Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

My MA buddy! Thanks, friend. We are doing it ODAAT!


Checking in at almost 1.5 days. I hate to celebrate so early, but itā€™s been one rough fā€™king week!

Have messaged my alcohol counsellor to make sure my appointment this week is still on, and picked up my prescription and did some shopping this morning.
Had to drag myself out of bed for my GP appointment - I think I slept more last night than I have in the last month.

Currently chomping down on some grapes and apples - very mundane! But much better than my usual can for breakfast.

Going to go for a walk later (if I can get off my lazy backside!) as I find it really helps me with my sleeping, then I have the task of making dinner - a novelty for me as I usually black out before I have the chance to make anything! Chicken stirfry or creamy spinach pasta, though? Tis the question!

Much love to you lovely lot.


Woo hoo! This is amazing, well done! You should be so proud of yourself x


Hey all, checking in on day 1332. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 36 AF :blush:


Checking in on day 32 AF

Yesterday I felt blah for the first time in some time. No energy to get moving. Perhaps the storm stressed me a bit, dunnoā€¦

We had a large front end loader come down around dinner and clear our lane as the drifts were too high for the plow to do a decent job. My wife gave him 6 beers from the beer fridge. Seems I have a fairly large collection in my bar that Iā€™m sure isnā€™t good to keep around. Iā€™ve literally got thousands of dollars sitting there and havenā€™t quite figured out what to do with it yet, though it doesnā€™t entice meā€¦. Well, yet anyway.

I am feeling grateful for all that I have this morning, so hopeful to get off my arse soon, fetch my truck from the shop, perhaps make a fruit salad for breakfast and hit the gym which I procrastinated about and did zero past 3 days though I had intention ofā€¦ much like I do today :roll_eyes:

Wishing you all a great day sigh


Checking in today. Trying to keep myself present. Just found out a friend of my husband has passed away. I didnā€™t know him well but itā€™s definitely made me feel uneasy. He was only a few years older than me, young kids big appetite for life and its just gone like that. Very surreal that itā€™s all gone in a flash. Checking in to try and remember to stay connected and grounded because we might not be here tomorrow.


Welcome welcome! This app is a great resource. I would recommend trying out different things and seeing what works for you. For me, a combination of checking in here daily (and there are threads with great resources for beginners), AA meetings (in person or zoom), quit lit (SO many great books and podcasts out there about sobriety), and daily meditation have been working well. I also suggest a daily routine, staying committed to your recovery program. Also, treat yourself with love and kindness. Try to eat healthy foodsā€¦ take it one day at a time :yellow_heart::yellow_heart: you are worth a sober life! Alcoholism is a disease and now that youā€™re here you can take steps to be free!!


41 days free of alcohol
35 days free of THC

Still here and still sober. I keep having anxiety spirals about my health but I know Iā€™ll feel better once i get to see the doctor on Friday. Not expecting a solution then but at least things will be moving forward. Have a couple of interviews this week so fingers crossed. I remember my reasons for being sober and Iā€™m excited to see what a sober life holds for me!

@Lotusflower so true, and Iā€™m grateful we donā€™t all have crappy days at the same time! :rofl::rofl:
@JazzyS thank you friend, just riding the waves of emotion :ocean: the emotion ocean!
@HolySquid congrats on 11 months!! :star2:


Congratulations on your 32 days Nick.
I remember so well when those blah days would hit me that first year. Somedays all I could do was walk the dog. And eat and lay around. Sat on my weight bench to see what would happen. Didnā€™t even feel like picking up a dumbbell. I wanted to. Just couldnā€™t. Sometimes it lasted a few days. All I thought was. I got to take care of the pets. Walk the dog. Hit the pillow sober. Iā€™d hang out here a lot and do nothing. Itā€™s like I lost a good friend. My booze. Never went anywhere without him. Itā€™s sad. Sad in so many ways.

And I had a pretty good stock of booze and wine in my wine room. It didnā€™t entice me either. I kept it around more than a year. Course my wife drinks. But not all that liquor. After about a year or so I dumped out all the old beers. Wouldnā€™t want to serve them to friends anyway. Then eventually after that got rid of the liquor. I donā€™t know why I kept it either.

Sorry Iā€™m a tad long winded. But I can relate so much to your beginnings. And I wanted to share that with ya. Keep up the ODAATs. We can do this.

Looking forward to more of your incredible photography.


Great job on the 11 Months there Squid.
Keep that shit up!


144 days af
I wanted to see the spectacle of Las Vegas, and I did. So. Much. Alcohol. Kind of depressing to me


Thanks so much for checking in Eric.

Sometimes I feel like my journey is so different than others. Iā€™m glad to know itā€™s not and Iā€™m just going through what others in my circumstances did.
I have zero to complain about in this life, and try never to do, but I appreciate you. :heart:


4.72 no cbd
203 no ciggs or vapes
272 no alcohol
73 no thc

Wife is being induced
We have been here since lastnight
Baby archer looks good inside moms belly
Ive never been happier i dont need cigg breaks


Day 37

I woke up thinking it was Wednesday so jokes on me ā€¦

I hope everyone has already been having or has a great TUESDAY :black_heart:


Omg i am sooooo happy for you and her! I hope all goes well!


Day 723
Had some really messed up dreams last night. Not even using related but wow, they were so absurd.
Just putting my son on the bus soon and then heading to the gym. Have a Dr appt today also about my knee (which of course isnt hurting anymore lol) and then off to the grocery store for a few things. So busy morning but will be relaxing in the afternoon. Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday! Much love :heart:


Good morning everyone! Today is going to be a low key day. Going to an AA meeting, then I have to stop at the grocery to get stuff to make chili for supper. It cooled off here today, not going to make it out oh the 40ā€™s.
Hope everyone has good day!:star2:


Checking in Day 29

Just thinking how crazy it is that I let my addiction to weed and nicotine control my life. I would smoke a bong with a tip of cigarette and weed and use it to numb myself from feeling anything too intense. It literally pretty much became my reason for living. Working from home, I started to smoke to help deal with any stress. If I ran out it was my reason for leaving the house (and sometimes not even cause I would get it delivered). I neglected a lot of my responsibilities and just became a shell of a person. Now trying to put myself back together but still beating myself up that I let it get so extreme and donā€™t really understand how I let it get to that point. Partly because I was being enabled and partly because I wanted to just disappear. Now that I donā€™t have that crutch Iā€™m finding it difficult to be present and mindful. I overthink, get distracted very easily, lack of focus. Just really disappointed in myself for ending up here. On the plus I am still sober and I guess I am proud of that but realizing I probably have a lot of personality defects to work through. Realizing Iā€™m the problem is a tough pill to swallow. Sorry for the rant just wanted to share how Iā€™m feeling.

Hope everyone else is finding strength today. Sending positive vibes :pray:t3::bouquet:


15 days weed free. 2009 days alcohol free. 4 days gamble free.