3 or 4 very old friends

I love this place though
Im on here more then facebook


Day 69. Card from the set my kiddo gave me on my bday. “New Beginnings. Robin reminds you that life moves in cycles of continual change. Even in times of uncertainty, have faith that everyday day brings new beginnings.” - Robin’s Nest

It’s nice. It’s called Backyard Blessings. She knows I was out of my last card set and knows I love the outdoors and my accident has made me afraid of going out there. I keep trying to talk myself into small walks, after a good meal. We are in a beautiful area.


Congrats on day 6. Your positive attitude will help a lot.


2 years 23 days
Good afternoon TS fam! Been the usual busy day so far. Hit the gym, ran an errand, cleaned the home. The usual stuff lol Feeling grateful for the gorgeous weather we are having today. Finally entered the plus degrees and hoping it continues. Thats about it for me. Have a great day everyone!


Checking in. Today’s therapy session got postponed to tomorrow, I’m looking forward to it, because my feelings have been messed up this week, I can still get lost in anger and pain and overthinking, but speaking with her always helps to set back my focus. I might try gratitude and journaling as a tool to change my approach, these used to help in the middle of the grief, but then I just dropped them, not sure why, I guess I’m just not persistent when it comes to integrating self-help into my everyday life.


You really don’t need that drink Yelena. You will be ok.