Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Congratulations on ur 9 months


Day 729
Tomorrow I hit another milestone (2 years) and I am suuuuuuper excited about it! I cant believe how fast it came up!
Overall, Im feeling alright this evening. Just finished having supper and will have a shower shortly to relax. Will put my son to bed in 1 hour and then relax with hubby. I got everything prepped for my cake tmrw. Will have alot to do to get the cake completed but am excited to decorate it and make it special.
Hope everyone is enjoying their monday :slight_smile:


Congratulations on 9 whole months!


Checking in day 35 AF
Day 153 df

Hi TS family. All is well. Thankful for another 24 hour sober. Feeling at peace.

Happy 24 allā€‹:purple_heart::pray:t5:


Wow Dana! I am so proud of you. Well done! Will be back on tommorw to officially congratulate you on your 2years. I am filled with such joy for you right now.:pray:t5::purple_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


2 years is amazing!! Big congrats :tada:


I pretty excited too Dana.


Checking in on day 927. Still sober.


@tragicfarinelli I am so glad that you will be out of the toxic environment soon. I do hope you donā€™t continue to have such exhausting nerve wrecking days for the remainder of your time. Hoping you were able to get to rest early and are going to start a bright new migraine free day.
@lile01 Iā€™m sending you strength my friend. I do hope you also have someone to call if the withdrawals get too intense as you do want to go through them safely. I am so sorry for the upcoming anniversary, sure can not be easy emotionally. Do call your doctor in the morning to see if they are able to help prescribe something that may help with the withdrawals. I am not familiar with what works but have heard others mention prescriptions that have helped. Much love and strength Indi :people_hugging:
@jennyh the rest was nice but has not helped ā€“ I may just need the full day to recoup. Was a very laid back non -productive day.
@scorpn Oh man that sounds overwhelmingly frustrating Renee. I am so sorry that she and her dad are and have been living in such conditions. You are such a beautiful caring woman with a enormous open heart. Grateful that she has you in her life. Hoping that everything works out and that he doesnā€™t protest too much in her moving out. Maybe even give him time to fix the house or find a safer place for himself. Hoping the vent helped. :people_hugging:
@jules000 I am sorry love ā€“ I know how intense the feelings of SH can be and how isolating it can make you feel. It must be utterly exhausting having to be there for everyone else and not taking time for yourself. True friendships / relationships are a two way street. They are there for you no matter what. I am sorry that you have lost friendships in the past. I do hope that you are able to put in the time and love for yourself that you are trying to provide all those around you. Getting stronger and healthier will give you the energy and love to form and keep your friendships. You come first (I know this sounds selfish but really you canā€™t give from an empty pot so please fill your own pot first).

My goodness this is pure strength Cam ā€“ should be super proud of your willpower. Grateful that you found a way to not give into the urges. I do hope it all goes well with your therapy session tomorrow. They should be willing to work with you at your pace and meet your needs which is what I do hope happens and that you are not having to terminate the sessions all together. Sending hugs right back to you my friend :people_hugging:
@mira_d OMFG!!! I am furious with CPS at this point and am frustrated for you. I do hope that you are able to bring their lies to light and get the help you need with your nephew. I know the court date is also coming up quickly ā€“ sending you so much strength and love my friend. I can not imagine all that you are dealing with ā€“ you are a rockstar for doing this sober and being present for yourself as well as your family :people_hugging: :heart:
@Frank68 howā€™s it going Frank? Been a while since weā€™ve seen you checking inā€¦hope you are well :people_hugging:

checking in on Monday night
418 days free of alcohol and weed
833 days free of cigarettes
Very inactive day. turned my phone off and just gave myself time to rest. hoping to get to bed soon. nothing else to report. wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free evening / day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hi!!! Thanks for checking up on me. All is good at day 118. Havenā€™t checked in but Iā€™ve been reading the posts.



Just tired. Sober and clean though. Clearheaded heading into the day. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from my commute.



I couldnā€™t fall asleep last night so, tired this morning. I managed an hour nap, which helped, but now I canā€™t stop yawning :sleeping: My daughter seemed off when she got home. Kinda low mood I thought, until she said her throat hurt. By bedtime she said she was achy. Great. Probably no school tomorrow. At least I donā€™t have to work. Hope I donā€™t get sick. Better get to bed. Goodnight :heart:


Drink water. Gargle that out


Checking in day 42. It was a good day. Happy to be home.


Day 1
So tired.


Man do i get that feeling. Rest easy tonight. Tomorrow is a new day


Day 101. Iā€™ve been thinking a lot about what life will look like in 5, 10, 15 years. Itā€™s well set up for me. I have a beautiful family decent job not overly weighed down with the mortgage, it could be very nice for me. Or it could be terrible depending on what road i take. Thatā€™s kind of scary. I want a long happy and healthy life not a short miserable sorrowful existence. Thatā€™s the decision I need to make every day. And all it takes is keeping myself on the straight & narrow. Simple really.


Good morning on day 282. Hereā€™s to a glorious Tuesday ahead - PANCAKES :pancakes: :yum:




83 sugar
39 UPF
1 overeating/binge

I had so much emotional stress yesterday, I felt no hunger all day. This is strange. Usually Iā€™m a total stress eater.

My partner opened up about some very difficult stuff on Sunday and Iā€™ve been processing that yesterday all night and day. After being overwhelmed, angry, cursing and yelling, sadness, crying over the dishes and going through the whole emotional cycle of despair I finally reached a point of resolve.
I visited my mother, we had a good talk. She strengthened my resolve. I really did not want to have that conversation with him, but there was no way around it. Not this time.
I realised I had no control over the situation, not the outcome. But I was in control of my standing and words.
When he came home in the evening I put everything in very clear words. There were a lot of tears, but now there is calm. He accepted my decisions. Weā€™ll see form there on.
I still feel shaken, but calm. One day at a time.

In the midst of all this I managed to be mindful about my eating. Not once did I want to act out my emotions in an unhealthy way. Iā€™m very happy and proud about that.

Today Iā€™m meeting a friend whose mother died about a week ago. I hope I can be of some help and comfort to her.

And Iā€™m really hoping for some time for a yoga session in the evening. With all the turmoil going on I neglected my evening practice and I miss it :om:.

Whatever comes about Iā€™m wishing you wonderful people a day of peace, kindness, light, and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::candle::dove: