Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Checking in, feeling a slight bit brighter but that might be Fridayitus, it’s real.

Have my assessment next week for talking therapy to commence so I’m hoping it’s positive and that I can make some good strides into my mental health as it’s been very poor lately. My blood work and health assessment is back to check if I can take on HRT for the hormonal stuff going on with me. Will follow up on that next week also as I just know my anti depressants are not scratching the surface right now there’s no point taking them.

Good news:
My cholesterol fell a tiny bit more!
My liver enzymes are now perfect and in range, from being almost three times over the limit during addiction.
I’ve lost 14kgs since I started at the lipid clinic.

Have a good one all.


:black_heart: Day 40 :black_heart:


Taking my son to the doctor today, he had a 102 temp on Wednesday and got sent home from school and there was NO moving him from his bed to take him anywhere bc his entire body hurt. Heading today to see if it’s strep, COVID or the flu, all of which are rapid right now in his highschool.

My 10 year old lab is not eating much. She’s not acting sick, but moping around and it worries me the end is near for her. That’ll break my heart.

It’s Friday. That’s all I’ve got.

I hope everyone has or is having a good day. Much hope and love to every one of you. :black_heart:


You are NOT a failure!
You have learned to soothe yourself through porn and masturbation. Now you need to learn new ways to do that. A healthier way. Learning takes time.

And you already did learn at least two things:
You came here and shared. That is not easy. This is a new skill.
You realized it is about soothing. Finding that out is a huge step. Another skill.

Now you have added at least two new things to your skillset. Well done! Keep finding out, keep discovering, keep sharing.

You’re absolutely on the right track here :+1:


Checking in Day 31
After much back and forth
I think I’ve finally decided sobriety is for me
I feel so much healthier, level headed, able to think logically and less reactory (although I think mood stabilizers help with that). Able to do what I need to do so I can do what I want to do.
Just wanted to say a huge thank-you to this community for helping me get back on track.
I know there will be tough days ahead but I feel like I have the tools to manage them and none of that includes drugs or alcohol :upside_down_face: woo freaking hoo to that! Here’s to the next 30 days! Keep on trekking all. Sobriety is possible!!


Thank you :pray:t2:


Thank you :pray:t2: im so sorry to hear its been a rough few days with lots of hard emotions. Especially with the loss of pets and children, that is never easy. Im not sure what happened, but im sure your cat loves you and is at peace now 🫶🏻 sending you hugs and strength. :pray:t2: one day at a time


Day 4.5.

Not lots to report today. Withdrawals have subsided, but I still feel quite anxious.
Cleaned my depression pit and meal prepped last night; probably the most productive I’ve been in months.

I found this little gem earlier, I hope it resonates with someone as much as it did for me :slight_smile:


Thank you, I am trying to take it easy right now. Since I am coming down from a couple weeks of binging. I got to keep at it and maintain peace, serenity and all. The anxiety is high right now.


My old dog had been the same. Put it down to pain from arthritis. Now sees the vet monthly for an injection (can’t remember the name but could look it up) for arthritis, he’s still a dog of leisure but not in pain and eating normally again.
We also give a normal adult paracetemol (only 1 tablet, once/day) the vet said this was fine.


Well as here are a lot people who does not supports my attitude so I will try to be less “in the face”… It’s just I don’t know… I don’t like to go into peoples faces if I feel not welcomed. As for TS / indeed / thats where the “mystery” came from. I just did not wanted to (open) for people who ignores me / show offs / being rude / or ~vibrations~ are different in a way. So I just started posting things in a way that only me or those who listens understands. I dont feel creative now. Actually I dont like being in places where I feel unconfortable and TS is like 50/50 now… Sorry / have trouble to put words together last few days… IN any way - I am still here - and - I will be me.


Checking in on day 212.


I truly find your feedback to be interesting and your clips/vids to be creative and thought provoking. I enjoy seeing what you have to say either by words or visually.
I’m not quite sure what or why you think people don’t support your attitude? I’m not following you in that end of the spectrum. Perhaps some just have a hard time understanding you and your words/perspective… maybe… I dunno.

Anyway, I am glad to see you here and your unique way you share.


5 weeks under the belt,
Day 35 AF

Off to see my son’s team take on the second place team tonight in what will be the battle for first place for the regular season. Should hopefully be a fun game. Hopeful it’s competitive and passionate which always makes the games more enjoyable after the hour drive each way.

Enjoy your sober Friday folks, and stay focused. :pray::heart:


Ya I’m going to have to make her an appt for next week if she doesn’t get a little more pep in her step :pleading_face:


Glad you’re here :black_heart:


I getchya brother.

Focus on the good, leave the other stuff be. We all aren’t everyone’s cup of tea as they say.

Have a good weekend!


Afternoon all. Quick check in before work. Day 903 AF. Still having a rough time with everything that’s happened the last few months. Still no answers either which is rather upsetting. But holding strong and back to the basics of hour at a time! Hope everyone stays safe and takes care!


To chime in on the rabies thing…

When I was maybe 13, and my brother 9 or 10, he and his friend found a cat in the woods and brought it home, like we always did with stray cats (we had 4 already at the time). It seemed pretty normal, and was very friendly and loving, but I had a bad feeling about it for some reason so I didn’t touch it. By that night it had lost control of it’s front legs, rolled around on the ground, and was drooling a lot. My brother and his friend were vaccinated(spurring his lifelong fear of needles :laughing:), and we turned the cat over to the county health department. Sure enough it was rabid. We got in the paper for finding the first rabid cat in the county in 25 years! My point is, it was extremely obvious to me that there was something wrong with the cat from the minute I saw it, and I was only 13. I’m definitely a hypochondriac myself, so I understand the worrying, but I think you’ll be alright :smile_cat: just pay attention.


I haven’t checked in for a few days. I feel like I’ve been going nonstop and have only been home to sleep and shower.
After almost two months of fighting with my insurance company, my new medication has finally been approved and is supposed to be delivered today. Hopefully this one works.
The weather has been so nice the past few days. It feels like spring. I know we’ll probably get some cold days still, but hopefully the worst is being us.
I have a few more hours to work today, then looking forward to a relaxing weekend



It’s gonna be harder to lift up again than I thought… Flyng and overtaking obstacles is easier than launching again…

:boom: Crashed my ship again. I think there are no big big damage. I can still fix it. I found the toolbox box in the ship and key lying near… I think I can open the box :key: