Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

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Day 11 AF :mirror_ball:


*Day 1970 :walking_woman:
Yesterday I almost had no headache at all so that was a big win! Had a session with the coach and it was emotional and intensive but gave me some tools to work with.
After that work and in the evening I started to work on my silver ring with labradorite stone. Made the bezel surrounding and it worked out very well! So it was a nice ending of an busy day.

Having the day off so Ikea, grocery shopping, etc it is :wink:
Another day another step and doing what I can to make my life more comfy for me :blush:
2024 is the year of getting out of my comfort zone and yesterday I added: compassion for myself.
I need that. Donā€™t we all?


That sounds like me 100 days ago! I recommend walking, headphones and a chill Spotify playlist :raising_hand_man:


Hey all,
I am now 40 days sober! I hqve been experiencing a lot of anxiety at the moment, but I am in a really good place despite that.
Wishing you all a great sober weekend!


Checking in on day 71. Iā€™m struggling, I feel like I keep getting bad news after bad news and I keep thinking there is no better time to be numb than now! Fuck! My dog, she is certified therapy dog, my therapy dog for PTSD, I just found out yesterday she has cancer. To say Iā€™m shattered would be understatement. We just fixed one problem for her and then this out of nowhere yesterday. I havenā€™t stopped crying since I found out. How could this be? How can it be that I am finally getting better and now I might lose her, I need that time with her to make up for what time lost in my addiction. This just cannot be, I cannot believe the world is THAT cruel, is it?


Iā€™m very sorry youā€™ve got such bad news :mending_heart:

Remember one thing: You will not be able to take care of your dog, if you go back to your addiction. She has been taking care of you and will keep doing this. Now is your time to take care of her. Use all youā€™ve learned in recovery to find good and healthy ways of caring for the both of you.

Sending you hugs and the best wishes :people_hugging::star:


Thank you so much. You are right, I cannot put into words how soul crushing this is, I depend on her for everything. I will do whatever I can, my baby is only 6 yrs old turning 7 on the 12th.
I really do appreciate your words and wishes, Iā€™m just beyond shattered.


That is the only thing keeping me from not picking up, I want to care for her the way sheā€™s always cared for me. Thank you for the reminder tho, I need it right now as I am lost. I appreciate your words, truly thank you


Hey all, checking in on day 1336. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 392.

So far, my dayā€™s been productive. I did my first outside in the garden workout (so much nicer than making due with the bedroom). The plan is to slowly build up confidence so I can do the workouts in parks and stuff once weā€™re going travelling again. Iā€™m just ridiculously self-conscious about how I look and even in the privacy of my little garden I was worried about people watching exercise and laughing at me. Itā€™s all in my head, really. In reality, no one cares. Butā€¦ once I got into what I was doing I was able to keep my focus. It may sound silly, but this is quite a huge step for me.

I also hoovered, did laundry, and walked the pup.

Now Iā€™m supposed to work, but I really really feel like napping. So I might take a quick nap and get a few hours of work in this evening. Naps are awesome. I think Iā€™ve earned mine today.


Day 36

Home at midnight after a very disappointing loss to lose our first place finish for sons hockey. Oh well, still 2nd going into playoffā€™s.
Even though I got to bed late had an incredible sleep. Only one tossy turny night in past couple weeks and last nights was the best so far!

Anyway, weā€™re above zero degrees today so some work in garage and storage container today and perhaps an afternoon Vancouver Canucks hockey game.

Feeling very good today and am surprised Iā€™ve had no desire for drinks (yet). I know Iā€™ll probably come by some temptation, so my guard will stay up and Iā€™m not placing myself in any party situations for a while yet, but am happy my resolve has held. Iā€™m ā€œgrateful ā€œ for this.

Enjoy your weekend everyone :pray::heart:


Still sober, more hopeful, but still struggling to concentrate and get work done. Thatā€™s keeping me awake at night.


Checking in - Day 1

Yesterday went about as good as it could after having acted out yesterday morning. I tried really hard not to give into the shame spiral and maintain some kind of peace and serenity. I am doing better today and I am just looking to get a couple of days under my belt. I need to stay with my spiritual practices and know that God is there and loves me no matter what.


Day 5.5 - the struggle beginsā€¦

Today is going to be a difficult day. I woke up an hour ago with heart palpitations and shakiness, and a headache that just wonā€™t quit. The pain in my liver seems to flare up at night, too.

Am I triggered AF? Absolutely! Am I going to drink? Absolutely not! Never, ever again will I let myself get so low.

Going to listen to some music to calm down and then walk to the shop for more juice and pop. 12 more hours and Iā€™ve made it to 6 days; just gotta make it.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your pup. Iā€™m praying for the best outcome for you both.
Life really does seem to come at us one after the other, but imagine how much worse it would be if you werenā€™t sober? Youā€™re in the best place to take this awful news head on, no matter how hard it may seem.
Sending well wishes to you both x


Day 39. Checking in sober after a late night/actually early morning in Vegas. Watching people who have had too much to drink is a pretty good deterrent for me. Itā€™s been a good trip so far. The city is all decorated for the Super Bowl and I scored an affordable last minute ticket to see Adele. Good night/morning sober friends.


Checking in day 40 :blush: AF


When Iā€™ve quit previously, I used to watch folks drunk and think just how foolish it all seems. Itā€™s embarrassing.
Then next morning after seeing friends hungover and trying to appear normal seemed so forced. Like they donā€™t wish to admit what they did to themselves and move past it as quickly as possible.
Now, obviously that was me when drinking also, but those clear recollections of the outcomes of drinking as seen through sober eyes I found to be motivating.

Iā€™ll never wish anyone ill from there addictions, but I will take the lessons I see with my own eyes and try to ensure I use that to steer me well.


Hey guys & gals! I have so much you all this week. After my first long week back at work i realized how much i have missed talked to you guys. Getting my inspiration :raised_hands: from you allā€¦i did have a good and successful week. No cravings! 129 days. Still a little nervous out in the world. I just sat here and read through the last few days and yā€™all are so fucking amazing people!!! We are pretty damn badassā€¦the normies have no idea the character and motivation that lies within us. Thanks for always being here!! I could not do life without each and every one of you :heart: :100: