Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

You are doing amazing! Congrats on your time, it’s not easy but you are doing it and I love how determined you sound!

Also, thank you for the kind words.


148 days af
Back home again :heart:




I am so so sorry to hear this :disappointed: I wish I could say something that would ease the pain. Nothing is more beautiful and pure than the love of an animal. I do believe we are forever bonded in spirit with the animals in our lives. They are with us for a time and for a reason. I can’t imagine the frustration of having just gotten sober and then having to deal with this. It does feel sometimes like life is so unfair and throws punch after punch. Still we know nothing gets better with alcohol. Sending you strength and hugs :mending_heart::people_hugging:


Sweet Luna! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I love to see her cute little face!


Congrats on your five months!!:muscle:t3::muscle:t3::tada::tada:


Checking in on day 213.


Omg he kept me and mom up all night

Hes in his swing happy right now though

So many diapers and i smell like a baby


Checking in on day
276 alcohol free
207 cigg and vape free
77 marijuanna free

Sleepless night
About to jump in the shower and try to wake up

It was a good night no doubt with the baby but i do looooove my sleep

Back to work on monday


Day 41 :black_heart:

The flu has entered our house. So far it’s only taken one of us down. Don’t mind me over here chugging airborne, orange juice and popping vitamins like candy.

Gloomy day, but perfect temps… looking forward to a long walk later with my daughter.

Feeling good today, yesterday was rough-ish.

I hope everyone has/is having a great sober day so far.


So much going on, but wanted to check in.

I think, for me and my health I have to allow my anger and fight to rest a bit. I need to breath, understandong all is not in my control. Fear is the mind killer. I am grateful for so many things in my life, even with immense saddness. I am tired and exhausted of CPS; and the expense of the lawyer is so much it is harming our family, but I cannot be the voice for our familt. I have said it before i have to step back. I find that i react fast and hard to news with reference to all of this, maybe it makes sense yes but it is not good. I habe to take everythign slow and slow, piece by piece and Im tired of my blood boiling.

I am not smoking, and suspect I wont. Which is interesting that this is done before the trial but it is.

I love work, love my family & have to focus my energy in my own home as well. Love you all xo.


Thank you Lauren! I appreciate your kind words. I feel so lost right now, can’t string a thought together before my mind breaks to the “what if” for her, worst case I have 4 to 6 months with her, that scares me, a lot


Checking in on day 251 AF and also my fiftieth birthday.
Just after my alarm went off this morning I heard a woman crying out for help at the back of our flat. I got my coat and boots on over my jammies and went out to check on her. She had caught her jeans on the spikes of a fence she was trying to climb over. By the time I got to her she had freed herself but was lying there feeling very foolish. She said she was ok so I left her to it. That was a pretty bizarre start to my day.
I’m not feeling especially bad or good today. The kids and I will go out for a meal shortly.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Happy birthday! That’s quite an odd experience to mark the day, indeed! :upside_down_face:


19 days weed free. 2013 days alcohol free. Still gamble free. Got ANOTHER new job. I quit the limo job. My scheduke there was so random. Some days i started at 4am some days i started at 6pm. I found something with consistant hours and its part time to begin with. More my speed at the moment while i get my anxiety and depression under control.

The cat is going to the vet this morning then off to my moms to bake her beef wellingtons. Then another pool tournament tonight.


Happy birthday @Deelzebub :balloon:

Ps: what a weird morning you had :sweat_smile:



I had a depressed and anxious morning.
The sun came out and several short sunbathes helped me a bit.

Being overwhelmed with everything followed depression and anxiety. I had big life events and ongoing changes in fundamental things like job and living situation. And - I have a lot of possibilities and solutions. :cherry_blossom:

Then I did - nothing -
Just enjoying a warm blanket on couch.

Will enjoy a flowy swim later.


@ceeds I totally feel you on trying to get those healthy habits back on track once you let them slide – not sure why it is not so easy to get back in the groove. I do hope that you get better soon and sending you strength to get back on the healthy routine track.
@koo_ntakrah Welcome to the community and your day 1! This is a wonderful community full of love and support to help you on your journey. Hope to see you around
@karenkw how are you doing Karen? Been way too long since we’ve seen you checking in – hope you are doing well
@mrfantastik Way to go with 70 days friend! :tada: :clap:
@wahtisnormal You are so welcome my friend and thank you for your kind words. I can relate to not being happy in a space where you are meant to be safe and serene. You are right – it won’t last for long and you do have something to look forward to. In the mean time also try to make the most of the current situation. Hoping that you are able to create your safe space that you can be comfortable in :people_hugging: I loved reading the line “on a mission to heal my inner child” :heart:
@shybert Well done on your 40 days! I do hope that the anxiety subsides for you. Well done on being in a good place despite of it… I am working on this with my mental health as well. Keep going strong :muscle:
Iamthechange Oh Ami I am so very sorry to read this. Big hugs to you and your beautiful dog. That voice telling you to be numb is a liar. You need to be present and here for your lovely dog as well as for yourself. Numbing yourself will not make the situation go away or the pain disappear. We are here for you and lending you support. Cry it out, hug it out, do whatever you need (I would scream and punch the air) – just stay present. Here for you friend :people_hugging:
@lile01 I am sorry the withdrawals are so intense today. Grateful to see you equipped with a plan and ready to attack the cravings. Here if you need us. You keep flexing those sober muscles and lets get to day 6 and beyond :muscle:
@seizetheday 40 days Alcohol free!!! YES! Keep that momentum going strong :muscle:
@michelle great to see you checking in with 129 days! WE missed you too. :hugs: I do love all the support and inspiration spewing out of all these threads. So amazing that we can come here and get our motivation fix. We truly are damn badasses – keep that fire burning!
@julialuna 5 months :astonished: how the time flies – way to go friend! This is so amazing. Grateful to be celebrating your journey with you :people_hugging:


@deelzebub Happy 50th birthday Delia!! :birthday: :partying_face: Crazy start to the day – hope you are having a wonderful time celebrating YOU today. :hugs:
@juli1 Yeah 11 days! Sorry for all the stresses and anxiety with life being lifey. I do hope that your living and job situation get worked out soon. Grateful to see you maintaining your sobriety and keeping your healthy lifestyle going. Glad that you did nothing – sometimes we just need to recharge by allowing ourselves some down time :people_hugging:

Checking in on Saturday afternoon.
trying to work my way out of an emotional funk. i felt myself getting sucked into it for a few days and feel a bit overwhelmed today. had a good cry this morning and i feel a bit less blah. going to try and dye my hair and do some cleaning and maybe some more coffee … attempting this green color today :crossed_fingers: lets see if it will take lol.
No addictions today! Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free Saturday - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you so much @JazzyS :blush::grin:.