Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Happy 50th Delia! Didn’t mean much to me either when I got there. Never mind. Hope you all enjoyed your meal. And you’re always fabulous Lady.


Checking in day 21! Feeling ok and not craving alcohol at all at the moment. Had a difficult day as my dog has just had a pretty big operation, so sad to see her in pain and not herself from all the medication. Going to be a long recovery period for her so I will be playing vet from now on! Hope everyone has had a good sober day :v:t2::purple_heart:


Heyy today is my 9 months no alcohol
Pretty cool


That’s amazing! :star2::star2::star2:


Happy happy birthday!! :balloon::birthday: Any words of wisdom to pass on at this milestone bday?? Hope you had a lovely day with the fam!!


Aw sending hugs to you and your pup it really is the worst when are pets are hurting :pensive: wishing a speedy recovery!!


Day 237. Hope everyone had/ is having a good day.


:birthday: :candle: :balloon: :partying_face: :tada:Happy Birthday!


Day 727
Work is over. It was a relatively slow day today. Just waiting for my bus now. I have to stop by the grocery store and pick up more childrens tylenol bcuz my son is sick yet again :cry: He spiked another fever last night.

The buddy shift didnt go well either. The new nurse came to her shift sick so she ended up leaving at 230am. She told our regular nurse that she had been throwing up prior to leaving her place. My son gets sick very easily (this is his 2nd time in a week getting ill) and i wasnt happy about her showing up in that state. I emailed the scheduler mentioning all my concerns. Obviously she wont be coming back which means that this week i will need to prepare myself for some awake overnight shifts. It is what it is. Ill make it work :slight_smile:

Ive also been having some fairly strong urges to use my DOC. So im working thru that now too. My mind is trying to make me see the benefits of using and im fighting that off by playing the tape to the end. Just alot going on right now. Idk. Feelinf pretty stressed i guess. Anyway, have a great day/evening everyone! :heart:


Happy birthday :balloon: hope you had a better end than start of the day.


@Pamela congratulations on 3 weeks!!!

@Noshame super proud of u for 9 months alcohol free! Congratulations


Happy, HAPPY birthday Delia :birthday:


@Lile01 thank you :blush: sorry about your withdrawal symptoms, keep fighting 🩵
@Jimz you went to battle yesterday by the sounds of it! Well done for shutting that voice down :clap:t2: congrats on 40 days :tada:
@Steve92 I hope the trip to the vet helped ease the panic :crossed_fingers:t2:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 looking forward to seeing the green :green_heart: :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Ceeds sorry about the anxiety :people_hugging: I’m the same with starting healthy habits back up after I stop them, so I don’t have any advice, just thought I’d let you know you’re not alone. Feel better soon. 🩵
@AmandaFaye welcome :blush: congrats on 16 days :tada: sorry about the anxiety and irritability, sending you strength to get through until you can speak to your doctor again 🩵
@Koo_Ntakrah welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@MrFantastik congrats on 70 days :tada:
@ShyBert congrats on 40 days :tada: sorry about the anxiety :people_hugging:
@IamThechange I’m so sorry :people_hugging: I really hope it’s treatable :crossed_fingers:t2: sending strength and hope 🩵


@Happy_Trails I’ve seen Adele live, she’s amazing :star_struck: enjoy!
@Seizetheday congrats on 40 days :tada:
@JuliaLuna congrats on 5 months :tada:
@Deelzebub happy 50th birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face: and congrats on 250+ days :tada:
@Pamela congrats on 3 weeks :tada: sending healing vibes for your dog :sparkles:🩵
@Noshame congrats on 9 months AF :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman I really hope your son feels better soon 🩵 remember how desperate you were to get clean, that’s what I always remind myself of any time I start romanticising, because it’s something I’ll never forget. Sending strength 🩵 you’re almost at 2 years too, might be the ‘milestone malady’, so hang tight and these urges might go away in a few days :crossed_fingers:t2:

1279 days no alcohol.
744 days no cocaine.
259 days no vape.
4 days no binge-eating.

I had barely any sleep last night so I’ve been very sleepy today.

I attended the online Survivors Zoom from 10:30-12:30. It got deep really fast, we had a good discussion about gender, sexuality, relationships, and goals, it was good, I’m glad I went.

I have been communicating with customer services, all afternoon and evening, about 188 items that were missing from my meal replacements order. Since placing the order, I’ve heard that they are closing down, I asked them and they ignored that question and also said they were unable to advise when the items would be back in stock, so in the end I requested a refund. It has taken 9hrs of communicating backwards and forwards, but I have now received a refund for the missing and unavailable items. The relief! Now my brain can rest. :raised_hands:t2:

Tomorrow, I plan to be productive and do some cleaning and de-cluttering. Hoping for the energy to do so.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Sorry you’re struggling sending you love and support!! Know the feelings will pass can you do anything to help distract yourself?? Thinking of you you can get through this!!


Checking in Day 32

Went to the gym today :muscle:t4:
Did a Zumba class and a yoga class. Loved it!!
Def wanna make this a regular thing. Thoroughly enjoyed the teachers and connecting with others.
Feeling strong and know I want to continue being good to my mind, body and soul and that definitely includes sobriety!! Good luck to all day today :two_hearts:


Sorry you’re feeling blah sending hugs. A cry + a coffee always does seem to help reset. Oulala dying your hair green?? Love it :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: very funky!! Also thanks for the well wishes xx you’ve really helped me stay the course in the beginning of my sobriety journey this time!!


Thank you friend for ur support :heartpulse: I definitely will try to find some things to occupy my time when i get home. Definitely will need to do some self care later on. Your check in just now really inspired me. Where ur at is where I want to be right now :slight_smile: Just with the positive attitude and the focus on health and wellbeing. Thank you for your check in bcuz it gave me a bit of a reality check with where Im at right now and where I want to be.


Ahhh yes that mikestone malady. I completely forgot about that. Whenever I think about that desperation to get clean i always start tearing up. Thats a a very dark hopeless place that i never EVER want to go back to. Thank u for that reminder friend. That actually helped me more than u know.

Glad ur online survivors meeting was good!! But im so sorry to hear about the looong time it took for u to get ur refund. Jeeze. It really shouldnt be that difficult for them. But glad it was sorted out :slight_smile: hope u have a great evening!


T-12 minutes to the close of day 44. Today was a very productive day, got lots of little things done in the house, exercised, took my dog out for a walk. I was feeling very positive in general & now not so much. Therapy today just felt like we were chatting, I didn’t come out feeling like I got anything out of it. He seemed to spend a lot of time talking about himself. It was only our 3rd session but it’s also a lot of money. Feeling very unsure about it all. Not sure I want to continue.