Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

First check in (well first post really)- day 5 AF. Must have thought about having a drink 200 times yesterday. Had bad anxiety last night, worrying about today because I know Mondays have always been a hard day for me alcohol wise. I have found reading other’s comments has been helpful though and am looking foward to getting more involved.


Welcome! Congrats on 5 days. I hope your anxiety surpasses quickly. Deep breaths. You’ve got this :black_heart:


Welcome to the community. So the anxiety will spike pretty good during the withdrawal process. Mine was up up and down for the first couple months. It will get easier I promise, but you gotta push through it in the beginning


Congrats on 90 days! In reading your posts it hasn’t been easy but you did it!! :tada: be proud of yourself!


Welcome to the community friend and a great job of being AF for 5 days! The beginning days are the hardest and I found that keeping myself busy with playing games on my phone or activities like cleaning, working out, puzzles really helped keep my mind from focusing on the urges. This community is full of great support and love. Reading through the posts here really helped me feel connected and not alone on my journey and I do hope it does the same for you. Looking forward to seeing you around :hugs:


@jules000 I’m sorry that the urges became so strong and overwhelming. I do hope that you are able to start a new now. I know that your anxiety has been high lately and I do hope that you are able to talk this out in therapy or find some other recovery group to help you in real life. We are here for you as well – grateful to have you here and hopefully daily check in’s are helpful for you too :people_hugging: Love seeing your smile on the selfie thread- so infectious – always makes me smile :heart:
@tomek I do hope that the weekly check in’s here will help you. I do know how loneliness and isolation can cause mental distress. Sending you comfort and love :people_hugging: :heart:
@catmama23 40 days no THC Woot Woot! :tada: :clap: I am so sorry love for the negative feelings. Our bodies do go through many ebbs and flows throughout our journey. Loved the analogy of clouds passing in the sky. This will pass my friend and you are right that drinking / smoking will not help in any form. You are doing amazing well Lauren – keep going strong.
@lile01 :tada: 1 week is amazing work love! Grateful to see you protecting your sobriety and working through the withdrawals. I do hope you are feeling better today Indi. Getting through the first phase is incredibly rough but know that you will not have to repeat this horror again. Keep pushing forward my friend :muscle:
@steve92 so relieved to hear that news Steve. I’m sure the cat is going to take some time to get used to the new surroundings as well. Hopefully the two of you can bond and that these fears will subside soon.
@thewolf Congrats on your 9 months of sobriety! I love that you are experiencing the positives in sobriety and absolutely loved that you are raring to go with energy – keep that amazing momentum going :muscle:
@jennyh so lovely to see you checking in again Jenny. Grateful to see you doing well with 6 days of sobriety and not giving into the nasty cravings. I do love the moments of perfection :heart: Keep going strong my friend.
@soberwalker sorry that you can’t have a more give and take relationship with your aunt. Glad that you are able to find a way to hang out with activities to make it easier. I can’t imagine it being easy love – sorry that you are feeling unseen – sending you a big hug. Much love dear friend. :heart:
@mindofsobermike Well done Mike with your 90 days of sobriety! This is so wonderful and you should be so very proud of how much you have accomplished in these 90 days! Keep going strong my friend :muscle: :heart:
@tifflynn07 ah man I do hate just waking up feeling off and not knowing how to get back to “normal”. I do hope you are able kick the bad mood to the curb. I am working on the same blah feelings and trying to find comedy to laugh myself back into a happy mood :laughing:

Checking in on Monday morning
I didn’t get much sleep and am feeling tired and just off today. The emotional overload i had a few days ago still feels like the sensations are lingering. I am not crying any more but i feel heavy with emotion. I do want to crawl back into bed and sleep it off. I have an appointment in an hour and i may just come home to rest afterwards.
No energy to even think about urges so another day of sobriety will be mine :muscle:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Mike, my friend, you’re doing awesome. I’m super proud of you!


Welcome here! Posting on this check in is a great start and a good outlet for when those thoughts and feelings happen. Hope you continue to post here and see you around!


Day 240 (almost a few hours short) AF. No desire or urge to drink. Back in CA. Currently at my BF’s house up in the mountains and the snow. It’s very peaceful and serine here. I nice change from AZ for sure.

I have no complaints at this time. I’m feeling grateful and blessed. My back is a bit sore but that’s a daily issue I’ve come to accept.

I hope everyone has an amazing start to their week.


Checking in after a great weekend! My husband and I had been lamenting not having had much quality time together recently and we remedied that. I had the goal to not go out to eat this weekend and we failed, went to a late lunch early dinner once but it was worth it! And we did well the rest of the time. We met up with a friend at a bar and played cards and dice and I enjoyed my soda and lime. It felt good to go out and not drink, though it’s not nearly the first time I still always have this thought, like a proud feeling that I can be in these environments and enjoy them without drinking. I love the ambiance of some of these old dive bars that have a lot of character. Not a dirty dark hole in the wall but a place that someone has put work into. This one was an old storefront brownstone style and the front windows were full of plants, very well cared for. I spent time checking them all out and I love plants. Now, it really requires strength in my sobriety and recovery to be able to do this - I do not recommend frequenting places that serve alcohol to folks in early sobriety, but it can be possible to go back to these places and feel confident in sobriety after some hard work.

We skipped the Super Bowl and watched The Magnificent Seven after watching Seven Samurai the night before. Watching Akira Kurosawa films and the westerns made based on them is a hobby we have done over the years and it was fun to do it again. All in all a great weekend. I feel ready to start my new job tomorrow (didn’t start today on Monday due to scheduling) and start a new chapter.


46 days checking in.

Had a nice, if not tiring, weekend. I’m going through a bout of my IBS again; stomach pains and relentless feeling of being off and full and not into food that much. When I feel like this I turn to comfort junk, which is the opposite to what I probably should do. But it is what it is.

Started my handover first meet today for a two hour meeting with line manager and another doofus questioning my handover by teams. Luckily they didn’t have much to question as I’m very thorough and overly conscientious. That’s a flaw by the way, it’s exhausting to be me doing a chore… Now I have nausea and a stinky migraine coming on that I hope to head off at the pass to impasse. I feel the stress in my shoulders and came out the meeting covered in cold sweat and tiredness. This is how I know I’m making the right decision no matter how scared I might feel about the future. These guys have messed my whole centre up. I’m holding in so much pain and frustration and fear and it’s time to exit through the gift shop.

I can’t think of eating, all I want to do is sleep. Maybe I will go to bed early, super early. Read and snuggle. 9 more work days to get thru.

Still sober :100:


day 8 and made it through the weekend! my mother hasn’t been well after an op, so been looking after her a bit.

Ran out of my antidepressants and won’t be getting more until the end of the week so hoping i don’t have too many side effects from potentially withdrawing or starting them again


( 3.5 )

Todays offroading at work :hugs::sweat_smile:


Checking in day 42 AF :blush:.


Some people get to have all the fun at work! lol be safe


Checking in again at day 7.5.

Withdrawals are becoming severe again, so I’ve been given advice by 111 to either drink or go straight to hospital :frowning:
It’s 7pm here and my nearest hospital is 1.5 hours away, so I know I’ll get stuck there if I go now, and I’m certainly not drinking! It’s the advice I’ve always been given for ‘safe’ withdrawals, but I never just have the one drink.
It’s also the 3 year anniversary of my mum’s death tomorrow, so I know my brain will use that as an excuse to get obliterated.
Just gonna have to get through tonight and see how I feel in the morning.


That’s awesome, 90 days! :star2::star2::star2:


Today is day 140 af. Feeling so grateful for this!


I’m afraid you’re going to have to tough this one out. How about an early night and make a plan for the first 3 hours in the morning. Shower, pick up a few things to make a nice lunch get 2 small jobs done in the house however small.
I use past experiences a lot… if you drink tonight or tomorrow what will Wednesday and Thursday look like?


Day 233 second check in. After a cracking wedding and a drive back of some 8.5 hours… I really had an urge last night of a beer oddly to celebrate. That so surprised me. I didn’t. I had a grenadine and fizzy water.