Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Hey all, checking in on day 1334. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations @Noshame! Wish baby boy Archer, your wife and you the best and lots of love.

Day 223
What a weird sickness. One day I feel like Iā€™m gonna puke my stomach out and die, next day normal like nothing happened. Grateful for that. And it was strong reminder about how hangovers feel. Never again.
Twins are okay, Sachaā€™s also better although still coughing a lot. Tomorrow AGAIN we go to the Dr. It takes too long. He is so skinny I can feel all his bones.
One more time, Im super happy that this sickness nightmare finished so quick. It makes me proud of my body, how fast it fight with infection :slight_smile: Good job immune system!

Wish you all good day/good night!
Love :green_heart:


Day 3.5.
Had a good cry with my alcohol counsellor today. She definitely hit a nerve about me feeling stupid and worthless and I just couldnā€™t stop it.
Wonā€™t be starting relapse prevention medication for another 2 weeks and theyā€™re a little concerned that Iā€™m still in quite severe withdrawal, so Iā€™ve been advised to go back to hospital if I canā€™t cope with it.
Just a meh day all round today :frowning:


Day 86 good morning sober fam. At work doing a quick check in. Work was good yesterday, walked around a little and did more computer training, same this morning with watching movies. Very serious here about chemo spills, radiation, knowing signs and just a bunch of stuff. But fun none the less. I love the professionalism here. Got my girls insurance set up yesterday, so Iā€™m proud for them and was able to get a life insurance set up and set them as the beneficiarys. The benefits and bonuses here are crazy. Iā€™ll get a raise in May and June, after one year I go up in steps. And there are 20 steps and I started out at step 4. 1000 dollar bonus for not calling in a year, room for overtime and Iā€™ll make my time in a half pay plus a extra 10 dollars a hour. It just seems unreal Iā€™m very happy and excited to be here much love everyone


Checking in day 39ā€¦

I woke up in a great mood with a good nights sleep.

The weather is so pretty, compared to what it could be anyway for winter.

Looking forward to a great positive day and hope the same for everyone here :black_heart:


Really struggling today. Not with temptation of drinking, but just wondering why my usual non hungover body doesnā€™t have the energy I usually have. As well as a headache which I never get.

Just not feeling my usual upbeat, energetic self that always happens after 2,3,4 days of not drinking. I had it for the first while, but past week itā€™s been MIA. Not really digging it.

Not looking to whine, just confused as to the promises (not from anyone here, more the vids I watched on quitting) of my mental clarity, energy levels, unbound youthful enthusiasm (okay, I may have made that last one up, though Iā€™ve been accused many times before when Iā€™m sober).

I just hope that this isnā€™t the way it goes as itā€™s just way out of my normal personality.

Day 34 AF and not digging things a lot this week other than lack of hangover.


@krissymae Congrats on your double digits! I totally understand that correlation between drinking and just about any productive activity. I was the same. I had to change things up and clean at a different time and broke it up so I wouldnā€™t do any activity all at once if that made sense. Whatever way to re-train my brain that I could get stuff done without drinking. Turned out I got more done and yeah the bonus was I wasnā€™t trying to sleep one off. Wishing you luck with the upcoming weekend. We will be right here cheering you on!

Sometimes that is all we can do and that is ok. Just know you are staying strong and protecting your sobriety. It will get easier. :people_hugging:
@residentevil CONGRATS and YEAH YOU for sure! :tada: :clap: Glad to see you checking in with pride ā€“ keep that momentum alive :muscle:
@doreen1 Big hugs love ā€“ I do hope the meeting helps. 136 days is amazing work and you should be proud. Reach out here or to someone in real life if you need to talk. Sending you strength to keep pushing forward :hugs:
@mischa84 Grateful to hear that you and the boys are starting to feel better :pray: such great news! Grateful for a healthy immune system
@lile01 I know it feels meh but I think you are doing amazingly well in taking steps towards your recovery. Great advice on seeking help if you find your withdrawals too much to cope with (everyoneā€™s body is different and you donā€™t want to stress it out too much in trying to kick the addiction). 3.5 days love ā€“ that is something to be proud of! Much love Indi :heart:
@chevy55 you are doing really well with sobriety and healthy living Nick ā€“ 34 days is great work. I do know that there are lulls of energy and sleep. Not sure why they pop up at different times. I have read studies that our fat cells hold a lot of toxins from our alcohol and even though we are way past our withdrawal period , as we progress in recovery and get healthier the fat cells dissolve and our bodies get lethargic as the toxins are released. From years of abuse our body is finding ways to heal slowly and in stages. Each day sober is allowing your body and mind the time and tools it needs to get healthier. I know it sucks as I too wanted to be full of energy and lose weight and feel all the benefits of being sober and questioned why it was not happening for me like I had imagined. Give it time my friend ā€“ I do believe a lot of work is being done behind the scenes. Sending you energy and strength :hugs :muscle: :pray:

Checking in on Thursday morningā€¦
Been a weird morning - woke up at 6 and then had to lay down at 7:30 cause i felt dizzy. Ended up sleeping for 1.5 hrs and had a really crazy dream. Woke up to the results of my MRI which were great - everything is normal. Doesnā€™t explain my headaches and dizzy spells but i am relieved that everything is ok. Glad i was able to still get some coffee time with mom. Have a few things to get done today - will try to take it easy as i am not as energized today. Had a want to add something to my coffee this morning but nah - we donā€™t do that anymore - the coffee is perfect and soothing just the way it is.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you all so much love.


Might I recommend you read through this thread? Could be some PAWS related junk youā€™re experiencing.

How to recognize paws


Day 41. I am having a hard time utilizing gratitude. My current life situation is hard. I just wanted to lay it out there. Currently, I have no way to settle myself and find ways out of these big things. I spend a lot of time thinking through, ā€œWhat will happen whenā€¦?ā€

I stay sober regardless of it. I plan to leave that in place.


Day 725
It feels like Im experiencing an emotional hangover due to yesterdays argument with my brother and just having general stress. Im out running errands right now and just trying to slow down and relax while i walk around. I dont know what im really feeling. Some worry and anxiety, maybe some concern. I definitly dont feel at peace. So i will need to try and ground myself today. Thats about it. I hope everyone enjoys their day! :heartpulse:


Having a much better day today, despite no sleep again last night, but no headache! And I have appetite and energy! And after a gloomy grey drizzly morning the sun JUST came out in time to walk the dog! Good deal. Iā€™m catching up on my housework and enjoying getting things done. Especially the random things that have been piling up, odds and ends like making arrangements to return things I bought online (ughhhh need to give it up and just go shopping tomorrow) and getting my tax paperwork in order. After my walk, I will take a much needed shower and take a nap with the fresh linens I put on the bed. These are the especially satisfying days that sobriety has allowed me to experience more often with no need for ā€œlaundry wineā€ or a glass or three while cooking dinner. Iā€™m so grateful. Proud of myself, too. Sending out sober love and strength today, amix/friends. :heartpulse:


Thank you Jasmine, I appreciate your thoughtfulness and time to reach out. Itā€™s very appreciated.
Perhaps so, we will ride er out and see what comes of it on the other side.


Thank you Rosa, I appreciate the link and info. That may just be the issue, not sure but it definitely seems plausible.
Appreciate you taking the time to respond and find those links as it was definitely a good read.

Iā€™ll just keep on keeping on and see what comes of it.


Well I certainly have an abundance of fat cells, that is for certain :joy:


Iā€™m glad you took a look. Hang in there! It does get easier!


Checking in day 38 AF :blush:.


This Community has helped me immensely. I think you may find some relief if you stick around!!


17 days weed free. 2011 days alcohol free

Im feeling really scared today.

My ultimate weakness is animals. Especially cats. We heard this cat crying outside our house and gave it some food and water and now its living in our garage. It lets you pet it and pick it up. Lays on your lap. But i havnt been able to take it to the vet.

Well last night it was on my lap and i was petting its little back feet and checking it over and it gave me a little love bite, didnt break the skin, but now im horrified that i could have rabies. Why did i not think of rabies before i started handling the damn cat? It eats and drinks water snd its been in our garage since the 4th. Idk if i should go get rsbies shots or just wait the recommended 10 days to see if the cat is still alive after that. It sneezes sometimes but other than that seems like a normal cat. It makes biscuits and purs and wants attention. Uses the litter box and grooms itself like a normal cat. Ugh, then wen i look up rabies online it says you will 100% die if not treated. And in ave horrible health anxietty. But i also cant afford another ER bill unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. My only worry today is that it didnt touch its food like it usually does when i go check on it every morningā€¦ maybe itā€™s just finally getting enough nutrition now. Idfk.


Thanks! Meetings always help. :star2:


43 days free of alcohol
37 days free of THC

Feel a little better today and am upping my time spent doing recovery activities to bolster myself after this emotional roller coaster week. I have another interview today, I am so grateful as Iā€™ve had more activity this week than in the last 5 months! And, I see why folks say donā€™t make any major changes in early sobriety, it is exhausting enough just not drinking and adjusting to sobriety and then also all these interviews! But Iā€™m in the boat now gotta keep rowing :sob:

@Chevy55 i relate to the low energy and headaches plague me as well, I had one yesterday and itā€™s sticking around today too. @JazzyS bad news about those fat cells releasing toxins :sob::sob::rofl::rofl: ooofā€¦. I feel like I should be losing more weight after working out almost every day, I always want everything to happen immediately (43 days sober vs 20 years drinkingā€¦ :thinking: calm down Lauren!! :rofl::face_with_spiral_eyes:)

Grateful for you sober fam! :yellow_heart: