Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Love you Dana. You work so hard. Huge congrats on another huge milestone. You deserve the best. Hugs and love your way beautiful Lady.


That’s awesome. Great Karma!!


So nice. I’m not sure if I caught that but huge congrats on your 2 year milestone (+1 now)

That’s amazing :heart:


@lainenicole96 Oh I am so very proud of you dumping that bottle – that is a huge 1st step. With you my friend!! Keep showing up for yourself daily! :muscle:
@mno So true that we can openly offer so much love and support for those around us but it is difficult to shower ourselves with the same grace. I do hope that you are able to find time to be gentle with yourself and give yourself the same patience and love to work through all that you need to work through. Grateful that you still have a therapist to talk to. Here if you need a shoulder :people_hugging:
@acromouse Way to go with your success with last nights dinner – that Is a triumph :muscle: Sorry for the emotional turmoil you are experiencing right now. Here for you friend :hugs:
@steve92 sorry that you are feeling low … I do hope that you keep checking in and that you find yourself feeling better soon – sending you positive energy
@ofmiceandroach Congrats on your 1 week milestone :tada: :tada: Great to see you checking in Emma – have a wonderful dinner tonight :heart:
@misokatsu Happy Valentines day love :heart: :rose: I loved reading this post today -did not know the customs in Japan and I love tomo-choco.
@iamthechange Oh I’m so grateful that you did talk to your sister – grateful that she has 15 years of sobriety experience and is able to offer support. I think it is wise to try and find a meeting near by. Wishing you luck in setting up your preparations for the surgery. Much love and comfort to you Ami :heart: :hugs:
@chevy55 way to go with your 40 days Nick! That’s a lot of snow :astonished: What a lovely celebration you had for the 24 graduates – something I am sure they will never forget.
@nordique Amazing sober time friend! Missed your 44 month celebration – keep putting in the amazing efforts and paving the way :tada: :clap: :muscle:

YES friend – I do believe it starts with self respect and care. Have you looked into talking with a therapist? Maybe someone without an outsiders perspective can help guide you back to yourself. Do not let the shame and guilt envelope you. Grateful to see you right back here working towards day 1.


You never cease to amaze me Jasmine.

All :heart: and :hugs: to you!


@shel75 sending you love my friend with your MRI. I have recently had two and both with the dye. It really wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. I would go in well hydrated as for my second one it took some time for them to find a vein for the dye. It should not cause any issues for you afterwards for driving or standing. It is a loud machine and I found meditation and deep breathing to really help me get through the procedure. Hoping for good results :pray: Grateful that your family situation is calmer now. :hugs:
@catmama23 Oh Lauren – want to reach out and give you a big hug. I totally know what you are feeling and I wish I could make it all go away. I have been dealing with health issues myself and it seems that they are never going to go away. Some days are easier to manage but then the days / weeks that they are at the worst it feels like I should just give in to the addiction(s) – why not? I can empathize with what you are going through. What helps me is knowing that my addictions did not really help me hide – they needed More and More from me to get a feeling of peace which in turn actually was hurting my body worse. I hope that you are able to find clarity in this time (I know its hard when you are feeling like shit and dealing with sickness) – clarity to know that nothing good will come from giving in. You are stronger than this addiction. Sending you healing vibes my friend – we can keep going strong :muscle: :heart: :hugs:
@tifflynn07 OH I love the universe :heart: - hope you enjoyed your treat – happy valentines day
@Chevy55 Thank you friend :hugs: much love right back to you :heart:

Checking in on Wednesday morning – Happy Valentines day friends :rose: :heart:
Not much to add - still feeling tired and worn. Going to stay in bed for a bit longer. the sun is shining and is giving me a warm cozy feeling which is lovely. Wishing everyone a wonderful day. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you so much for your uplifting response. I am really trying to lean in more to this community. Thank you!


Thank you so much for your response. I really want to lean more into this community. I have seen a therapist before. I was seeing one who specialized in sex addictions and particularly pornography for a few years. It got to a point where I had a really good length of sobriety and he told me he did not feel we needed to meet anymore going further. That was such a proud moment for me but now I feel like I am back at square 1 again. He was also really expensive so that motivated me a lot to be honest. But maybe a therapist who is less specialized and cost less, I could see myself going back to something like that. For me, I am so scared of disclosing these recent batches of acting out to my wife and if I get a therapist I feel like I would have to tell her why. I know fear is basically something I have to face and overcome but that is my obstacle right now.


Congratulations on your 2 years. It’s amazing. I still remember the days when every two you where anxious to relapse due to Friday is payday. Especially your day to day strength dealing with your son’s condition is unbelievable for me. I am sure you’ll find something meaningful for you for this special day :sunflower:


23 days weed free. I think this is the longest ive gone weed free in 5 years so far. Gonna buy a drug test later and see if i test negative yet. As soon as i test negative im signing up for cdl school. 2017 days alcohol free.


Checking in day 44. Feeling sad today. Need to work on loving myself more. So much to work on, it can seem overwhelming. This too shall pass. I’m glad I have this forum to share.


Way to go with your 44 days of sobriety :muscle:t4:

I know the emotions were scattered and intense during the beginning stages of my journey. Wishing you love as you give yourself some loving care and attention :hugs:. This too shall pass …you should be proud of yourself and thanks for sharing with us :people_hugging::heart:


Huge congratulations beautiful Dana :birthday::cherry_blossom:


I totally relate to sadness sometimes or needing to give myself more credit and love myself more… my Nanny always said “this too shall pass, my darling” so now it’s with me as a constant reminder.

It really does pass with time


I appreciate everyone being here…you guys help me so much. Its so helpful each day tp chdck in, though I havent had much energy to respond to others posts. I will be back, for now just doing what I gotta do & trying to jist keep my emptions in check.

At work today & its been a very busy day bit got some nice feedback from a guardian which makes me happy. These little guys are so sweet. Something I notice thpugh that is very interesting is how the kids who are good in a class of challenging children get overlooked. Id heard of it, the squeaky wheel gets the oil but id never seen it play out on this side of things i guess. Sooooo as much as I love the little rough housers & know they need more 1-1 attention I try to make sure I give energy to the ones who are always good & never cause issues. Really am enjoying this new chapter, pays like shit but im happy :slight_smile:

Also. A note on shit days. I have maybe said this somewhere before but i wanted to just share my experience again. I find that i know im in an alright place when the shit days arw just that. Some days, or for some reason and even if im not able to give myself perspective on those days, that i can reach out/vent and be here and just get through it. That they pass, each and every time they pass. And most days arent like that, but the funny thing about shit days is they can make you feel like theyve been going on forever. They dont, they wont and youll get through :slight_smile: Hang in there folks.

Ive put my beer down, now its time to put the resentment and anger down. Im working on it. Not easy with whats going on, but I need to for the sake of my health, heart and my beautiful family. Xo.


200w (1)

Checking in on day 200 alcohol free :smiling_face:
Still struggling with excessive sugar intake but sober still :wink:
Have a great sober and clean Valentine’s day everyone.

And congratulations on your 2 years milestone @Butterflymoonwoman . That’s amazing. Hope you’ve got some time to celebrate today :bouquet::balloon::bouquet:


Happy Valentine’s Day Anne :two_hearts:
200 days is phenomenal! Way to go with your sobriety streak :muscle:t4:. Keep it going strong


Way to go Anne. 200 is a fantastic achievement.

Well done! :+1:t2:


Woo hoooooo!!! Congrats to you!


You are a star and a guiding force for me here. Congrats on your two years Dana! I see your hard work and it is admirable. :clap:t3:🩷🩷🩷